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宠物防疫证办理流程? 宠物防疫证有效期多久?英文双语对照


宠物防疫证办理流程? 宠物防疫证有效期多久?英文双语对照



2.填写好《动物防疫合格证》申请表一式三份,连同所提供的材料一并送市农业局办证窗口。 当然,开宠物店也是离不开《公共场所卫生许可证》的,其办证程序: 1、领证的单位或个人需到所管辖的卫生监督机构(医院防疫科)领取卫生许可证申请审核登记表; 2、从业人员(包括临时工)必须进行健康检查; 3、发证单位派员进行现场审查验收、监测、符合卫生要求后发证。






第一条 为了规范动物防疫条件审查,有效预防控制动物疫病,维护公共卫生安全,根据《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》,制定本办法。

  第二条 动物饲养场、养殖小区、动物隔离场所、动物屠宰加工场所以及动物和动物产品无害化处理场所,应当符合本办法规定的动物防疫条件,并取得《动物防疫条件合格证》。


  第三条 农业部主管全国动物防疫条件审查和监督管理工作。



  第四条 动物防疫条件审查应当遵循公开、公正、公平、便民的原则。




2.填写好《动物防疫合格证》申请表一式三份,连同所提供的材料一并送市农业局办证窗口。 当然,开宠物店也是离不开《公共场所卫生许可证》的,其办证程序: 1、领证的单位或个人需到所管辖的卫生监督机构(医院防疫科)领取卫生许可证申请审核登记表; 2、从业人员(包括临时工)必须进行健康检查; 3、发证单位派员进行现场审查验收、监测、符合卫生要求后发证。








1 包装的准备:需要使用专用的塑料航空箱,平时家用铁制宠物笼均不合格。

2 检疫的准备:机场会要求你带着宠物去做检疫,检疫费20~30元。检疫证明要附在运单上。

3 时间上的准备:选择好航班后,至少要提前3小时到达机场,否则做完检疫,可能赶不上登机。要预计好等待时间和飞行时间,为宠物预备充足的水和食物,天气热,通风不好等,都会给宠物带来伤害。

4 运费:国内空运:平均9.2元/公斤(上海—北京)

5 旅行结束后:尽快持运单提货。如果你没有同时乘机,只让宠物自己单飞,飞机起飞后通知提货人运单号码(可传真运单),提货人要记住带身份证。再补充:你只要去机场,说要办理托运宠物,自然有人带你去办了。又不严格,去年我家小喜生的宝宝好几只都司空运出去的。










2.填写好《动物防疫合格证》申请表一式三份,连同所提供的材料一并送市农业局办证窗口。 当然,开宠物店也是离不开《公共场所卫生许可证》的,其办证程序: 1、领证的单位或个人需到所管辖的卫生监督机构(医院防疫科)领取卫生许可证申请审核登记表; 2、从业人员(包括临时工)必须进行健康检查; 3、发证单位派员进行现场审查验收、监测、符合卫生要求后发证。



2.填写好《动物防疫合格证》申请表一式三份,连同所提供的材料一并送市农业局办证窗口。 当然,开宠物店也是离不开《公共场所卫生许可证》的,其办证程序: 1、领证的单位或个人需到所管辖的卫生监督机构(医院防疫科)领取卫生许可证申请审核登记表; 2、从业人员(包括临时工)必须进行健康检查; 3、发证单位派员进行现场审查验收、监测、符合卫生要求后发证。


One, does card of pet epidemic prevention conduct technological process?

1. Applicant does quarantine of sanitation of animal of card window, city to control group of quarantine of place or each township to city agriculture bureau (veterinary station) get " certificate of approval of animal epidemic prevention " application form.

2. Had filled in " certificate of approval of animal epidemic prevention " application form one type triplet, the data that along with place provides sends city agriculture bureau to do card window along with all the others. Of course, opening pet store also is to cannot leave " public wholesome licence " , its run card program: 1, the unit that gets card or individual want place administer wholesome supervisory orgnaization (division of hospital epidemic prevention) registration form of examine and verify of application of license of the sanitation that get; 2, from personnel of course of study (include casual) must have checkup; 3, the member that the unit that send card is sent undertakes the spot examines check to close, monitor, accord with wholesome requirement late card.

2, period of efficacy of card of pet epidemic prevention how long?

1 year,

Period of efficacy a year, need prolate to answer at expiring 30 applied for to lengthen a few days ago. " certificate of approval of condition of animal epidemic prevention " period of efficacy: This evidence is long-term and significant, belong to lifelong make.

" certificate of approval of condition of animal epidemic prevention " it is unit and farm of individual open animal, breed village, animal to keep apart butcher of place, animal to process field and animal and animal product harmless the production that turns processing field runs an activity; Classics vet management department is examined, accord with animal epidemic disease precaution, control, put out after waiting for a condition to approve, requirement of sent animal epidemic prevention allows an evidence. Have register the licence name that put on record.

3, what is certificate of approval of pet epidemic prevention?

The first is examined for condition of normative animal epidemic prevention, effective precaution controls animal epidemic disease, defend communal and wholesome safety, basis " law of epidemic prevention of animal of People's Republic of China " , make this way.

Farm of the 2nd animal, breed village, animal to keep apart butcher of place, animal to process place and animal and animal product harmless change processing location, ought to accord with the requirement of animal epidemic prevention that this method sets, obtain " certificate of approval of condition of animal epidemic prevention " .

The condition of animal epidemic prevention that management animal and the market trade market that use content product ought to accord with this method to set.

Condition of epidemic prevention of animal of whole nation of director of the 3rd Ministry of Agriculture is examined and control administrative job.

Vet of government of people of place of prefectural class above is in charge of a branch to be in charge of this administration to the condition of animal epidemic prevention inside area is examined and supervise management to work.

Condition of epidemic prevention of the 4th animal is examined ought to abide by open, just, fairness, civilian principle.

4, does pet shop need epidemic prevention proof?


1. Applicant does quarantine of sanitation of animal of card window, city to control group of quarantine of place or each township to city agriculture bureau (veterinary station) get " certificate of approval of animal epidemic prevention " application form.

2. Had filled in " certificate of approval of animal epidemic prevention " application form one type triplet, the data that along with place provides sends city agriculture bureau to do card window along with all the others. Of course, opening pet store also is to cannot leave " public wholesome licence " , its run card program: 1, the unit that gets card or individual want place administer wholesome supervisory orgnaization (division of hospital epidemic prevention) registration form of examine and verify of application of license of the sanitation that get; 2, from personnel of course of study (include casual) must have checkup; 3, the member that the unit that send card is sent undertakes the spot examines check to close, monitor, accord with wholesome requirement late card.

5, law of pet epidemic prevention?

Above all, show without evidence the pet such as cat, dog can contract new coronal virus at present. The origin of virus of new-style coronal shape, intermediate host is ambiguous still, but do not suggest the animal of will unidentified origin, especially wild animal serves as bestow favor on next, "The officials that shovel excrement " the healthy circumstance of the OK and daily pet that monitor, decrease as far as possible go out frequency.

Next, when going out if conditional, can adorn to pet special mouth is covered, prevent its picking up as far as possible unidentified object. Clear in time of pet fecal, maintain an environment neat health.

Again, carry pet to go out after coming home, wipe with wet towel, the hair of clean pet, especially facial with claw.

Should bathe to pet regularly, the fixed cleanness of drive bug; , things that disinfects pet, for instance drawing rope, mouth is covered, the; such as feline arenaceous basin opens a window regularly ventilated, undertake alexipharmic to indoor environment appropriately.

6, how to handle the epidemic prevention card that consigns pet?

The animal is consigned require a note

The 1 preparation that pack: Need uses appropriative plastic aviation box, at ordinary times family expenses iron makes pet basket all unqualified.

The preparation of 2 quarantine: The airport can ask you are taking pet to do quarantine, quarantine expends 20~30 yuan. Quarantine proves to want to be added on carry sheet.

The preparation on 3 time: After selecting good flight number, want to shift to an earlier date 3 hours to reach the airport at least, finish otherwise quarantine, the likelihood cannot be caught up with board the plane. Want to predict good latency time and flight time, for the water with pet enough provision and food, to be warm, ventilated and bad to wait, can bring harm to pet.

4 freight: Home is airborne: Average 9.2 yuan / kilogram (Shanghai, Beijing)

After 5 journeys end: Hold carry only pick up the goods as soon as possible. If you did not seize the opportunity at the same time, let him pet only solo flight, odd numbers of fate of person of pick up the goods of the announcement after the plane takes off is piled up (can fax carry odd) , person of pick up the goods should remember carrying id card. Again compensatory: You should go to the airport only, say to want to deal with consign pet, natural somebody takes you to did. Lax case, the darling with unripe last year happy event of my wife and children manages several times airborne go out.

7, how is card of pet epidemic prevention gotten?

Get to branch of vet epidemic prevention.

It is conditional that pet is raised, especially the dog should undertake to public security mechanism information is registered put on record, in the meantime, want branch of animal vet epidemic prevention to accept vaccinal have an inoculation, do work of good animal epidemic prevention, ability can be raised normally, after vaccine is being made in branch of animal vet epidemic prevention, send check of an epidemic prevention to you, this card reminds you the next time vaccinal time and vaccinal vaccinal sort must ask to beg according to this go dealing with.

8, is that cat abandoned is there license of sanitation of condition of pet epidemic prevention?

Not be licence of sanitation of condition of pet epidemic prevention, should be the license of animal diagnosis and treatment that pet medical establishment issues.

After professional pet medical establishment is in charge of sectional attestation through vet administration, accord with a condition, can issue license of animal diagnosis and treatment, be in prominent place is pensile. When proposal citizen friend is helping pet search a doctor, the attention is examined " licence of animal diagnosis and treatment " aptitude, lest the make a diagnosis and give treatment of illness of pet of incur loss through delay.

9, do I want to know to do epidemic prevention card to need those procedure to pet?

Pet shop deals with epidemic prevention licence and wholesome licence to need certificate and measure:

1. Applicant does quarantine of sanitation of animal of card window, city to control group of quarantine of place or each township to city agriculture bureau (veterinary station) get " certificate of approval of animal epidemic prevention " application form.

2. Had filled in " certificate of approval of animal epidemic prevention " application form one type triplet, the data that along with place provides sends city agriculture bureau to do card window along with all the others. Of course, opening pet store also is to cannot leave " public wholesome licence " , its run card program: 1, the unit that gets card or individual want place administer wholesome supervisory orgnaization (division of hospital epidemic prevention) registration form of examine and verify of application of license of the sanitation that get; 2, from personnel of course of study (include casual) must have checkup; 3, the member that the unit that send card is sent undertakes the spot examines check to close, monitor, accord with wholesome requirement late card.

10, how does the epidemic prevention proof of pet leave?

1. Applicant does quarantine of sanitation of animal of card window, city to control group of quarantine of place or each township to city agriculture bureau (veterinary station) get " certificate of approval of animal epidemic prevention " application form.

2. Had filled in " certificate of approval of animal epidemic prevention " application form one type triplet, the data that along with place provides sends city agriculture bureau to do card window along with all the others. Of course, opening pet store also is to cannot leave " public wholesome licence " , its run card program: 1, the unit that gets card or individual want place administer wholesome supervisory orgnaization (division of hospital epidemic prevention) registration form of examine and verify of application of license of the sanitation that get; 2, from personnel of course of study (include casual) must have checkup; 3, the member that the unit that send card is sent undertakes the spot examines check to close, monitor, accord with wholesome requirement late card.
