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1. 《自然的法则》(The Laws of Nature) - 托马斯·约翰逊

2. 《大自然的声音》(The Sounds of Nature) - 马修·普里奇

3. 《大自然的解释》(The Explanation of Nature) - 阿尔贝·爱因斯坦

4. 《沉思自然》(Meditations on Nature) - 亨利·戴维·梭罗

5. 《大自然的奥秘》(The Mysteries of Nature) - 大卫·阿滕伯勒








郁郁葱葱,风风雨雨,苍苍茫茫, 层层叠叠,密密麻麻,轰轰隆隆,叽叽喳喳,叮叮当当,花花绿绿,悉悉率率,高高远远,层层迭迭,纷纷扬扬,影影绰绰,郁郁苍苍,飘飘洒洒,悠悠扬扬,林林总总,淅浙沥沥,叮叮咚咚,宛宛转转,曲曲折折,宽宽广广,噼噼啪啪,浩浩荡荡




大自然中有很多知识等待我们去发现。以下是一些例子:1. 物种多样性:大自然中存在各种各样的生物,包括动物、植物、微生物等。我们可以研究它们的分类、演化、行为和生态位等方面的知识。2. 动物行为:我们可以观察和研究动物的行为,包括求偶、繁殖、迁徙、捕食和社会行为等。3. 植物生长和繁殖:了解植物的生长过程、繁殖方式和适应环境的特点,可以帮助我们更好地保护和利用植物资源。4. 地理和地质:大自然的地理景观和地质构造提供了丰富的研究对象。我们可以研究地貌形成、地壳运动和地质历史等方面的知识。5. 气候和气象:通过观测天气现象、研究气候模式和变化趋势,我们可以深入了解气候系统和全球气候变化等。6. 生态系统:探索不同生态系统的结构和功能,了解生物之间的相互作用和能量流动,有助于我们保护生态环境和推动可持续发展。7. 自然资源:研究自然资源的分布、形成和利用方式,可以帮助我们制定合理的资源管理和保护策略。这只是世界上大自然中的一小部分知识,还有很多等待我们去发现和探索。





2、我们看到大山,就可以学到“ 山不在高,有仙则名”的崇高思想境界。













One, the knowledge that what nature has to concern plant weather?

What concern the knowledge of plant weather?

Ant of dripping of rain of underground of cloud of ethereal crochet hook moves anguine corridor heavy rain should come

2, what does knowledge of children nature science have?

1, bunny flaps with the leg the movement of the ground will pass information, flap with the hind leg the great majority of the ground is male hare, this is it conveys affective to doe a kind of means.

2, the biggest clever boy on the world is baboon, the smallest monkey is Rong of an old name for Japan.

3, the name with real " of " David's deer calls elk, it is the rare animal of our country

4, why can ice-cream risk energy of life?

Because there is lunt in outside air,ice-cream risks energy of life is, when coming up against very cold ice-cream, encounter cold surround into droplet with respect to liquefaction it is all round ice-cream, looking is ice-cream is in it seems that " risk energy of life " same.

5, why does helianthus always side with the sun?

The cauline ministry of helianthus contains a kind of wonderful plant to grow element. This kind grows element special be afraid of light. Encounter radial illuminate, it can go to the one side that be in a poor light, at the same time it returns stimulation to be in a poor light the cell of one side breeds quickly, so, what grow what compare Xiang Guang at the same time what be in a poor light at the same time is fast, make helianthus produced phototropism to bend.

6, why is cicada met exuvial?

The crust of cicada (outside skeletal) it is hard, cannot expand as the growth of cicada, when cicada grows to certain level, of cicada outside the growth that skeleton restricted cicada, cicada shucks off the skeleton outside former some, it is cicada slough.

7, how does the bee brew honey?

Bee first collect the flower that come sweet in the apiary that juice spits a sky, arrived in the evening, again sweet modulation undertakes in the sweet stomach that juice sucks him, spit again next come, swallow again, such take turns hesitates in speech, want to undertake 100 ~ 240 times, final ability leads to sweet honey.

8, why is star flickering?

We see the star sparkles, because the luminosity of star itself appears,this is not change, concern with atmospheric keep out however. Atmosphere is lain between between we and star, when starlight passes aerosphere, can be affected by atmospheric density and thickness. Atmosphere is not absolutely transparent, its diaphaneity is met according to density differ and produce change. So we see tiny spot in the ground through it, can see star is like the appearance that blinking.

9, why can the person yawn?

When we feel tired, a lot of carbon dioxide already produced inside body. When carbon dioxide is overmuch, must increase oxygen to balance the place inside body to need again. Because of the carbon dioxide of these remain, can affect the functional activity of our body, at this moment the response that the body can issue protection, hit a yawn then. Yawning is movement of a kind of deep breathing, it can let us than ever more engulf oxygen and eduction 2 aerification carbon, still achieve the effect that removes exhaustion.

3, what does have?

It is a few books about nature recommend below:

1." natural rule " (The Laws Of Nature) - Thoms Johnson

2." the sound of nature " (horse of The Sounds Of Nature) - repairs · Pu Liji

3." the explanation of nature " (· of shellfish of Er of A of The Explanation Of Nature) - Einstein

4." contemplative nature " (· of Henry of Meditations On Nature) - wears Wei Suoluo

5." the mystery of nature " (The Mysteries Of Nature) - defends · A Teng Baile greatly

This is one fraction only the book about nature, still a lot of other books also are worth to read.

4, nature knowledge story?

Female Wa filling day is a commendable natural story. Fokelore is in very long a long time ago, water god in all fair produced a big fight with igneous god Zhu Rong. Not post run down of Zhou Shan, will show a large deficit the day after tomorrow like that, ethereal water flows ceaselessly to the ground, female Wa discovers tellurian life lives in heat of water fire and water, then he collects the task just 10 come allowance, final discovery still has a large deficit on that sky, then he fills himself in that large deficit, final day also does not have cavity again, also rained no longer.

5, what does the sound of the language nature of nature have?

The sound of nature has: Frog: Quack quack; North wind: Breathe out; Bee: With a buzz buzz; Thunder: Rumble grand; Leaf: Rustle; Spring: Babble, babble; Birdie: Chirp; Running water: Clang clang, ; Horse's hoof: Da of Da Da Da; Rain: Bang of Pi Pi bang, wash rice drop of the sound of rain.

Nature is the nature that points to narrow sense. It is the corporeal world that distinguishs with human society photograph, exist with natural way and this material world is changing, namely the inorganic group that science place studies and organic bound. Nature is objective existence, the child itself that it is the mankind and other nature bilks the foundation with growing. Water, air, mountain range, river, microbial, plant, animal, earth, universe is waited a moment, the category at nature. Research nature includes maths, physics, chemical, biology, geographical wait for science to nature we should be held in the arms face it in order to protect with close state of mind. Nature was brought to the mankind a lot of make the mankind lives human good environment, protecting it is the home that protects him mankind.

6, the knowledge of nature Aabb type?

Lush and green, wind storm rain, grey is boundless and indistinct, layer cascade is folded, thickly dotted, banging rumble grand, chirp, bite dingdong is become, brightly colored, all all is led, high far, layer upon layer alternate, swirl, dimly, depressed grey, wave facile and graceful is aspersed, leisurely complacently, lin Lin always, wash rice drop of short for Zhejiang Province, bite babble Dong, wan Wan turns, labyrinthian, broad, pi Pi bang, vast and mighty

7, do you still know nature has those languages? What knowledge to include?

You see Na Feixiang's dragonfly, this is the language of nature: Dragonfly flies lowly, be about to rain a little while.

8, what knowledge is there to wait for us to discover in nature?

There are a lot of knowledges to await us to discover in nature. It is a few example below: 1. Species diversity: Various living things exist in nature, include animal, plant, microbial etc. The classification that we can study them, evolution, behavior and zoology the knowledge that waits for a respect. 2. Animal behavior: We can observe and study the behaviour of the animal, include courtship, breed, migrate, prey to wait with social behavior. 3. The plant grows and breed: Understanding floral grows the characteristic of process, progenitive means and acclimatization, can help we are protected better and use plant resource. 4. Geography and geology: The geographical landscape of nature and geological construction provided rich research boy or girl friend. We can study landforms is formed, the knowledge that the lithosphere moves to wait for a respect with geological history. 5. Climate and atmosphere: Carry current of mode of climate of observation weather phenomenon, research and change, we can understand climate system and global climate change to wait deep. 6. Ecosystem: Explore the structure of different ecosystem and function, know the interaction between biology and energy flow, conduce to us protecting modes of life and relation to their environment environment and drive can develop continuously. 7. Rich: Study rich distributing, form and use means, can help us formulate rational resource management and protective strategy. This is the one fraction knowledge in the nature on the world only, still a lot of await us to discover and be explored.

9, what knowledge did we acquire in nature?

Be born is examination room everywhere, life is classroom everywhere.

Nature is a big classroom, there are various knowledges over there.

1, we see the sea, can acquire " sea Na Baichuan, have Rong Naida " grand bosom.

2, we see big hill, can acquire " hill is absent tall, have name of celestial being criterion " great mind state.

3, we see brook, can acquire " do not accumulate brooklet, without in order to become Jiang He " study a method.

4, walk into nature when us, be equal to and philosopher is communicating. See that tree please! It is to teaching me " book move is dead, person move is vivid " life reason, it teachs me institutional innovation.

5, asking that small grass! That poem that it is teaching me Bai Juyi " wild baked wheaten cake is endless, spring breeze is blown be born again. " is life why such? Meet a setback when us, whether should mix small grass is same, where is ceaseless enterprising?

6, the high mountain that goes looking again in front, he is so abstruse, go throughall the vicissitudes of life, but never roaring, as stable as a mountain, it is like a philosopher, teach me to want to learn modesty!

10, the language that what nature there is?

Have: Swallow is low flying snake corridor, heavy rain comes before long.

What cultivate greatly is truncal how many circle represents large tree how many years old.

Dragonfly is low fly, fish jump out surface breathes, the specification will rain.

Alpenglow does not go out, afterglow travel a thousand li.

Spadger store up is fed should fall snow.

A side that the leaf grows densely is south.
