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通州美食? 通州特色美食攻略?英文双语对照


通州美食? 通州特色美食攻略?英文双语对照










正场熏糕,江苏省南通市地方传统糕点名产,产自通州区正场镇, 距今已有近500年历史。正场熏糕用料考究,制作精细,它采用上等糯米、芝麻为主要原料,加入适量的白糖、素油、桂花和椒盐等材料,经过二十多道工序,最后微火熏制而成。它颜色浅黄,酥而不焦,脆而不散,糕成长方形片状,厚薄均匀,单片在自然光下有透明感,有一股扑鼻香气,令人望而生津。






正场熏糕,地方传统糕点名产,产自通州区正场镇, 距今已有近500年历史。正场熏糕用料考究,制作精细,它采用上等糯米、芝麻为主要原料,加入适量的白糖、素油、桂花和椒盐等材料,经过二十多道工序,最后微火熏制而成。







楼盘名称:通州万达广场 其他交通方式:从国贸出发,沿京通快速公路行驶至地铁通州北关站,进入新华西街路南即为项目。(所载信息仅供参考,最终以售楼处信息为准。)


您好,为您查询到通州华为销售门店地址, 通州万达华为体验店 北京市通州区新华西街万达广场金街101





         通州万达开门营业时间为:周一至周日 10:00-22:00,通州万达广场位于通州区核心地段北苑,总建筑面积60万平米,商业部分面积22万平方米!







One, the cate that tell a state?

Tell a state 3 treasure: Baked wheaten cake of candy of old suitable room or building the first treasure, xiaolou burns catfish the 2nd treasure, 10 thousand fermented bean curd the 3rd treasure.

The first treasure is candy baked wheaten cake, mug-up. Before candy baked wheaten cake is born at 380 years, father is southern, infant name is arranged greatly.

The 2nd treasure is Xiaolou burns catfish, meat dishes. Food taste of Xiaolou is retentive pretty good, crack oneself up is cook aunt of the old the Hui people that tell a state often jauntily the catfish that recommends Home Xiaolou with others.

The 3rd treasure is 10 thousand fermented bean curd, pickles. The pickles in northward special local product is the leading role that iron plays it seems that, the iron of Baoding is spherical the different after sauce spring is not old is pickles.

2, strategy of cate of the characteristic that tell a state?

1, Xi Ting cracker

Booth cracker is tradition of Jiangsu Nantong Xi Ting area on the west renown dot, only then v/arc be on the throne of Yu Qingchao smooth mood is earlier, already had hundred years history up to now. Booth cracker uses makings fastidious on the west, do manual work is careful, have crisp sweet sweet delicate and fragile, goluptious distinctive color.

2, fume cake

fume cake, jiangsu saves famous product of cake of tradition of Nantong city place, produce open state division oneself field town, be apart from already had nearly 500 years of histories today. fume cake to use makings fastidious, make careful, it uses classy polished glutinous rice, sesame seed to be main raw material, join the material such as right amount white sugar, vegetable oil, sweet-scented osmanthus and a condiment made of roast prickly ash and salt, through more than 20 working procedure, final low baking temperature is fumigated and into. Its color is light yellow, crisp and not anxious, fragile and do not come loose, cake becomes a rectangle piece shape, thickness is even, odd piece there is transparent feeling below natural light, have a tangy sweet smell, make the person looks and promote the secretion of saliva or body fluid.

3, cake of stone harbor basement

Basement cake is chiliad of city of Jiangsu province Nantong the cake of a kind of traditional characteristic of Gu Zhenshi harbor kind renown dot, it is traditional in season cakes and sweetmeats. Annual and clear and bright inside a month of around, cake of the basement on stone harbor market is retail, wholesale, everywhere is visible, if you travel to Shi Gang in those days, you can experience fishing bay aqueduct, also must not forget to sample additionally the gust of cake of stone harbor basement.

4, fish of white juice Zuo

Zuo fish fish of renown Bai Ji, grow kiss fim, breed is various, only the Yangtse River has 13 to plant downstream. The cooking skill of fish of white juice Zuo is given priority to with cooking food, taste belongs to salty little taste. Dish name white juice, avoid uses sauce, fish paragraph stripping and slicing, facilitating tasty. Xian Chao water, oily nevertheless, first wine stew, water is boiled after, the wine that become dish is sweet 4 excessive, delicate tastily.

3, tell a state second canal is cate recommended?

fume cake, famous product of local tradition cake, produce open state division oneself field town, be apart from already had nearly 500 years of histories today. fume cake to use makings fastidious, make careful, it uses classy polished glutinous rice, sesame seed to be main raw material, join the material such as right amount white sugar, vegetable oil, sweet-scented osmanthus and a condiment made of roast prickly ash and salt, through more than 20 working procedure, final low baking temperature is fumigated and into.

Its color is light yellow, crisp and not anxious, fragile and do not come loose, cake becomes a rectangle piece shape, thickness is even, odd piece there is transparent feeling below natural light, have a tangy sweet smell, make the person looks and promote the secretion of saliva or body fluid.

4, tell a state 10 thousand amount to a few annulus to belong to?

Tell a state 10 thousand amount to belong to 5 annulus road and 6 annulus road between.

The area that tell a state is located in Beijing southeast ministry, hang Dayun Heibei carries Beijing, be located in extension line of Beijing Chang'an Street east upright, of Beijing of the boreal start that is Beijing Hangzhou the Grant Canal, capital east gate.

North latitude of coordinate of geography of region of the trifling that tell a state 36 ′ reach 39 ° 02 ′ of 40 ° , 32 ′ of 116 ° reach the east longitude 56 ′ of 116 ° , the thing is wide 36.5 kilometre, north and south grows 48 kilometre, area 906 square kilometre, xi Linchao in relief area, go in for sth in a large scale area, north and arrange justice area border on, wet Bai He and Heibei are lain between to save county of autonomous county of the Hui nationality of 3 rivers city, big plant, sweet river to be linked together east, mix south have a common boundary of city of Langfang of province of clear division of Tianjin city military, Heibei.

5, tell a state 10 thousand amount to square to be in?

Building dish name: Tell a state 10 thousand amount to square means of other liaison man: From the country trade sets out, edge Beijing connects thruway travel to connect city north to close a station to the subway, enter new Hua Xijie the project is namely south the road. (what carry information to offer reference only, it is finally with selling office information accurate. )

6, 10 thousand does Da Hua tell a state for inn Beijing?

Hello, inquire a city China to be address of sale door inn for you, tell a state 10 thousand Da Hua connects state division new Hua Xijie to experience inn Beijing 10 thousand amount to square gold market 101

7, tell a state are the 10 thousand buildings that amount to much taller?

On November 22 morning, the theme is " life of credit of summit summit commerce opens act " tell a state 10 thousand amount to square 5A office building open grand ceremony holds old hall and house of true condition example. It is reported, tell a state 10 thousand amount to square 5A office building, 70-2000 makes the same score the space of stretch business affairs of rice, 130 meters of buildings are tall, dimensional feeling carries fast star step is big 10.8 meters admirable, elevator of 12 high speed, 3000 many cars, all show wind of atmosphere business affairs model.

Serve as a city 10 thousand those who amount to group of business affairs of square first class those who press an axis make, tell a state 10 thousand amount to square office building of A ridgepole throne with the deduction to business affairs figure, the ground mark wind that reveals deputy center of city of capital giving north model, attracted increasing come from this locality that tell a state and circumjacent region industry and investment objective group attention. Tell a state 10 thousand amount to square project to develop line of business of buy of company Beijing all places Liu Wei country elaborated vise general manager of limited company sale crisply to tell a state the 10 thousand ground mark areas that amount to square 5A office building advantage, the design of international 5A and make a standard, and investment value future is looked into.

8, tell a state 10 thousand when to amount to open the door?

       Tell a state 10 thousand amount to open the door business hours is: Zhou Yi comes weekday 10:00-22:00, tell a state 10 thousand amount to square to be located in Duan Beiyuan of ground of core of the area that tell a state, total floor area 600 thousand smooth rice, commercial share area 220 thousand square metre!

9, tell a state 10 thousand amount to around jockey freely?

Supermarket, electric equipment, subway periphery can stop.

10, tell a state 10 thousand amount to barbecue which are delicious?

Arrange of barbecue of Hei Niu of 9 cropland home

The environment in inn is good, the service is quite good also, visit comment area a person goes eating this meal to also can give 4 meat, I gave only, after was being carried with the clerk, inn grows to say you like where money to send again, added a kelp later. This rice sauce is the soul, mix the mouthfeel with sweet divide evenly my love. Drumstick meat meat is opposite for less (1/3 it is drumstick flesh, 2/3 it is Xianggu mushroom, seeming is all the time such) , this price can be accepted.

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