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1. 沿途景点很多。

2. 因为成都到兰州的路线经过了多个省份和地区,其中包括四川、陕西、甘肃等地,这些地区都有着各具特色的景点,如四川的峨眉山、九寨沟,陕西的华山、秦始皇兵马俑,甘肃的敦煌莫高窟、张掖丹霞地貌等等,这些景点都是非常值得一去的。

3. 此外,沿途还有很多美丽的自然风光和历史文化遗迹,如青海湖、黄河石林、凉州古城等等,可以让旅行者领略到不同的风土人情和文化底蕴。



1. 五彩丹霞(武都县):位于武都县西北部,是中国四大丹霞地貌之一。这里的山峰多姿多彩,色彩斑斓,景色壮丽,被誉为"东方彩云之南",是摄影爱好者和自然探索者的好去处。

2. 张家川风景名胜区(张家川回族自治县):这里有悬崖峭壁、绿水青山,是一个以自然风光和人文景观为主的旅游区。游客可在这里欣赏到奇特的地质景观、峡谷风光和瀑布,同时还可以了解到当地的回族文化。

3. 武威市博物馆(武威市):位于武威市中心,是一个展示甘肃历史文化的重要场所。博物馆内收藏有大量的历史文物和艺术品,包括丝绸之路上的文化遗产和甘肃地区的传统手工艺品。

4. 崆峒山风景名胜区(庄浪县):这里是中国道教名山之一,也是庄浪县最著名的景点。崆峒山有陡峭的山峰、清澈的溪流和茂密的森林,可以进行徒步旅行和登山活动,还可以参观到一些古代的道教建筑和禅修场所。

5. 白塔山风景名胜区(白银市):位于白银市的南郊,是一个集自然风光和文化古迹于一体的旅游区。这里有壮丽的山水景观,还有历史悠久的佛教文化遗址,其中最著名的是白塔寺,这座白色的佛塔是甘肃省的标志性建筑之一。










1. 沿途景点很多。

2. 因为成都到兰州的路线经过了多个省份和地区,其中包括四川、陕西、甘肃等地,这些地区都有着各具特色的景点,如四川的峨眉山、九寨沟,陕西的华山、秦始皇兵马俑,甘肃的敦煌莫高窟、张掖丹霞地貌等等,这些景点都是非常值得一去的。

3. 此外,沿途还有很多美丽的自然风光和历史文化遗迹,如青海湖、黄河石林、凉州古城等等,可以让旅行者领略到不同的风土人情和文化底蕴。





1. 太原:

- 晋祠:这是一座古老的祭祀晋国历代君王的祠堂,建于公元11世纪。您可以了解晋国历史和文化。

- 乔家大院:这是一座保存完好的传统北方富豪宅邸,具有浓厚的明清风格。您可以在这里体验中国传统建筑和生活方式。

2. 武乡:

- 壶口瀑布:位于黄河上游,壶口瀑布是中国最大的黄河瀑布之一。瀑布雄伟壮观,可以观赏到令人惊叹的自然景观。

3. 洪洞:

- 雁门关:这是中国古代重要的军事关隘之一,也是明长城的东起点。您可以了解古代军事防御体系和欣赏周围优美的山水景色。

4. 吕梁:

- 五台山:这是中国著名的佛教名山之一,有许多佛教寺庙和庙宇。您可以登山游览,感受宁静的佛教氛围和壮丽的自然风光。

5. 青岛:

- 栈桥:位于青岛市中心的栈桥是一个标志性建筑,也是青岛最著名的旅游景点之一。您可以在这里欣赏到美丽的海景和城市风景。

- 青岛啤酒博物馆:青岛是中国啤酒的发源地,博物馆介绍了啤酒的历史、制作过程等。您还可以品尝正宗的青岛啤酒。

6. 兰州:

- 白塔山:位于黄河畔的白塔山是兰州的地标之一,登上白塔可以俯瞰整个城市美景。

- 黄河风情带:这是一个以黄河为主题的公园,可以欣赏到黄河流经兰州时的壮丽景色。

- 兰州拉面:兰州拉面是当地特色美食,您可以品尝到正宗的牛肉面和手工拉面。



1. 最佳自驾路线推荐是通过G75兰海高速公路。

2. 这条路线是因为G75兰海高速公路是连接成都和兰州的主要高速公路,路况较好,行驶时间相对较短,且途经的景点和服务设施较为完善。

3. 如果想要延伸行程,可以在途中选择途经青海湖、张掖丹霞地质公园等景点,丰富行程内容。




























1. 敦煌莫高窟:位于甘肃省敦煌市,是中国四大石窟艺术宝库之一。莫高窟内保存有大量的壁画和彩塑,展现了唐代至元代间的佛教文化艺术。

2. 青海湖:位于青海省西宁市,是中国最大的内陆咸水湖。青海湖的水清澈见底,湖周的草原和雪山构成了美丽的自然风光。

3. 塔尔寺:位于青海省西宁市,是藏传佛教宗教文化中心之一。塔尔寺内保存有大量的佛教文化艺术和历史文物,是了解藏传佛教历史和文化的重要场所。

4. 帕米尔高原:位于新疆维吾尔自治区的边陲地带,是中国最美的高原之一。帕米尔高原的风景以雪山、草原、湖泊和河流为主,是户外探险和旅游的好去处。

5. 天山天池:位于新疆维吾尔自治区的塔城市,是中国天山山脉的典型代表。天山天池是一个高山湖泊,湖周的景色十分壮观,是旅游和登山的热门景点。



Does Chengdu travel on the way to Lanzhou tourist attraction strategy?

1.On the way the tourist attraction is very much.

2.Because Chengdu passed many province and area to the course of Lanzhou, include and other places of Sichuan, Shaanxi, Gansu Province among them, these areas are having the tourist attraction that has distinguishing feature each, be like channel of the hill of high mountain eyebrow of Sichuan, 9 stockaded village, tomb figure of military forces of emperor of the Mount Hua of Shaanxi, Qin Shi, glow landforms waits the Dunhuang Mo Gao hole of Gansu Province, Zhang Yedan a moment, these tourist attractions are worth to go very much.

3.In addition, the natural view that still has a lot of beauty on the way and historical culture are vestigial, like stone forest of Qinghai lake, Yellow River, cool city Gu Cheng is waited a moment, can let traveler appreciate different local customs and culture inside information.

Does fierce arrive Lanzhou on the way tourist attraction?

From fierce to Lanzhou on the way a few is worth excursive tourist attraction, it is below among them a few:

1.Multicoloured Dan Xia (fierce county) : Be located in fierce prefectural northwest ministry, it is one of landforms of 4 big red glow. The mountain peak much appearance here is colorful, glow, the scenery is gallant, those who be known as " Oriental pink clouds south " , it is the good place of photography lover and natural searcher.

2.Zhang Jiachuan scenery scenic spot area (autonomous county of Zhang Jiachuan the Hui nationality) : Here has green hill of cliff, green water, it is a travel area that gives priority to with natural scene and humanitarian landscape. The tourist can admire scene of peculiar geological landscape, gorge and chute here, return the culture of the Hui nationality that can know place at the same time.

3.Museum of fierce power city (Wu Wei city) : Be located in fierce power downtown, it is an important location that shows culture of Gansu Province history. Museum adduction hides many historical cultural relic and artwork, the traditional handicraft that includes the culture bequest on the Silk Road and Gansu Province area is tasted.

4.Scenery of Kong cave hill scenic spot area (Zhuang Lang county) : Here is one of hill of Chinese Taoism name, also be the tourist attraction with village billow the famousest county. Kong cave hill has abrupt mountain peak, clear brook and dense wood, can undertake hike and mountaineering activity, the Taoism building that still can see a few ancient time and buddhist construct a room.

5.Scenery of white tower hill scenic spot area (silver city) : Be located in silver city south outskirt, it is scene of nature of a collect and culture historic site the travel area at an organic whole. Here has magnificent landscape sight, still have the Buddhist culture relics with long history, among them the famousest is Bai Dasi, the tope of this white is one of mark sex buildings of the Gansu Province.

These tourist attractions have distinctive scenery and historical culture background, can let you keep good memory in the journey of Lanzhou in fierce. In piece ensure please before travel consult newest viatic information is mixed road condition circumstance, respect local custom and regulation. Wish you journey is happy!

Does Chengdu arrive cling to in travel on the way strategy?

08:0Chengdu classics became continous, continous at 0 o'clock high speed of wide, wide short for Shaanxi Province, high speed plays in Han Zhongna Zheng, lunch; By south Zheng county enters area of Guang Wushan scene (car Cheng 60km, make an appointment with 14:0Arrived at at 0 o'clock) ; Visit area of scene of garden of smooth mist mountain peach (strange beautiful landscape) , visit dragon to drive Dun of mountain villa of smoke cloud, peach blossom, gold, two bayou, day by sightseeing car sunrise of Ma Lian, fairy peak, Ba Shan, bully people by flaunting one's powerful connections, carp jumps simian cliff of dragon door, celestial being, too extremely river of clever temple of day hole, feeling, cold brook, dinner.

[the following day]

Accommodation is in park of forest of rice storehouse hill scene area guesthouse or farmhouse are happy

07:30 from Guang Wushan the town sets out, about 15 minutes arrive at doorway of area of scene of park of forest of rice storehouse hill, garden of sightseeing of zoology of dam of furnace of memorial hall of guerrilla of visiting Ba Shan, iron, visit area of situation of city of the reason that seek this world (red autumnal leaves views and admire an area) , visit Gu Guoshan, natural gallery (on foot wooden a plank road built along a cliff) , channel of dam of dragon form hill, size orchid, lunch; Visit blackbear channel, ski hill of city of the rare arboretum of precious of slippery careless field, temperate zone, reason that seek this world, censer, seek dinner of city of positive on purpose.

[the 3rd day]

08:0Set out from area of situation of city of the reason that seek this world at 0 o'clock, by size orchid channel comes Wei Jiaba (via Cheng of car of a hour) arrive at Chen Jiashan, enter area of scene of 18 months of pools by Chen Jiashan, hill of midway Youjiu horn (admire red autumnal leaves of 10 thousand just) , jade ink pad 18 months of pools (lunch) , reach Na Jiang town afternoon, return Chengdu via Na Jiang.

Does Chengdu arrive Lanzhou on the way what does the tourist attraction have?

1.On the way the tourist attraction is very much.

2.Because Chengdu passed many province and area to the course of Lanzhou, include and other places of Sichuan, Shaanxi, Gansu Province among them, these areas are having the tourist attraction that has distinguishing feature each, be like channel of the hill of high mountain eyebrow of Sichuan, 9 stockaded village, tomb figure of military forces of emperor of the Mount Hua of Shaanxi, Qin Shi, glow landforms waits the Dunhuang Mo Gao hole of Gansu Province, Zhang Yedan a moment, these tourist attractions are worth to go very much.

3.In addition, the natural view that still has a lot of beauty on the way and historical culture are vestigial, like stone forest of Qinghai lake, Yellow River, cool city Gu Cheng is waited a moment, can let traveler appreciate different local customs and culture inside information.

Does Chengdu travel on the way to Xi'an tourist attraction?

Chengdu can arrive first to Xi'an wide yuan visit Huang Ze temple and rock cave. Arrive again Chinese in, appreciate Chinese the scene of medieval city and visit Chinese culture involuntary discharge of urine is put. Return the risk that can experience Mount Hua to Mount Hua.

Does Shanxi travel on the way to Lanzhou strategy?

The tourist attraction that has a lot of beauty on the way to Lanzhou from Shanxi and abounded culture experience. It is the travel strategy of a few proposals below, include a few on the way tourist attraction, cate and recreational activities:


- advance ancestral temple: This is an old sacred advance state the ancestral temple of past dynasties emperor, build at the Christian era 11 centuries. You can know advance state the history and culture.

- tall home courtyard: This is one saves residence of in good condition traditional and northward plute, have case of strong bright cool breeze. You can learn Chinese tradition building and life style here.

2.Wu Xiang:

- crock mouth chute: Be located in Yellow River upper reaches, crock mouth chute is one of China's biggest Yellow River fall. Chute is grand and grand, can view and admire landscape of nature of exclamatory making a person.

3.Big hole:

- wild goose door shuts: This is one of martial pass with Chinese important ancient time, also be bright Great Wall east start. You can understand system of defense of archaic military affairs and appreciation all round beautiful landscape scenery.

4.Lv Liang:

- 5 hill: This is one of China's famous Buddhist name hill, have a lot of Buddhist temple and temple. You can mountaineer visit, experience halcyon Buddhist atmosphere and magnificent natural sight.


- landing stage: The landing stage that is located in Qingdao downtown is building of sex of a mark, also be one of travel tourist attractions with the famousest Qingdao. You can admire beautiful seascape and urban scenery here.

- Qingdao beer museum: Qingdao is the birthplace of Chinese beer, museum introduced the history of beer, process that make to wait. You still can sample authentic Qingdao beer.


- Bai Dashan: The Bai Dashan that is located in Yellow River bank is one of ground mark of Lanzhou, ascend white tower to be able to look down at whole town beautiful scenery.

- belt of Yellow River amorous feelings: This is a park that gives priority to a problem with the Yellow River, can admire the gallant scenery when Lanzhou of yellow river classics.

- Lanzhou plays a side: Lanzhou plays a side is local characteristic cate, you can taste the beef face with authentic savor and handiwork to play a side.

Besides above tourist attraction and cate, dorp of on the way natural scene, folk-custom and local characteristic are fastfood also be worth one explore. Hope these proposals are helped somewhat to your journey! If have other issue, seek advice at any time please. Wish you journey is happy!

Does Chengdu travel to Lanzhou optimal course?

1.Optimal driving a course to recommend oneself is to pass G75 Lanhai freeway.

2.Because G75 Lanhai freeway is the main highway of join Chengdu and Lanzhou,this course is, road condition is better, travel time is opposite shorter, and the tourist attraction of by way of and service facilities are relatively perfect.

3.If want outspread route, can choose the tourist attraction such as park of geology of lake of Qinghai of by way of, Zhang Yedan glow during transit, abound journey content.

In the meantime, plan ahead of schedule good journey, ensure during transit enough time rests with supply, in order to ensure the success of the journey.

Does Chengdu stop a site to by way of of Lanzhou motor-car edge?

The Lanzhou D764 of Chengdu, chengdu east, wide yuan, lanzhou.

Does Lanzhou travel on the way to Jinchang tourist attraction?

Lanzhou is as follows to the travel tourist attraction of Jin Changyan road:

Grotto of day ladder hill

The distance is 260 kilometers. Collect fees from Lanzhou north the station enters G30 to connect suddenly high speed, in Mongolian gazelle the town exports next high speed, to southwest direction travel about 21 kilometers arrive at terminus.

Piece assist, camel city relics

Camel city relics

The distance is 91 kilometers. Collect fees from Zhang Yexi the station enters G30 to connect suddenly high speed, collect fees in high table the high speed below the station, sail to westing along 312 nations line about 14 kilometers arrive at terminus.

Camel city relics, wine spring

Wine spring is municipal square

The distance is 122 kilometers. Sail to westing along 312 nations line about 7 kilometers, collect fees from Chinese parasol spring the station enters G30 to connect suddenly high speed, in wine spring exit plays high speed, xiang Na travel arrives at terminus.

Fine valley closes, city of melon city Chinese cynomorium, melon city Yu forest hole

City of melon city Chinese cynomorium

The distance is 352 kilometers. Close from fine valley collect fees the station enters G30 to connect suddenly high speed, collect fees in double tower the high speed below the station, along 312 nations line Xiang Na travel makes an appointment with 50 kilometers to arrive at relics of Chinese cynomorium city. Set out from Chinese cynomorium city, had sailed to westing Chinese cynomorium town makes an appointment with 30 kilometers to arrive at Yu forest hole to southwest travel.

Melon city Yu forest hole, Dunhuang

Melon city Yu forest hole

The distance is 167 kilometers. Cong Yulin hole sets out, northerly travel crosses Chinese cynomorium town northwest travel, from melon collect fees south the city the station enters high speed of G3011 Liu Ge, collect fees in Dunhuang the high speed below the station arrives at terminus.

Recommend on the way

Wuweileitaihan grave

Fierce power Bai Dasi

Lei Taihan grave (a land that Chinese travel indicates the horse steps flying swallow) , grotto of day ladder hill (originator of Chinese grotto art) , Bai Dasi (the history that Tibet brings into Chinese domain is witnessed) ,

Gu Cheng of black horse Zuo

Gu Cheng of black horse Zuo (the mystery that opens army group of last ancient Rome to disappear) , always park of prosperous north lake,

Does Lanzhou travel on the way to Urumqi tourist attraction?

Arrive from Lanzhou of Urumqi travel on the way the tourist attraction has a lot of, it is the tourist attraction that wh some of which is worth to recommend below:

1.Dunhuang Mo Gao hole: Be located in city of Dunhuang of the Gansu Province, it is one of treasure house of 4 big grotto art. Many mural and painted sculpture not are stored inside tall hole, showed Tang Dynasty to come yuan of Buddhist culture between era is artistic.

2.Qinghai lake: Be located in Qinghai to visit Xining town, it is China's biggest inland lagoon. The water of Qinghai lake is clear see an end, the prairie of lake week and snow mountain made beautiful natural scene.

3.Tower Er temple: Be located in Qinghai to visit Xining town, it is Cang Chuanfo teachs one of religious and cultural center. The tower stores many Buddhist culture art and historical cultural relic inside Er temple, it is the important place that knows Cang Chuanfo to teach the history and culture.

4.The Pamirs: Be located in the borderland region of the The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, it is one of China's most beautiful highland. The scenery of the the Pamirs with snow mountain, prairie, laky give priority to with the river, it is outdoors and expeditionary the good place with travel.

5.Pool of day mountain sky: Be located in the tower city of the The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, it is the typical delegate of mountain range of Chinese day mountain. Pool of day mountain sky is a high mountain laky, the scenery of lake week is very grand, it is the popular tourist attraction of travel and mountain-climbing.

Besides above tourist attraction, still have red glow landforms, elegant red landforms, noise made in coughing or vomiting Na Sihu tourist attraction that is worth to swim, hope to be helped somewhat to you.

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