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1. 充分准备:重走长征路分为不同的路线和阶段,每个阶段的情况都不同。为了提升团队的成功率,提前做好充分的准备十分必要。团队成员可以在开始之前共同制定计划、确认路线和作战方案等。

2. 拆分任务:在游戏过程中,可以将团队分为不同的小组进行任务分工,负责不同的任务,以增加游戏的趣味性和挑战性。可以根据每个小组的优势和特点来进行合理的任务分工。

3. 加强沟通:游戏的每个阶段都需要队员之间进行紧密的合作和沟通,以确保任务的成功完成。团队成员可以通过交换信息、制定更好的游戏策略、及时的回应其他队员的需求等来加强沟通。

4. 加强协作能力:在游戏中,团队成员需要相互协作,在面对各种困难和挑战时互相支持,以确保任务的成功完成。可以通过协作游戏、分组竞技和团队共同完成任务等方式来加强协作能力。

5. 团队精神:重走长征路是一项长时间的体力消耗任务,要完成它需要团队成员的各种方面的支持和鼓励。团队成员可以互相激励,加强团队凝聚力。























江西瑞金是举世闻名的红色故都。1931年11月7日,中国共产党创建的第一个全国性红色政权--中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府在这里宣告成立;并把瑞 金定为首都,瑞金随之更名为“瑞京”,成为全国苏区的政治、经济、军事和文化的中心。中国共产党领导中央苏区广大军民,在以瑞金为中心的红土地上进行了长达三年的治国安民的伟大实践,为中华人民共和国的建立奠定了坚实的基础。瑞金因此在中共党史和中国革命史上留下了浓墨重彩的篇章。







One, walk along group of long march logic to establish game skill again?

Walk along group of long march logic to build game to be able to regard a kind of group as the activity of construction again, can rise trust each other between team member, synergic ability, communication ability. It is a few commonly used game skill below:

1.Prepare adequately: Walk along cent of long march road to be diverse line and phase again, the situation of every phase is different. To promote the successful rate of the group, had made sufficient preparation ahead of schedule very necessary. Group member can make a plan jointly before begin, affirm the course is mixed fight plan.

2.Fractionation task: In game process, can have group branch the task divides the work for different group, be in charge of different job, in order to increase the interest sex of game and challenge sex. Can undertake according to the advantage of every group and characteristic reasonable job divides the work.

3.Strengthen communicate: Every phase of game undertakes cooperate and be communicationed cheek by jowl between need team member, in order to ensure the success of the task is finished. Group member can carry trade the game strategy with be made information, better, seasonable demand that responds to other team member will strengthen communicate.

4.Enhance synergic ability: In game, group member needs mutual cooperation, support each other when facing all sorts of difficulty and challenge, in order to ensure the success of the task is finished. Can carry synergic game, in group athletics and group finish the means such as the task to enhance synergic ability jointly.

5.Group spirit: Weighing long march road is a long physical strength uses up the task, want to finish what it needs group member to support and be encouraged of all sorts of respects. Group member is OK and mutual incentive, strengthen group cohesive affinity.

Anyhow, should ensure in game the active collaboration between group member, enhance the effectiveness of the group, the division of labor that reflects a group, cooperation, use the synergic capacity such as time and resource, will win game victory.

2, take implied meaning of long march road again?

1, walk along long march road to will weigh long march road to give priority to a line with every ordinary people again, interview long march person personally by ordinary people, saw with one's own eyes discovers long march changes on the way newly, personal experience and the hardships that experience long march and bold and generous.

2, integral conception is clew with reviewing long march, pay close attention to long march on the way the life condition of area Everyman and life experience, show culture of local clime public feelings, folk and the people's livelihood and society to develop a condition, promote the development of the economy of gules revolution area and travel further through this activity.

3, the combination that through the society each industry public receives military content and ordinary people is participated in take long march route again, while whole society reviews this paragraph of history jointly, collective attention mankind takes drive the most naturally with ecru act vigorously, in carrying an activity, communicate each other and communicate, build for compose " harmonious society " make positive contribution.

3, take case of article of long march road again?

Each person is enjoying 1. to live happily, present motherland is prosperous really, take long march route again, know all hardship on long march!

The motherland with great 2. , of creation belong to really fact is not easy, take long march route again, let us recall one's suffering and think over the source of present happiness,

The life of everybody should face 3. actively, take long march route again, this is opposite a kind of elder to comfort namely, this also is a few comfort of pair of heart idea!

4, take subject of long march road again?

Volition of successive revolution ancestors, had taken the long march route of new era

5, the comprehension that takes long march route again?

Cannot comprehend the spirit of long march, what cannot feel the shock of snow mountain forever is beautiful, cannot cherish the heart that be thankful to experience, cannot give great rejoicing big Bei from sip of those increasingly run-down ancient battlefield top grade forever. Take long march route again, it is us the interior choice of contemporary Chinese, it is the mental date from with our admirable and traditional party, it is chance that we reveal ethos more.

6, take plan of activity of long march road again?

Weighing long march road is an activity that has historical sense, can pass the following plan to carry out:

Above all, decide start and terminus, create monument and mark on the way, so that participator understands historical setting.

Next, constituent participator undertakes pedestrian or ride row, imitate Red Army grows the difficult environment that ask for, enhance experience sense. In the meantime, arrange professional tourist guide to explain long march history, deepen the participator understanding to long march.

Finally, conduct commemorative activity, be like exhibition, speech and literary performance, in order to mark long march drive. Adopt these plan, can make participator personal experience the hardships of long march, inheritance and promote long march spirit.

7, walk along catchword of revolution of long march road again?

Be like " the political party that the Communist Party is the proletariat! " " the Communist Party is the leader with Chinese only revolution, support the Communist Party! " " support a Chinese Communist! Support produce young group in all! " " the army that we are the proletariat! " " the armament that the Red Army is him workers and peasants! " " the Red Army is to be a poor to look for a meal to have the army that looks for the garment to wear " " the Red Army is the army that helps dry person, go when the Red Army! " " the army that the Red Army is workers and peasants, masses of workers and peasants does not fear, do not want the hill on desert! " " the Red Army does not take masses a bit thing " " the Red Army man is common buy fair sell " " the Red Army is not hot husband.

8, walk along history of Ruijin of long march road to explain again?

The name of Ruijin only then at the Christian era 904 years, olden here teems with arenaceous gold, set pan field, gold enrages the meaning that is filled with the door for luck, friend name " Ruijin " .

Jiangxi Ruijin is world-famous gules onetime capital. On November 7, 1931, the first when the Chinese Communist founds national revolutionary regime - - China Soviet republic temporarily administration proclaims here hold water; Head Ruijin surely, ruijin subsequently more the name is " lucky Beijing " , become the throughout the country revive the center of the politics of the area, economy, military affairs and culture. In the center of Chinese Communist leader revive the area is vast the army and the people, the administer a country that had is as long as 3 years on the red land that is a center with Ruijin is installed civilian great practice, be People's Republic of China build laid solid foundation. Ruijin is in accordingly Shi Hezhong country left party of the Communist Party of China on revolutionary history the canto of thick Mo Chongcai.

9, does long march road go to revive again on the net the introduction?

Be about to know a highway, it is first surely history. Drive for development " 4 history " education enters a heart into the head, go deep to go solid, make fire of firewood of gules gene, revolution acting acting inheritance. 100 school relate party history story the activity abounds proceed with of party history resource from what with good school Shi Zhongyun contains, encourage teachers and students to adopt small video form, multidimensional tell about narrative of party history person and oneself to comprehend.

Cultural relic is cut, site visit, epistolary recite... college teachers and students seeks ancestors with different perspective people struggling contrail, span spatio-temporal with frequency in all affection, comprehend martyr people patriotic heart and patriotic annals, the heart at the beginning of the broil heat of worker of science of feeling older generation, teaching staff and good way.

10, take poster of banner of long march road again?

All ages of long march feat is fixed eyes upon, a thousand years of brilliance of Red Army spirit! Red army commander collects a means, create red paradise, develop Red Army drive, with Maotai red crossing, send Yanggong army spirit, rebuild good 10 thousand sources! Develop Red Army tradition, forging picked division. The Red Army crosses Maotai town, broomcorn of sauce sweet Gong Ying is mellow! Red Army 4 overshoot Maotai, the red wine that cross the United States is given army.

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