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1. 呼和浩特:内蒙古的省会,可以参观呼和浩特市区的景点,如大召寺、小召寺、阿尔泰游乐园等。

2. 呼伦贝尔草原:内蒙古最具代表性的草原之一,草原上有美丽的风景和独特的文化,可以体验马术、蒙古族文化等。

3. 阿尔山:位于内蒙古与新疆交界处,是一个风景优美的小镇,可以欣赏到阿尔山国家森林公园的秀丽景色。

4. 呼伦湖:是中国第三大淡水湖,也是内蒙古最具代表性的湖泊之一,可以观赏到湖上的不同季节的美景。









:K196 成都东开点:14:12到达车站:呼和浩特到点:15:14历时:25:02硬座:241:K998 成都开点:22:16到达车站:呼和浩特东到点:23:13历时:24:57硬座:241













有航线和航班从成都-呼和浩特每周周日、周一、周三、周五每日一班详细信息如下:11点10分 起飞: 成都(CTU) 燃油税: 100元 机建费: 5013点30分 降落: 呼和浩特(HET) 历时: 02时20分由:中国国际航空公司执行飞行票价:头等舱:2030元标准经济舱:1350元一班8折左右你也可以:1、买成都-西安-呼和浩特的联程2、买成都-北京-呼和浩特或者包头的量程价格和直飞差不多






























去韩国旅游价格1500元~3000元。根据出发城市,服务内容 1500元左右RMB ~几万元不等。一般 1500~3000元,4天3晚,5天4晚韩国旅游产品适中。







Does Chengdu travel to Inner Mongolia optimal course?

The answer is as follows: The optimal course that Chengdu travels to Inner Mongolia can consider the following tourist attractions:

1.Huhhot: The provincial capital of Inner Mongolia, can see the tourist attraction of Huhhot urban district, wait like amusement park of temple of temple of big call together, small call together, A Ertai.

2.Prairie of Hu Lunbei Er: Inner Mongolia has one of representative grasses most, there are beautiful scenery and distinctive culture on the prairie, can experience culture of horsemanship, the Monggol nationality to wait.

3.A Ershan: Be located in Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang boundary, it is the small town with a beautiful scenery, can enjoy the pretty picture of park of forest of country of A Er hill.

4.Hu Lun lake: It is China lake of the 3rd big fresh water, also be Inner Mongolia is provided most representative laky one of, can view and admire the beautiful scenery of the different season to the lake.

According to above tourist attraction, the Chengdu of the proposal is to course of Inner Mongolia travel:

The first day: By plane or the train arrives at Huhhot, visit the tourist attraction such as temple of temple of big call together, small call together.

The following day: Head for prairie of Hu Lunbei Er, enter horsemanship activity, sample cate of the Monggol nationality.

The 3rd day: Head for A Ershan to visit, the park of forest of A Ershan country with appreciation beautiful scenery.

The 4th day: Head for Hu Lun lake, admire laky beautiful scenery, row on experience lake wait for an activity.

The 5th day: Return Huhhot, the end travels.

Those who need an attention is, wide person of Inner Mongolia ground is rare, traffic inconvenience, the proposal plans ahead of schedule fine line and vehicle. Additional, the climate of Inner Mongolia is dry, notice filling water is protected please wet.

Does Chengdu arrive inside unconscious?

: K196 Chengdu east drive a point: 14:12 arrive at station: ? An ancient nationality in China of Wei bald shop falls?15:14 last a period of time: 25:02 hard: 241:K998 Chengdu drive a point: 22:16 arrive at station: ?  of Xin of Wei bald shop falls?23:13 last a period of time: 24:57 hard: 241

How much is Chengdu travelled to quote with round single person to Japan in April 2017 probably?

Wh whichever visits town, 4000-8000 of price of person of sheet following a group is more reasonable, over- of 10 thousand belong to the group with higher class, under of 4000 should take care, 5, the comparison that 6K controls is at ease

Does Chengdu quote to round circuitry of travel of channel of 9 stockaded village?

Chengdu goes with the group channel of 9 stockaded village swims 3 days charge is probably 380 yuan or so (price of guidance of Chinese processional company, contain fare, accommodation to expend expenses of 2 evening, food to wait)

General scheduling

The first day: ~ of area of scene of Chengdu ~ yellow dragon mouth of channel of 9 stockaded village (live channel of 9 stockaded village)

The following day: Beauty spot of channel of 9 stockaded village swims one day (live channel of 9 stockaded village or plain advocate temple)

The 3rd day: Channel of 9 stockaded village or plain advocate temple ~ Chengdu

Form a complete set serves: A whole journey is the tourist guide everybody explains on the way scenery

By way of: Jiang Yan, mirror and other places of plain of beautiful, short of Wenshui River, luxuriant county

Whole journey makes an appointment with: 500 kilometers (one-way) general bus car goes 8 ~ 10 hours

Chengdu arrives Neimengchi peak, plane?

Have course and flight number from Chengdu - Huhhot is weekly weekday, Zhou Yi, Zhou San, Zhou Wu is daily a detailed information is as follows: Took off 11:10: Chengdu (CTU) fuel tax: 100 yuan of machine propose fee: Descend 30 minutes 5013 bits: Huhhot (HET) last a period of time: 02 when 20 minutes by: China International airline implements flight admission fee: First-class stateroom cabin: Tourist class of 2030 yuan of standards: 1350 yuan 8 fold the left and right sides you are OK also: 1, buy Chengdu - Xi'an - the couplet Cheng of Huhhot 2, buy Chengdu - Beijing - Huhhot or the span price of Baotou and non-stop flight to are about the same

Does New Zealand travel quote?

A person two to 30 thousand, go up not to seal a top


Written application total cost is 1080 yuan of RMBs, the visa that includes 860 yuan among them applies for to expend the conduction poundage with 220 yuan, if need to return a passport through post means, need is additional 50 yuan post expends pay. Online application fee probably 600 multivariate RMB, service fee is 180 yuan of RMBs.


Exterior traffic

Go the traffic expenses of New Zealand is to hold heavier proportion, the airline ticket price of New Zealand is to go back and forth between 6000 RMBs to control (1100 button money) / the person rises, busy season when the price can rise 10 thousand much taller even.

In-house traffic

Rent a car

The car is being rented in New Zealand is more familiar traffic pattern, hire car charge to differ according to the model generally speaking smooth even season is 22 New Zealand yuan.


New Zealand by taxi car sex price is compared not tall, start valence is about 2.7 new yuan of one kilometer, average every kilometer wants 4.3 new yuan.

Sightseeing bus

The downtown of the Luotuoluwa of New Zealand can take sightseeing bus, generally speaking ticket period of efficacy is 48 hours, during this, can get off on random, the price is 30 New Zealand yuan.


In New Zealand travel people chooses motel mostly, price moderate, very clean and comfortable, the price of one evening is in room of a double bed 500 to 600 RMBs (120 button money) the left and right sides. If be the word that swims thoroughly, still can live the fluctuation like hostel of similar home youth spreads hotel, the price is in 100 RMBs (25 button money) the left and right sides.


The restaurant of roadside is general a simple meal each every about 50 RMBs (11 button money) what can eat is very pretty good, go hall of 8 classics Western-style food the measure according to Western-style food, eat authentic New Zealand complete set of luxurious Western-style food has next bearer all 250 RMBs are controlled (55 button money) .

Tourist attraction

The tourist attraction of New Zealand is very much, but also have many free tourist attractions among them, be in generally speaking the expenses of tourist attraction respect won't be very large, budget hundreds of can.


In New Zealand be to have more recreational activities, resembling is to take helicopter, take steam ball, parachute to wait, general parachute charge is in 200-500 New Zealand yuan.


New Zealand can say is a shopping heaven, product of industry of this old hand, wool products, milk products, open articles for use is the commodity that is worth to buy etc, the goods that buys according to place needs to cost probably hundreds of even thousands of yuan differ.


Collect fee not compulsively commonly, even if is in dining-room or bar also need not. If the tourist is enjoyed,do not pass additional special service or to express gratitude, can whether should write one's own ticket pay additional fee, it is the 5%-10% of Zhang sheet commonly.

Does black press down travel quote?

Need 700-1000 with the group or so yuan (the premium that does not contain special tourist attraction and shopping charge) , the word that oneself give to take a conduct a sightseeing tour all right is controlled about 2000 yuan (do not contain additional shopping cost) . Specific charge can be decided according to your oneself demand, if travel time length, whether be travel busy season, right hotel and the demand that give a way will decide.

Does Korea travel quote?

Go Korea travel price 1500 yuan of ~3000 yuan. Basis city setting out, service content controls RMB ~ 1500 yuan tens of thousands of yuan differ. General 1500~3000 yuan, 4 days of 3 evening, moderate of product of travel of 5 days of 4 late Korea.

Does travel bus quote?

Rent 3 buses car, in cling to car most be to one's profit. 3 buses hold 135 people, 1500 yuan; 1 in cling to hold 20 people, 280 yuan. Hire in all 1780 yuan.

Apparent, below the circumstance that holds coequal number, in cling to car beautiful money is much, so use bus car as far as possible. So 3 buses just hold below 135 people, the 20 people that leave are used of course in cling to.

Does Chengdu travel to Thailand?

Epidemic situation ended, can go abroad again travelled, chengdu arrives the journey of Thailand is most the cheapest go abroad swim, basically travel agent has this stroke, if you have the word that this trechometer delimits to be able to go,each travel agent seek advice from contrast, seek the travel agent that one family letter has gotten, what give an ability to play so is happy

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