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想去南美洲旅游? 成都到泰国旅游?英文双语对照


想去南美洲旅游? 成都到泰国旅游?英文双语对照






南美洲特点: 多山,自然资源丰富,有很多旅游资源 矿产资源丰富,石头,绿宝石,铜矿,天然气,石油等 南美洲人特别热情好客,但是智商有点低,做事极度拖拉,喜欢到处说三道四 水果产量丰富,种类繁多,好吃又营养的牛油果就是那里的 印第安历史文化遗迹众多 其他暂时想不起来了,想到了再说吧 那要看你问你什么方面的了。




南美洲地形基本特征 南美洲地势西高东低,也可分为三大地形区:西部为高大山系,东部是广阔的冲积平原和波状起伏的高原(呈相间交错分布). 西部高大山系是科迪勒拉山系在南美的延伸部分,叫安第斯山脉.它是世界上最长的山脉,全长9000多千米,是环太平洋火山地震带的一部分. 东部有三大高原.





1 可以选择成都出发,经过拉萨到达西藏的旅游路线;

2 出发地点为成都,可以选择乘坐飞机或火车去往拉萨,然后再选择不同的线路前往西藏的各个景点;

3 西藏拥有众多美丽的景点,如布达拉宫、纳木错、珠峰等,可以根据实际时间和预算选择适合自己的旅游线路。



1. 交通方式:可以选择飞机、高铁或长途汽车等交通工具。目前,成都有直飞顺德的航班,也有前往顺德的高铁线路。您可以根据自己的时间和预算选择适合的交通方式。

2. 机票/高铁预订:如果选择飞机或高铁,建议提前预订机票或车票,以确保行程顺利。您可以通过航空公司官网、携程、去哪儿等平台进行预订。

3. 住宿安排:在顺德,您可以选择不同档次的酒店或民宿作为住宿。推荐在市中心或者景区附近预订酒店,以方便出行和游览景点。

4. 顺德特色美食:顺德是中国著名的美食之地,您可以品尝到众多正宗的广东菜和顺德美食。例如,流行的菜品有砂锅粥、顺德牛肉丸、虾爆鳝糊等。

5. 游览景点:顺德有许多旅游景点值得一游。其中著名的景点包括顺德清晖园、陈村太平天国遗址、大良镇等。您可以根据自己的兴趣选择合适的景点进行参观。

6. 当地文化体验:在顺德,您还可以体验当地的文化活动和传统手工艺品。例如,在顺德的古镇上漫步、参观传统工艺馆等。

7. 顺德购物:顺德是一个购物的好地方,您可以购买到各种特色商品和当地特产。而且,顺德还有一些大型商场和购物中心,提供多样化的购物选择。

8. 注意事项:在旅行过程中,请注意安全和个人财物的保管。还要尊重当地的风俗习惯,不干扰当地居民的生活。











1. 交通方式:

- 飞机:成都有多个机场,你可以选择搭乘飞往泉州的直达航班。飞行时间约为2小时左右。

- 火车:从成都到泉州可以搭乘火车,但由于距离较远,需要较长的时间。可选择乘坐高铁或普速列车。

2. 行程安排:

- 泉州古城:泉州是中国历史文化名城之一,在这里你可以参观古代建筑、寺庙和街巷,感受古城的魅力。

- 邵武世界岭南文化园:这里是以岭南文化为主题的综合性旅游景区,有丰富的文化展示和娱乐项目。

- 清源山:这是一座以自然风景和文化遗产为主题的山岳型风景名胜区,可以徒步、观光和游玩。

3. 美食推荐:

- 泉州米粉:泉州米粉是当地的特色美食,有多种做法和口味,非常值得尝试。

- 泉州海鲜:由于泉州靠海,所以当地的海鲜非常新鲜和美味,可以品尝各种海鲜料理。

4. 购物推荐:

- 泉州世茂文创城:这是一座集购物、美食、文创等多功能于一体的商业区,购物和休闲都很方便。

- 泉州世茂奥特莱斯:这是一个大型的奥特莱斯购物中心,可以购买到各种国际品牌的商品。



Want to go to South America travelling?

Go contrast of Argentine travel photograph is a few more expensive, and if following a group, be multilateral, have a plenty of Brazil + Argentine or Brazil, Peruvian, intellective, Argentine Shikoku, because the visa of these a few countries is not general, the visa that needs to handle these 4 nations respectively so ability is OK, I learn to be had been to with numerous letter travel together before, those who go is the group of South-American Shikoku, wherefrom edge played many days 20, the League membership dues that says at that time is like is 93000 much, took a lot of picture, look particularly good-looking ~

Does Chengdu travel to Thailand?

Epidemic situation ended, can go abroad again travelled, chengdu arrives the journey of Thailand is most the cheapest go abroad swim, basically travel agent has this stroke, if you have the word that this trechometer delimits to be able to go,each travel agent seek advice from contrast, seek the travel agent that one family letter has gotten, what give an ability to play so is happy

Feature of travel of South America area?

South America characteristic: Mountainous, rich is rich, have mineral products of resources of a lot of travel resourceful, stone, beryl, copper mine, natural gas, the South America person such as oil is particularly enthusiastic and hospitable, but intelligence quotient is a bit low, work exceeding and dilatory, like to make carding comments everywhere fruit crop is substantial, phyletic and various, delicious bovine oil of nutrition is the Yindian over there if really historical culture is vestigial and numerous other and temporary was unable to call to mind, thought of to say again that should see what you ask you what respect.

The travel feature of latin america?

Latin america landform is complex, mexico basically is a highland, call Mexico highland, central america is a mountainous area, the West Indies mostly with also be being given priority to with country, south America western Pacific Ocean is coastal towering aloft the Andes Mountains, a Lisi mountain range, to the south of river, campagna and downy alternate with. Self-abased and hard this matter. Aolinuoke Campagna. Chelonian, that yuan, yamaxun Campagna, brazilian highland, pull general to pull tower Campagna, badageniya is downy, latin america Pacific Ocean is coastal area and the West Indies are the main and volcanic shake belt on the world. As to according to statistic, fontal city has active volcano more than 90, occupy the 1/5 of world active volcano. Since having record account, the country of this region has produced violent temblor, reach the achievement in one's post with the largest jealousy on this age bound. The earthquake is the latin america of earthquake of 8 big miracles that developed in intelligence 1960 a few celebrated summits are volcanic awl likely, some still is in now eject.

Landforms of South America travel?

South America landform is basic Xi Gaodong of relief of diagnostic South America is low, can you also divide for: of area of 3 earths form? Zhao of Ji of Da class  relatively? the eastpart part is the highland that capacious alluvial Campagna and wave shape rise and fall (show distributinging) of alternate with crisscross. Lofty mountain system is mountain system is in Kedilela western outspread part of South America, call a the Andes Mountains. It is the longest mountain range on the world, full-length many meters 9000, it is the one part that shake of country of matches of annulus peace and tranquility takes. The eastpart part has 3 big highland.

Badageniya is Guyana highland, Brazil highland, downy. Brazilian highland is the highland with the largest area on the world. Because these highland are long via eroding, rise and fall gentle. 3 big Campagna have Aolinuoke from boreal Xiang Na Campagna, Yamaxun Campagna, Lapulada Campagna. Yamaxun Campagna is the alluvial Campagna with the largest area on the world, the area makes an appointment with kilometer of 5.6 million square, relief is low smooth, it is the selva area with the largest area on the world.

Does Chengdu travel to desert river special train?

Hello, arrive without nonstop Chengdu at present the travel special train of desert river. If you want to head for desert river from Chengdu, can consider to take a plane or Harbin is gone to before the train, turn to head for desert river by local vehicle again. Suggest you shift to an earlier date to arrange good route and book good ticket and room, lest appear,bother needlessly.

Does Chengdu travel to Tibet course?

1 can choose Chengdu to set out, reach travel line of Tibet through Lhasa;

2 places setting out are Chengdu, can choose to take plane or train to go to Lhasa, the route that chooses to differ again next heads for each tourist attractions of Tibet;

3 Tibet have the tourist attraction of numerous beauty, wait like fault of wood of the Potala Palace, accept, Mount Everest, can suit oneself travel circuitry according to actual time and budgetary choice.

Does Chengdu travel to suitable heart strategy?

Chengdu arrives suitable heart is a paragraph longer itinerary, it is the strategy that travels to suitable heart from Chengdu below:

1.Traffic means: Can choose the vehicle such as plane, Gao Tie or long-distance car. Current, chengdu has non-stop flight to to arrange the scheduled flight of heart, also have the tall iron line that heads for suitable heart. You can choose suitable traffic pattern according to your time and budget.

2.Airline ticket / Gao Tie books: If choose plane or tall iron, the proposal reserves airline ticket or ticket ahead of schedule, in order to ensure the distance is great. You can carry airline official network, carry Cheng, where to go to waiting for platform to undertake booking.

3.Accommodation arrangement: In suitable heart, the hotel that you can choose different class or civilian constellation serves as accommodation. Recommend in downtown the hotel perhaps is reserved near scene area, go out in order to go to the lavatory to go and visit a tourist attraction.

4.Arrange heart characteristic cate: Suitable heart is the ground of China's famous cate, you can taste the cate of Guangdong dish He Shunde with numerous and authentic savor. For example, popular dish is tasted bolus of beef of arenaceous boiler congee, suitable heart, shrimp explodes eel paste.

5.Visit a tourist attraction: Suitable heart has a lot of travel tourist attractions to be worth to swim. Among them famous tourist attraction includes to arrange De Qinghui town of relics of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.established by Hong Xiuquan during the Taiping Revolution. the largest of pleasant uprisings in China's history of garden, Chen Cun, old good people.

6.Local culture experiences: In suitable heart, you still can experience culture activity of place and traditional handicraft are tasted. For example, wait in house of craft of the ramble on the ancient town of suitable heart, visiting tradition.

7.Suitable heart shops: Suitable heart is a shopping good place, you can buy all sorts of characteristic commodity and local special local product. And, suitable heart still has a few large market and shopping center, offer the shopping alternative of diversification.

8.Note: In viatic process, what notice safety and individual property please is custodial. Respect custom habit of place even, the life of noninterference place dweller.

When making specific journey, you can be liked according to your interest and time arranges the route. In the meantime, relevant travel strategy and information can inquire before the journey, with understanding the open time of the local customs of suitable heart and travel tourist attraction better.

Wish you arrive in Chengdu of suitable heart itinerary in happy!

Does Chengdu travel to Er sea strategy?

Travel strategy line is as follows

1, whole journey kilometer counts 1300 kilometers left and right sides, chengdu - Xi Chang, kapok - Dali Er sea.

2, on the way tourist attraction: Ancient city of sea of Qiong sea, Er of 2 beaches hydroelectric station, Dali, Dali, double corridor.

3, car choice: General 1.4 quantities car can.

4, whole journey oil expends 1000 yuan or so.

Does Chengdu travel to fontal city strategy?

Chengdu is city of a of Chinese southwest important travel, and the city with a long history that fontal city is the Fujian Province, the distance between two ground is further, need has longer trip. Chengdu is below the travel strategy to fontal city:

1.Traffic means:

- plane: Chengdu has many airports, you can choose to take the nonstop scheduled flight that flies to fontal city. Flight time is controlled for 2 hours about.

- the train: To the spring from Chengdu the city can take the train, but because the distance is further, need longer time. Optional choose takes Gao Tie or general fast train.


- fontal state ancient city: Fontal city is one of famous cities of Chinese history culture, here you can visit archaic building, cloister and street alley, experience Gu Cheng's glamour.

- garden of the culture austral mountain of Shao fierce world: Here is the area of omnibus travel scene that gives priority to a problem with the culture austral mountain, rich culture is revealed with recreational project.

- Qing Yuanshan: This is a lofty mountains that gives priority to a problem with natural scenery and culture bequest scenery scenic spot area, OK and pedestrian, sightseeing and amuse oneself.

3.Cate recommends:

- fontal city ground rice: Fontal city ground rice is characteristic cate of place, have a variety of practices and taste, be worth to try very much.

- fontal city seafood: Because fontal city relies on the sea, local seafood is very so fresh and delicate, can sample all sorts of seafood arrange.

4.Shop recommend:

- Mao Wen of fontal state age starts a city: This is a collect shops, cate, article is achieved etc muti_function the shopping centre at an organic whole, shop and lie fallow very convenient.

- fontal state age luxuriant Aotelaisi: This is a large Aotelaisi shopping centers, can buy the goods of all sorts of international brands.

Besides the proposal of above, you are OK still undertake detailed scheduling according to his interest and time.

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