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内存卡怎样数据恢复? 内存卡数据恢复教程?英文双语对照


内存卡怎样数据恢复? 内存卡数据恢复教程?英文双语对照


要恢复内存卡的数据,可以按照以下步骤操作:1. 停止使用内存卡:一旦意识到数据丢失或删除,停止使用内存卡,尽量避免写入新的数据,以免覆盖原有数据。2. 使用数据恢复软件:有许多数据恢复软件可用于恢复内存卡数据,例如Recuva、EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard、PhotoRec等。这些软件可以通过扫描内存卡并找回已删除或丢失的文件。3. 连接内存卡:将内存卡插入计算机的读卡器或使用数据线连接内存卡到计算机。4. 运行数据恢复软件:启动选定的数据恢复软件,并选择内存卡作为扫描目标。5. 扫描内存卡:根据软件的指导,选择进行快速扫描或深度扫描。快速扫描大多情况下已经足够,在极少数情况下可能需要进行深度扫描。6. 恢复文件:扫描完成后,软件将会列出找到的可恢复文件。您可以预览文件,并选择恢复您需要的文件到指定的位置,尽量不要将文件恢复到原内存卡中。值得注意的是,不同的软件和内存卡类型可能会有特定的操作步骤,您可以参考软件的使用说明或在线教程进行操作。此外,如果内存卡受到物理损坏,如断裂或水损坏,数据恢复可能需要专业的数据恢复服务。









1运行软件点击恢复功能-运行嗨格式数据恢复大师,点击“U盘/内存卡恢复 ”功能。











第二步:在奇客数据恢复(易我数据恢复)中选择SD卡,然后点击上方工具栏中的 文件恢复 图标。


恢复内存卡数据的方法有以下几个步骤:1. 使用数据恢复软件:可以通过使用专业的数据恢复软件来恢复内存卡中的数据。这些软件可以扫描内存卡并找回被删除或丢失的文件。常见的数据恢复软件有Recuva、EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard等。2. 连接内存卡到电脑:将内存卡插入到电脑的内存卡读卡器或通过数据线连接到电脑上。3. 打开数据恢复软件:运行选择的数据恢复软件,并选择内存卡作为扫描目标。4. 扫描内存卡:软件会开始扫描内存卡,找回被删除或丢失的文件。扫描时间会根据内存卡的容量和文件数量而有所不同。5. 预览和恢复数据:扫描完成后,软件会列出可恢复的文件列表。你可以预览这些文件,并选择要恢复的文件进行保存。建议将恢复的文件保存到电脑硬盘或其他存储介质上,而不是直接保存到内存卡上,以免覆盖原有数据。需要注意的是,在进行内存卡数据恢复之前,应该停止使用该内存卡,以免新的数据写入导致原有数据被覆盖。此外,如果数据恢复软件无法找回所需的文件,可能需要寻求专业的数据恢复服务。





内存卡数据恢复方法三: 线下人工恢复







如果停止使用内存卡后,你可以尝试使用一些数据恢复软件来尝试恢复数据,如EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard、Recuva等等。这些软件可以帮助你找回一些之前删除的数据。但要注意,这些软件无法找回完全被覆盖的数据。







One, how does memory block data to restore?

Want to restore the data that memory blocks, can operate according to the following measure: 1. Disuse memory gets stuck: Once realize data,be lost or delete, disuse memory gets stuck, avoid to keep new data as far as possible, lest enclothe original data. 2. Service data restores software: A lot of data restore software to be able to be used at restoring memory to block data, for example Recuva, EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard, PhotoRec. These software can get stuck through scanning memory and seek a document that already was deleted or loses. 3. Join memory gets stuck: Get stuck memory those who insert the computer to read card implement or memory of join of service data line blocks the computer. 4. Moving data restores software: The data of the make choice of that start restores software, choose memory card to regard scanning as the target. 5. Scanning memory gets stuck: According to the guidance of software, the choice undertakes fast scanning or deepness scan. Fast scanning is big below much circumstance already enough, need possibly below few number circumstance to undertake deepness scans. 6. Restore a file: After scanning is finished, software will list the recoverable document that find. You can preview a file, the file that chooses to restore you to need arrives designation position, in restoring the file get stuck to former memory as far as possible. Notable is, different software and memory card type may have specific operation move, you can consult the service instruction of software or online tutorial undertake operating. In addition, if memory card is damaged by physics, if rupture or water attaint, data restores to may need professional data to restore a service.

2, does memory card data restore a tutorial?

Memory blocks data to restore to be able to pass professional data to restore software to come true. Above all, insert memory to get stuck and choose appropriate refreshment mode, if restore quickly or deepness scanning.

Next, await software to scan and list restored file, the choice needs resumptive document and save new position. Those who need an attention is, do not want to keep new data on memory card as far as possible, lest enclothe original data, the influence restores the effect.

3, how to restore memory to block data?

1, open application advocate interface, click " U dish / memory card restores " .

2, choose former filestore place, scanning file.

3, tick off those who choose need " memory blocks data " , click finally " restore " can. Consult only

4, does memory get stuck by accident how does cutout data restore?

1 moving software is clicked restore a function - move hey format data restores a Great Master, click " U dish / memory card restores " function.

Position of 2 choices former filestore begins to scan - the memory place that chooses original document next, had chosen click " begin to scan " .

3 choices file is clicked restore - the file that the choice after scanning is good should restore, click right of next horn " restore " .

Offer referenced thank only.

5, does data of camera memory card restore?

Measure 1: Block the memory of camera (Sd gets stuck) insert read card implement, join next computer. Open the data frog that has installed to restore an expert, register a page to be shut, can undertake free try out, avoid a mistake to buy;

Measure 2: Choice file type (proposal choice is all) with the position (before the camera memory with successful link gets stuck) , click begin fast [scanning] . Fast scanning ends, if do not have make uniform memory to block missing data, click [deepness scans] .

Measure 3: The 2nd times scanning ends, can be in the interface is left according to [type] , [method] , perhaps pass [choose implement] the photograph name that direct search stores card wants to restore. Find the picture that should restore, can open it to undertake previewing. Preview without by accident hind, pitch on wants resumptive picture, click [restore] .

6, does card data lose memory how to restore?

The data that we need major restores software -- data of strange settle or live in a strange place restores (easy my data restores) the data that will restore SD card to lose. Data of strange settle or live in a strange place restores (easy my data restores) the file restores a function to apply to from hard disk, outside buy hard disk, U dish, restore to already was deleted in all sorts of storage equipment such as card of fictitious disk, memory, RAID, missing or formatted file, also can use at restoring to lose data from primitive partition. Particular operation move is as follows:

The first pace: The data of strange settle or live in a strange place that download and runs newest version restores (easy my data restores) , SD card receives computer to go up repeatedly.

The 2nd pace: Restore in data of strange settle or live in a strange place (easy my data restores) be chosen choose SD gets stuck, the file in clicking column of upper part tool next restores icon.

7, how to restore memory to block data?

The method that restores memory to block data has the following move: 1. Service data restores software: Can restore memory to block medium data through using professional data to restore software. These software can get stuck with scanning memory and seek a document that be deleted or loses. Common data restores software to Recuva, EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard waits. 2. Join memory blocks computer: The memory card that inserts memory card computer reads card implement or go up to computer through data line join. 3. Open data to restore software: The data of moving choice restores software, choose memory card to regard scanning as the target. 4. Scanning memory gets stuck: Software can begin scanning memory card, seek a document that be deleted or loses. The capacity that sweep time can block according to memory and file amount and differ somewhat. 5. Preview and restore data: After scanning is finished, software will be listed recoverable file list. You can preview these files, the file that chooses to want to restore undertakes saving. The proposal saves resumptive file computer hard disk or other memory medium to go up, is not to save memory card to go up directly, lest enclothe original data. Those who need an attention is, before undertaking memory blocks data to restore, should this memory blocks disuse, lest new data is written into bring about original data coverture to build. In addition, if data restores software to cannot seek wants document, the likelihood needs to seek professional data to restore a service.

8, the data in how restoring memory to get stuck?

After awaiting scanning job to finish, block data feature according to memory, like file type / size find a document.

After finding, undertake ticking off choosing, click restore instantly, set data storage way, restore data other partition.

After restoring to finish, click examine, after checking data integrality, consider to transfer its again in getting stuck to original memory.

Law of compound of extensive of memory card data 3: The line falls to restore artificially

9, how did card data already enclothe memory to restore?

If the data of memory card has been enclothed, the difficulty that restores data will be very tall. Because enclothe data to mean original data to had been deleted, new data has been written and enclothed original data, make its become cannot restore.

But, you can try the following move:

1. disuse memory gets stuck

After the data coverture that discovers when you memory gets stuck is built, instantly this memory blocks disuse. Because continue to use memory card to be able to bring about data to continue to be enclothed, reduce the possibility that data renews thereby.

Service data restores 2. software

If disuse memory gets stuck hind, you can try to use a few data to restore software to try to restore data, if EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard, Recuva is waited a moment. These software can help you search a few before the data that delete. But want to notice, these software cannot seek the data that is enclothed completely.

3. seeks professional data to restore a service

If important data is enclothed, the data that can consider to seek major restores a service. These services can use advanced technology tool to restore data normally, but corresponding charge also is met very exalted. Need careful consideration.

Anyhow, if the data of memory card has been enclothed, the possibility that data renews can be reduced greatly, but you still can try to adopt a few measure to restore data.

10, does memory card data restore software is that good?

I get data easily to restore software with error, had held out those who use, each pace operation has clew and restore to lead very tall, I am used every time the success restores memory to block data.

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