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1) 从起点向正西方向出发,沿蜀都大道行驶60米,右前方转弯进入蜀都大道

2) 沿蜀都大道行驶350米,直行进入少城路

3) 沿少城路行驶310米,过右侧的少城大厦约190米后,直行进入蜀都大道

4) 沿蜀都大道行驶1.7公里,过中医药大学至青羊正街立交桥,直行进入清江东路

5) 沿清江东路行驶590米,过右侧的成都市工业交通干部学校约80米后,进入蜀都大道

6) 沿蜀都大道行驶140米,过右侧的中开百货东门,直行进入清江东路

7) 沿清江东路行驶580米,过右侧的蓝谷商务楼约80米后,朝成温高架路/苏坡立交/青羊大道方向,稍向右转进入成温高架

8) 沿成温高架行驶3.1公里,朝成温邛高速方向,稍向右转进入苏坡立交

9) 沿苏坡立交行驶540米,直行进入苏坡西路

10) 沿苏坡西路行驶1.2公里,直行进入日月大道一段

11) 沿日月大道一段行驶1.5公里,直行进入日月大道二段

12) 沿日月大道二段行驶2.6公里,直行进入成温邛高速公路

13) 沿成温邛高速公路行驶70米,直行进入成温邛高速公路

14) 沿成温邛高速公路行驶60米,朝芙蓉大道/成灌/沪蓉/成南方向,稍向右转进入文家场立交

15) 沿文家场立交行驶820米,过文家场立交,直行进入成都绕城高速公路

16) 沿成都绕城高速公路行驶5.7公里,朝郫县/都江堰/西芯大道/羊犀立交方向,稍向右转进入犀浦镇立交桥













































1) 沿阳嘎中街行驶390米,过左侧的鹏程家电约100米后,右转进入崇唐巷

2) 沿崇唐巷行驶190米,在第1个出口,左前方转弯进入文化巷

3) 沿文化巷行驶220米,右转

4) 行驶90米,到达终点(在道路左侧)



Drive course: Whole journey makes an appointment with 415.6 kilometers

Start: The Chengdu City

Plan drives inside 1. the Chengdu City

1) sets out from direction of start Xiang Zhengxi, edge Sichuan highway travel 60 meters, west the front turns enter Sichuan highway

2) edge Sichuan highway travel 350 meters, straight travel enters little town district

Travel of district of 3) edge little town 310 meters, cross the little town large building on the right side of to make an appointment with 190 rice hind, straight travel enters Sichuan highway

4) edge Sichuan highway travel 1.7 kilometers, university of the medicine in passing comes crossroads of green Yang Zhengjie, straight travel enters clear Jiang Donglu

Travel of 5) edge clear Jiang Donglu 590 meters, cross the school of cadre of traffic of industry of the Chengdu City on the right side of to make an appointment with 80 rice hind, enter Sichuan highway

6) edge Sichuan highway travel 140 meters, over- on the right side of in open general merchandise east the door, straight travel enters clear Jiang Donglu

Travel of 7) edge clear Jiang Donglu 580 meters, cross the building of blue cereal business affairs on the right side of to make an appointment with 80 rice hind, chao Chengwen wears a road high / Su Po stands hand in / direction of Qing Yang highway, enter Wen Gao to wear sunwise a bit

8) edge wears travel into Wen Gao 3.1 kilometers, face becomes way of lukewarm Qiong high speed, enter Su Po to stand sunwise a bit hand in

9) stands along Su Po hand in travel 540 meters, straight travel enters Su Po on the west road

10) edge Su Po on the west road travel 1.2 kilometers, straight travel enters life highway a paragraph

Highway of 11) edge life a paragraph of travel 1.5 kilometers, straight travel enters life highway 2 paragraphs

Highway of 12) edge life 2 paragraphs of travel 2.6 kilometers, straight travel enters lukewarm Qiong freeway

13) edge becomes lukewarm Qiong freeway travel 70 meters, straight travel enters lukewarm Qiong freeway

14) edge becomes lukewarm Qiong freeway travel 60 meters, face lotus highway / into fill / Shanghai Chengdu / into south to, enter article home field to stand sunwise a bit hand in

Field of home of 15) edge article stands hand in travel 820 meters, cross article home field to stand hand in, straight travel enters Chengdu to circle a city freeway

16) edge Chengdu circles a city freeway travel 5.7 kilometers, face Pi county / Jiang Yan / on the west core highway / ovine Xi Li makes way, enter Xi Pu to press down crossroads sunwise a bit

2. presses down crossroads travel along Xi Pu 1.2 kilometers, guo Xipu presses down crossroads to make an appointment with 100 rice hind, straight travel enters fill freeway

3. edge becomes fill freeway travel 33.8 kilometers, get together too source flyover, toward direction of Dou Wen high speed, enter S9 sunwise a bit

Travel of 4. edge S9 1.1 kilometers, straight travel enters Dou Wen freeway

Travel of freeway of 5. edge Dou Wen 12.2 kilometers, straight travel enters violet level ground to spread channel

6. spreads channel travel along violet level ground 4.1 kilometers, straight travel enters Dou Wen freeway

Travel of freeway of 7. edge Dou Wen 21.9 kilometers, after connecting village big bridge to make an appointment with 2 kilometers too, straight travel enters blessing hall tunnel

Travel of channel of hall of 8. edge blessing 5.4 kilometers, cross blessing hall big bridge, straight travel enters Dou Wen freeway

Travel of freeway of 9. edge Dou Wen 26.3 kilometers, cross big bridge of mulberry level ground, straight travel enters Dou Wen freeway

Travel of freeway of 10. edge Dou Wen 320 meters, west the front turns enter G213

Travel of 11. edge G213 1.5 kilometers, west the front turns enter G213

Travel of 12. edge G213 90 meters, in the 3rd exit, enter G213

Travel of 13. edge G213 1.2 kilometers, straight travel enters phoenix city district

14. edge travel of phoenix city district 680 meters, straight travel enters G317

Travel of 15. edge G317 6.9 kilometers, straight travel enters tunnel of mulberry level ground

Travel of channel of level ground of 16. edge mulberry 510 meters, straight travel enters G317

Travel of 17. edge G317 22.9 kilometers, straight travel enters Xue city tunnel

Travel of channel of city of 18. edge Xue 2.4 kilometers, straight travel enters G317

Travel of 19. edge G317 5.7 kilometers, straight travel enters small Qi tunnel

Travel of channel of 20. edge small Qi 960 meters, straight travel enters G317

Travel of 21. edge G317 20 kilometers, advance to be all over the sky continuously astral channel

22. edge is all over the sky astral channel travel 560 meters, straight travel enters G317

Travel of 23. edge G317 860 meters, straight travel enters tunnel of golden gun cliff

Travel of channel of cliff of gun of 24. edge gold 440 meters, straight travel enters G317

Travel of 25. edge G317 1.2 kilometers, advance to imprint into continuously channel

26. imprints along channel travel 450 meters, straight travel enters G317

Travel of 27. edge G317 21.3 kilometers, too left Shi Gu not makes an appointment with 90 rice hind, straight travel enters hot spring grade

Travel of road of 28. edge hot spring 1 kilometers, straight travel enters G317

Travel of 29. edge G317 9.3 kilometers, straight travel enters hammock ground tunnel

Travel of channel of ground of 30. edge hammock 600 meters, straight travel enters G317

Travel of 31. edge G317 200 meters, straight travel enters hammock ground 2 channel

Ground of 32. edge hammock 2 channel travel 2.7 kilometers, straight travel enters G317

Travel of 33. edge G317 360 meters, cross 9 canopy big bridge to make an appointment with 160 rice hind, straight travel enters 9 canopy tunnel

34. edge travel of 9 canopy channel 980 meters, straight travel enters G317

Travel of 35. edge G317 310 meters, enter 2 canopy to left-hand rotation a bit 2 channel

36. edge 2 canopy 2 channel travel 2 kilometers, straight travel enters big bridge of 2 ancient brooks

37. edge travel of big bridge of 2 ancient brooks 90 meters, cross big bridge of 2 ancient brooks to make an appointment with 120 rice hind, straight travel enters tunnel of 2 ancient brooks

38. edge travel of channel of 2 ancient brooks 290 meters, straight travel enters G317

Travel of 39. edge G317 180 meters, straight travel enters 2 ancient brooks 2 channel

40. edge 2 ancient brooks 2 channel travel 420 meters, straight travel enters G317

Travel of 41. edge G317 38.2 kilometers, cross dam of left foot of a hill, straight travel enters tunnel of Chinese francolin hill

Travel of channel of hill of 42. edge partridge 4.5 kilometers, straight travel enters G317

Travel of 43. edge G317 136.2 kilometers, the road in entering luck to celebrate all right continuously

44. edge luck is celebrated in road travel 460 meters, too left Hui Minmin a group of things with common features shop, right-hand rotation enters this world in street

45. drives inside red former county plan

1) edge is in relief in street travel 390 meters, too left roc Cheng home appliance makes an appointment with 100 rice hind, right-hand rotation enters Chong Tang alley

2) edge esteems Tang Hanghang to sail 190 meters, in the 1st exit, left ahead turns enter culture alley

Travel of alley of 3) edge culture 220 meters, right-hand rotation

4) travel 90 meters, arrive at terminus (in road left)

Terminal: Red former county
