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科技强国口号? 科技强国的文案?英文双语对照


科技强国口号? 科技强国的文案?英文双语对照





















1.美国 2.英国 3.法国 4.日本 5.德国 6.瑞典 7.荷兰 8.意大利 9.以色列 10.俄罗斯 11.加拿大 12.韩国 13.瑞士 14.丹麦 15.芬兰 16.中国 17.爱尔兰 18.奥地利 19.巴西 20.西班牙
















One, catchword of powerful nation of science and technology?

1, the strategy is burgeoning, go ahead of the rest of research and development; Group of science and technology, make power industry dream.

2, the wing that develops science, put the dream of flying science.

3, begin deep with " science and technology is promoted how, safe development " the activity of week of safe science and technology that gives priority to a problem!

4, coagulate the heart gets together force, grab get right on the job really, ensure week of activity of safe science and technology obtains concrete result!

5, develop activity of week of safe science and technology deep, advance progress of science and technology of mining area safe production!

6, pay attention to science and technology, create legend.

7, own innovation key spans the development that prop up leads future.

8, science and technology is promoted how, safety develops!

9, support science and technology progresses, stimulative safe production!

2, the article table of powerful nation of science and technology?

The development of science and technology just promoted human process, the development that is science and technology just makes the mankind is having this brand-new live goodly again. Review through the ages, is which take the place of the progress that values science and technology? Turn one's head goes, see 4 big creations, provide; of head of a huge legendary turtle to watch astronomy calendar alone, for it exclaim; sees Zhao city arch bridge, design essence clever; is peeped " detailed outline of a book on Chinese medicine " , circumferential rate is worth look up of; of east gigantic allusion, look into the distance from a high place of 7 decimal; the Silk Road, develop china of economic; Duan Qinghua, famous and abroad. Science and technology develops the way that is powerful nation, science and technology expands the first power that is progress of the Chinese nation.

3, logion of powerful nation of science and technology?

The strategy is burgeoning, go ahead of the rest of research and development; Group of science and technology, make power industry dream.

4, the content of powerful nation of science and technology?

"Science and technology promotes a nation, science and technology is powerful a country is strong. " the socialistic modernization power that builds beauty of a prosperous and strong and democratic civilized harmony, science and technology is perforative from beginning to end not exhaust motivation.

Of all ages, human history passed times of Stone Age, ironware, vapour times, electric steam age, the every time of science and technology changed to bring the change of world-shaking, brought economic progress, from " weather eye " sounding arrives " flood dragon dragon " explore sea, the science and technology of our country has gained very great success since reforming and opening. The progress of science and technology gives what the mankind brings the development that is economy, life or level rise and even the progress of whole society. Gaotie is born, communication becomes convenient between people, because science and technology innovates, the coal that the electric place that sends same wattage needs becomes little; Because of the innovation of science and technology, people used new energy resources to avoid cannot of second birth the sources of energy dried up; Because of the innovation of science and technology, heavenly palace is served aerospace one number; Because of the innovation of science and technology, goddess in the moon entered a month 2 numbers; Because of the innovation of science and technology, we accomplished a scholar not to go out, know the world thing; Because of the innovation of science and technology, we had more better, more comfortable, convenient life.

Science and technology allows a country, powerful nation of science and technology. The more hard dangerous and difficult road, can reflect scientific value more, epidemic situation is current, when the war is minatory, those who protect our mankind is science, it is achievement of science and technology; Live the more must, what can experience science more is necessary, live to production from basic necessities of life, nowhere cannot reflect scientific value. Arrive greatly a country, small to a person, cannot leave the force of science and technology. Science and technology, can let turn into impossibly likelihood, the person that can let need to help sees the hope of the life. The science and technology that looks at our China more and more develop!

5, seniority of powerful nation of world science and technology?

Force of science and technology basically is to show achievement of background science innovation and science and technology use 2 fields! The current situation of our country is application of science and technology it is to reach the designated position very, but background science research and innovation of science and technology are backward very! Now force of world science and technology 20 strong announce as follows:

1. United States 2. England 3. France 4. Japan 5. Germany 6. Sweden 7. Holand 8. Italy 9. Israel 10. Russia 11. Canada 12. Korea 13. Switzerland 14. Denmark 15. Finnish 16. China 17. Ireland 18. Austria 19. Brazil 20. Spain

6, the concept of powerful nation of science and technology?

Powerful nation of so-called science and technology is the nation that the overall science and technology that points to a country reachs world top level, it is the nation that the dominant action that relies on science and technology develops all fields such as economy, national defence, culture quickly.

The target that powerful nation of science and technology builds, be recently the ground of comprehensive strength be worthy of of science and technology ascends in the future at the world advanced country.

Korea development science and technology is not the old road that takes others, however the heart of the wisdom of the heart of the patriotic faithfulness of coruscate homeland scientist, native people and ethical self-esteem, span time realizes a leap.

7, the action of powerful nation of science and technology?

Action is development country science and technology, be helpful for walking along alive bound to expand forward position, be helpful for long-term can develop continuously.

8, how to understand power of science and technology?

Powerful nation of science and technology, science and technology is the first productivity, scientific research, development, innovate.

9, what is powerful nation of science and technology?

Powerful nation of science and technology relies on technology of core of science and technology, support to develop namely expand country, with get victory of science and technology, with science and technology occupational international market.

10, what does the science and technology of powerful nation of science and technology point to?

What the science and technology of powerful nation of science and technology points to is the science and technology of each domains, martial science and technology, biology science and technology, each domains such as spaceflight science and technology. It is national level no matter, still be us in daily life. The affecting us daily life with already deep science and technology, in economic society development is acting indispensable part. Since 21 centuries, science and technology, especially the flying development of IT of computer network technology, electron, make those costly luxury enter procurable machine, computer home of common common people, become the requisite that we live. Imagine, if do not have a mobile phone, how do we maintain connection follow one's inclinationsly with the family member; If do not have a network, we how with far chat in the friend of exotic an alien land by the ground; If do not have the TV technology of high-definition clear, how do we enjoy luxuriant Hollywood movie again? Of course, we also must admit, science and technology also is changing our way of life on certain level, changing our culture.

Have such value because of science and technology just about, our national leader also puts forward to develop science and technology energetically in a variety of circumstances. Our country obtained earth progress later in reforming and opening, entered powerful nation of science and technology forest. But, we still should realise, a lot of technologies of our country get developed country of be confined to. So, we should try best to catch up, try hard to catch up.

A when serve as current society, we should realize the value of science and technology not only, still should study science and technology hard, will arm with science and technology our brains, have devote scientific courage and determination, provide useful science and technology to develop the rich great mind of complete mankind. Want to have deep love for science, esteem is scientific!
