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广西非物质文化遗产? 广西非物质文化遗产标志?英文双语对照


广西非物质文化遗产? 广西非物质文化遗产标志?英文双语对照



2 Ⅰ-2 布洛陀 广西壮族自治区田阳县

23 Ⅰ-23 刘三姐歌谣 广西壮族自治区宜州市

59 Ⅱ-28 侗族大歌 广西壮族自治区柳州市、三江侗族自治县

63 Ⅱ-32 那坡壮族民歌 广西壮族自治区那坡县

181 Ⅳ-37 桂剧 广西壮族自治区

209 Ⅳ-65 桂南采茶戏 广西壮族自治区博白县

220 Ⅳ-76 彩调 广西壮族自治区

226 Ⅳ-82 壮剧 广西壮族自治区

370 Ⅷ-20 壮族织锦技艺 广西壮族自治区靖西县

380 Ⅷ-30 侗族木构建筑营造技艺 广西壮族自治区柳州市、三江侗族自治县

455 Ⅸ-7 京族哈节 广西壮族自治区东兴市

462 Ⅸ-14 瑶族盘王节 广西壮族自治区贺州市

463 Ⅸ-15 壮族蚂(虫字旁加另)节 广西壮族自治区河池市

464 Ⅸ-16 仫佬族依饭节 广西壮族自治区罗城仫佬族自治县

465 Ⅸ-17 毛南族肥套 广西壮族自治区环江毛 南族自治县

494 Ⅸ-46 壮族歌圩 广西壮族自治区南宁市

495 Ⅸ-47 苗族系列坡会群 广西壮族自治区融水苗族自治县

509 Ⅸ-61 壮族铜鼓习俗 广西壮族自治区河池市

515 Ⅸ-67 瑶族服饰 广西壮族自治区南丹县、贺州市


569 Ⅰ-82 壮族嘹歌 广西壮族自治区平果县

657 Ⅲ-60 瑶族长鼓舞 广西壮族自治区富川瑶族自治县

739 Ⅳ-138 邕剧 广西壮族自治区南宁市

780 Ⅴ-87 广西文场 广西壮族自治区桂林市

881 Ⅷ-98 陶器烧制技艺 广西壮族自治区钦州市

981 Ⅹ-74 宾阳炮龙节 广西壮族自治区宾阳县


61 Ⅱ-30 壮族三声部民歌 广西壮族自治区富川瑶族自治县

129 Ⅲ-26 田林瑶族铜鼓舞 广西壮族自治区田林县





钦州坭兴陶,国家级非物质文化遗产。与江苏宜兴紫砂陶、云南建水紫陶、四川荣昌陶器(荣昌区现为重庆市管辖,故“四川荣昌陶”改称“重庆荣昌陶”)一起被称为 “中国四大名陶”。




1Ⅰ-1 董永传说﹡ 运城市万荣县﹡

2 Ⅰ-2 民间传唱史诗《杨家将》 山西大学

3 Ⅰ-3 广武传说 朔州市山阴县

4 Ⅰ-4 赵氏孤儿传说 阳泉市盂县运城市新绛县

5 Ⅰ-5 万荣笑话 运城市万荣县

6 Ⅰ-6 司马光传说 运城市夏县

7 Ⅰ-7 牛郎织女传说 运城市永济市晋中市和顺县



序号 编号 项目名称 申报地区或单位

8 Ⅱ-1 左权开花调﹡ 晋中市左权县﹡

9 Ⅱ-2 河曲民歌﹡ 忻州市河曲县﹡

10 Ⅱ-3 五台山佛乐﹡ 忻州市五台县﹡

11 Ⅱ-4 晋南威风锣鼓﹡ 临汾市﹡

12 Ⅱ-5 绛州鼓乐﹡ 运城市新绛县﹡

13 Ⅱ-6 上党八音会﹡ 晋城市﹡长治市长治县、长子县

14 Ⅱ-7 文水鈲子﹡ 吕梁市文水县﹡

15 Ⅱ-8 太原锣鼓 太原市

16 Ⅱ-9 晋北鼓吹 忻州市忻府区、五台县大同市阳高县

17 Ⅱ-10 恒山道乐 大同市阳高县

18 Ⅱ-11 上党乐户班社 长治市

19 Ⅱ-12 临县大唢呐 吕梁市临县



序号 编号 项目名称 申报地区或单位

20 Ⅲ-1 狮舞(天塔狮舞)﹡ 临汾市襄汾县﹡

21 Ⅲ-2 走兽高跷﹡ 运城市稷山县﹡

22 Ⅲ-3 翼城花鼓﹡ 临汾市翼城县﹡

23 Ⅲ-4 临县伞头秧歌 吕梁市临县

24 Ⅲ-5 稷山高台花鼓 运城市稷山县

25 Ⅲ-6 踢鼓秧歌 朔州市

26 Ⅲ-7 平定武迓鼓 阳泉市平定县

27 Ⅲ-8 寿阳爱社 晋中市寿阳县

28 Ⅲ-9 汾阳地秧歌 吕梁市汾阳市

29 Ⅲ-10 朔州喜乐 朔州市

30 Ⅲ-11 背铁棍(抬阁、挠阁) 太原市清徐县晋中市祁县运城市万荣县忻州市代县

31 Ⅲ-12 原平凤秧歌 忻州市原平市

32 Ⅲ-13 榆社霸王鞭 晋中市榆社县

33 Ⅲ-14 武乡顶灯 长治市武乡县



序号 编号 项目名称 申报地区或单位

34 Ⅳ-1 晋剧﹡ 省文化厅﹡

35 Ⅳ-2 蒲州梆子﹡ 临汾市﹡运城市﹡

36 Ⅳ-3 北路梆子﹡ 忻州市﹡

37 Ⅳ-4 上党梆子﹡ 晋城市﹡长治市

38 Ⅳ-5 雁北耍孩儿﹡ 大同市﹡

39 Ⅳ-6 灵丘罗罗腔﹡ 大同市灵丘县﹡

40 Ⅳ-7 秧歌戏(朔州秧歌戏﹡、繁峙秧歌戏﹡、襄武秧歌、









1. 侗族上普龙山大祭典:位于柳江县,是侗族人民迎神祭龙的盛大祭典。

2. 百架木偶戏:来自团林镇的传统木偶戏表演,流传已经有两百多年的历史。

3. 敖细甫:是柳州市大埔镇附近布依族人民传统的舞蹈,以其独特的舞姿风格和戴面具的特色而著名。

4. 春龙节:来自右江区的民间传统节日,包括龙船竞渡、遶境等一系列庆祝活动。

5. 皂角舞:广西培育的皂角为舞者表演提供节奏,常见于桂林市和柳州市等地。














One, bequest of culture of material of wide West Africa?

Country of the Guangxi in directory of bequest of the first batch of immaterial culture:

2 Ⅰ - in relief county of cropland of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of Tuo of 2 cloth the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces

23 Ⅰ - city of 23 state of appropriate of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of ballad of Liu San elder sister

59 Ⅱ - autonomous county of the Dong nationality of city of Liuzhou of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of old song of 28 the Dong nationality, 3 rivers

63 Ⅱ - folk song of Chuang of 32 that slope the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region that slope county

181 Ⅳ - Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of 37 laurel drama

209 Ⅳ - white county of rich of tea play Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is collected south 65 laurel

220 Ⅳ - Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of 76 a local opera of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

226 Ⅳ - 82 strong drama Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

370 Ⅷ - county of Jing Xi of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of craft of 20 Chuang brocade

380 Ⅷ - building of compose of wood of 30 the Dong nationality builds autonomous county of the Dong nationality of city of Liuzhou of craft Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 3 rivers

455 Ⅸ - 7 the Jing nationality breath out section Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region east start city

462 Ⅸ - 14 the Yao nationality dish city of state of congratulate of Wang Jie Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

463 Ⅸ - 15 Chuang Ma (add by bug word additional) city of pool of river of section Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

464 Ⅸ - 16 the Mulam nationality depend on autonomous county of the Mulam nationality of Luo Cheng of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of meal red-letter day

465 Ⅸ - fertilizer of 17 Mao Na a group of things with common features cover river of annulus of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region autonomous county of Mao Na a group of things with common features

494 Ⅸ - city of Nanning of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of country fairdyke of 46 Chuang song

495 Ⅸ - slope of series of 47 Miao Zu is met autonomous counties of group of Miao Zu of water of be in harmony of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

509 Ⅸ - 61 Chuang timbal is consuetudinary city of pool of river of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

515 Ⅸ - city of state of county of the red austral Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of dress of 67 the Yao nationality, congratulate

It is below the 2nd batch:

569 Ⅰ - Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of song of 82 Chuang Liao makes the same score fruit county

657 Ⅲ - Fu Chuanyao of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of dance of a long drum of 60 the Yao nationality a group of things with common features autonomous county

739 Ⅳ - city of Nanning of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of drama of 138 another name for Nanning

780 Ⅴ - city of Guilin of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of field of 87 Guangxi article

881 Ⅷ - city of state of admire of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of craft of 98 crockery fire

981 Ⅹ - in relief county of guest of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of section of dragon of artillery piece of 74 guest this world

It is patulous directory is medium below:

61 Ⅱ - 30 Chuang folk song of 3 voice part Fu Chuanyao of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region a group of things with common features autonomous county

129 Ⅲ - copper of the Yao nationality invigorates 26 cropland forest county of Tian Lin of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

2, mark of bequest of culture of material of wide West Africa?

Zhuang brocade, use the elegant handicraft that cotton thread or silk thread are braided and becomes, design is vivid, the construction is strict, glow, be full of enthusiastic, optimistic nation style, reflected Chuang people the adore and lives to happiness pursuit to heaven and earth and yearning.

There already was broche craft early in Chinese generation Guangxi. But can call truly " bright and beautiful " textile appears at Song Dai. Main source distributings to wait for a county at Jing Xi, Xin Cheng, Bin Yang. The grain appearance of traditional continue to use basically has 2 Long Huzhu, answer grain, Shui Wen, Yun Wen, flowers, animal to wait 20 a variety of. Xin city Zhuang brocade once was the high-quality goods in Guangxi Zhuang brocade, display palace as advance of articles of tribute.

Ni allows a surname

Admire city Ni allows a surname, national level is immaterial culture bequest. With Jiangsu appropriate Xing Zi arenaceous contented, Yunnan builds crockery of prosperous of flourish of Shui Zitao, Sichuan (flourish prosperous area is Chongqing city now administer, reason " Sichuan Rong Changtao " change say " Chongqing Rong Changtao " ) be called together " 4 name contented of Chinese " .

3, encyclopedia of bequest of culture of material of Fujian West Africa?

Fujian on the west traditional culture is deep, department culture, She nationality culture, gules culture is raised to hand in photograph reflect south the Hakkas culture, Fujian, left the immaterial culture legacy with rich and colorful, bright characteristic, included traditional and folk literature, traditional music, traditional dancing, Thespian, quyi, traditional sports, entertainment and acrobatics, traditional art, traditional craft, traditional medicine, folk-custom to wait for 10 large categories

4, what does bequest of culture of material of hill West Africa have?

1 Ⅰ - 1 Dong Yongchuan says ﹡ carry town ﹡ of county of 10 thousand flourish

2 Ⅰ - 2 folk are passed sing epic " Yang Jiajiang " Shanxi university

3 Ⅰ - county of shade of hill of city of state of new moon of fokelore of 3 wide fierce

4 Ⅰ - county of new deep red of town of carry of county of jar of city of in relief spring of fokelore of 4 Zhao orphan

5 Ⅰ - city of carry of jest of 50 thousand flourish county of 10 thousand flourish

6 Ⅰ - county of summer of city of carry of fokelore of 6 minister light

7 Ⅰ - city of carry of fokelore of 7 cowboys Girl Weaver always the city in aid city advance and suitable county

Folk music

(add up to 12)

Name of project of serial number number declares area or unit

8 Ⅱ - 1 different advantageous position blossoms ﹡ of Zun Quan county of the city in the advance that move ﹡

9 Ⅱ - ﹡ of county of meander of city of state of Xin of ﹡ of 2 meander folk song

10 Ⅱ - ﹡ of 5 counties of city of state of Xin of 5 3 Shan Fole ﹡

11 Ⅱ - ﹡ of awe-inspiring gong and drum faces Fen city ﹡ south 4 advance

12 Ⅱ - ﹡ of county of new deep red of town of carry of ﹡ of strains of music accompanied by drumbeats of 5 crimson city

13 Ⅱ - 6 on 8 sound meet the party ﹡ of ﹡ Jincheng city is long treat a mayor to control county, cornstalk county

14 Ⅱ - Zuo of 7 article water child ﹡ of county of ﹡ Lv Liang Fuwen water

15 Ⅱ - city of Taiyuan of 8 Taiyuan gong and drum

16 Ⅱ - 9 advance north advertises this world of city of Great Harmony of 5 area of government office of Xin Zhou city Xin, counties tall county

17 Ⅱ - tall county of this world of city of Great Harmony of 10 constant Shan Daole

18 Ⅱ - 11 on the party is happy door class president orders city

19 Ⅱ - 12 face city of bridge of Lv of prefectural big suona horn to face a county

Folk dance

(add up to 14)

Name of project of serial number number declares area or unit

20 Ⅲ - 1 lion dance (dance of day tower lion) ﹡ faces ﹡ of county of Fen of Fen city assist

21 Ⅲ - ﹡ of county of hill of millet of city of carry of ﹡ of 2 beasts stilt

22 Ⅲ - ﹡ of flower-drum of 3 alas city faces ﹡ of county of city of Fen city ala

23 Ⅲ - city of bridge of Lv of yangko of head of the 4 umbrellas that face a county faces a county

24 Ⅲ - county of hill of millet of city of carry of flower-drum of high table of 5 millet hill

25 Ⅲ - 6 kick city of state of bosomy yangko new moon

26 Ⅲ - county of calm down of city of in relief spring of welcoming beat of fierce of 7 calm down

27 Ⅲ - in relief county of life of the town in advance of company of love of 8 birthday this world

28 Ⅲ - in relief city of Fen of city of bridge of Lv of yangko of 9 Fen in relief ground

29 Ⅲ - city of 10 new moon is fond of city of Le Shuo state

30 Ⅲ - rod of 11 backs iron (carry cabinet, flinch cabinet) city of carry of county of a surname of the city in advance of county of Taiyuan city clear Xu acting county of city of Xin Zhou of county of 10 thousand flourish

31 Ⅲ - city of 12 state of Xin of Yuan Pingfeng yangko make the same score city formerly

32 Ⅲ - a rattle stick used in folk dancing of 13 Yu company county of company of Yu of the city in advance

33 Ⅲ - dome light of 14 fierce countryside grows county of the Wu Xiang that order city


(add up to 20)

Name of project of serial number number declares area or unit

34 Ⅳ - ﹡ of hall of culture of province of ﹡ of 1 advance theatrical work

35 Ⅳ - ﹡ of watchman's clapper of 2 cattail city faces ﹡ of city of carry of Fen city ﹡

36 Ⅳ - city ﹡ of Xin Zhou of ﹡ of watchman's clapper of 3 north road

37 Ⅳ - 4 on ﹡ of city of Jincheng of ﹡ of party watchman's clapper is long order city

38 Ⅳ - north of 5 wild goose plays child ﹡ of city of ﹡ Great Harmony

39 Ⅳ - ﹡ of county of clever grave of city of Great Harmony of ﹡ of antrum of Luo Luo of 6 clever grave

40 Ⅳ - 7 yangko make fun of (yangko of fierce of ﹡ of ﹡ of play of yangko of new moon city, play of yangko of numerous stand erect, assist,

5, what does bequest of culture of material of Gansu West Africa have?

Have Gansu on the west Yun Yang board, Gansu on the west bacon, " yeast for making hard liquor of indigo level ground " the resource of immaterial culture bequest such as the craft of the brew craft that make, treatment of dangshen of the root of remembranous milk vetch that make, 100 careless coloring. Current, the county announces Gansu on the west the project that be not involuntary discharge of urine 10 kinds 58, among them provincial directory project 4, project of city class directory 32, project of prefectural class directory 22.

6, the enlightenment that learns bequest of culture of material of wide West Africa?

Be helpful for us understanding traditional culture, be helpful for raising self-confidence of culture consciousness culture, be helpful for accede and developing traditional culture

7, does song of ox of bequest of culture of material of wide West Africa make fun of?

Play of song of ox of immaterial culture bequest travels in Dou Jiazhai periphery, all with colloquialism of this locality earth (phylum of the language that belong to another name for Guangdong Province) sing, go cultured all the way, libretto is more cultured, implicative, music for voices in a Chinese opera is vivid, theatricalize, the masses that uses rich figure in great quantities changes a language to use an analogy, borrow era, be likened to, hyperbole, parallelism, homonymous wait for rhetorical method, have rich local color, suffer masses to love and from mouth to mouth.

8, what does project of protection of bequest of culture of material of wide West Africa have?

The project of protection of immaterial culture bequest of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is very rich and diversiform. The immaterial culture bequest that is a few Guangxi below protects project give a demonstration:

1.The Pu Longshan on the Dong nationality is big sacral: Be located in willow river county, it is people of the Dong nationality those who greet dragon of divine hold a memorial ceremony for is royal and sacral.

2.100 puppet show: Come from the traditional Punch and Judy show of round Lin Zhen, circulate the history that has had more than 200 years.

3.Ao Xifu: It is people of the Bouyei nationality's traditional near town of Liuzhou city big Bu dancing, famous with the characteristic of its distinctive dance appearance color and mask.

4.Chun Long section: Come from the civilian traditional festival of right river area, include a series of congratulatory activities such as condition of dragon boat boatrace, Zuo .

5.Black horn dance: Performance of the person that the black horn that Guangxi breeds is dance offers rhythm, common Yu Guilin city and Liuzhou city and other places.

Ask an attention, immaterial culture bequest protects this one fraction that is Guangxi the example of the project, still have project of a lot of other distinctive. If need to understand more project, the immaterial culture bequest that suggests you inquire Guangxi protects official website or relevant culture bequest protects the data of the orgnaization.

9, why to want bequest of culture of material of West Africa of inheritance short for Shaanxi Province?

Above all, immaterial culture bequest includes inheritance. Wait for craft of culture of folk literature, folk, folk namely all civilian traditional culture regard as a culture assembles, nuncupative, heart passes the person that need passes inheritance, ability of means of book collection Zuo transfers marrow another groups. Culture inheritance more is shirt-sleeve innovation, confluence is the trend of development, accumulate the result that is inheritance, innovation is the core of inheritance.

Next, outstanding traditional culture is badly in need of protecting. Local culture, people culture, local culture wait for these losing sight of to feel the general affairs that does not wear to have deep culture history value and intention, it is the mental money that is worth to withhold later generations research, study. To avoid to eradicate, they need us to be protected mainly more.

Finally, blame involuntary discharge of urine has more high price is worth decision criteria. The culture with did not regard folk-custom as important in the past is traditional, do not have a civilian culture to regard his culture bequest as, such idea is narrow, because it is of the fetch of the root of ethical culture, ethos, ethos this, u.N. emphasizes culture bequest protecting particularly in the convention of Educational, enough shows its value.

Beijing is not product of involuntary discharge of urine

How do protection and inheritance blame offer as a gift?

Above all, the foundation of the protection that be not involuntary discharge of urine is intellectual property. Compose builds person of the inheritance that be not involuntary discharge of urine and product to reveal, the product that be not involuntary discharge of urine sells terrace, register for platform reach real name the practitioner is not involuntary discharge of urine of attestation offers work intellectual property to register, protection, trade service,

Next, the key of the protection that be not involuntary discharge of urine is oneself hematopoiesis. The activation of industry of immaterial culture bequest, the key is being strengthened at wanting with the connection between person of inheritance of immaterial culture bequest, guide its and social masses to form benign and interactive, perfect oneself hematopoiesis function, ensure product of high quality immaterial culture bequest can last, efficient supply.

The 3rd, the purpose of the protection that be not involuntary discharge of urine is the assault fortified positions that take off deficient. Develop industry of immaterial culture bequest to be mixed except inheritance carry on besides, mainer purpose is taking off deficient assault fortified positions at aiding force China people. By the country or the branch publishs corresponding policy related article brigade, aid force to be not protection of involuntary discharge of urine and inheritance. Beijing cooperates with in the meantime immaterial culture bequest protects the city zone on the west center (Chinese blame involuntary discharge of urine sees Beijing, beijing blame involuntary discharge of urine looks on the west city, the city zone is model of model of protection of countrywide blame involuntary discharge of urine on the west) the key is developed " the advantage is driven " action, strengthen butt joint of output of experience communication, craft, channel to wait, help development of estate of bequest of local immaterial culture. Come true " fan out from point to area " , develop function of radiate of countrywide culture center, the local government that help strength takes off deficient assault fortified positions.

10, what is the waist drum that bring stuff immaterial culture bequest has Shaanxi?

Still 145 projects such as Xi'an strains of music accompanied by drumbeats include Shaanxi to save directory of bequest of the first batch of immaterial culture (the item that includes 24 to already included level of the first batch of states directory of immaterial culture bequest among them) , involve art of traditional and folk music, folk literature, folk dance, Thespian, quyi, athletics, folk, traditional manual craft, folk-custom to wait for 9 kinds big.
