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小学安全教育内容? 小学周末安全教育?英文双语对照


小学安全教育内容? 小学周末安全教育?英文双语对照














5、常见的灭火方法:用水灭火; 用东西盖住灭火;


























































One, does elementary school safety teach content?

1. transportation is safe: How does study traverse correctly driveway, how to take the vehicle such as bus and subway correctly, and how to adorn helmet, safety rides the traffic safety knowledge such as a bicycle correctly.

2. is on guard drown: Educational child understands the dangerous sex of water, the place that emphasizes attending to in nobody swims or paddle, once drop water in, how to save oneself wait for relevant knowledge.

3. is on guard fire: How does study use kindling material correctly, how to prevent calamity mixes fire to flee for his life correctly wait for concerned content.

4. network is safe: Educational child uses a network correctly, avoid to indulge network game, do not divulge individual information at will, and how should wait for relevant knowledge to network ride roughshod over.

5. ego protects: If why educational child protects him when danger, how to call the police for example, how to cry for help wait for relevant knowledge.

Pass the study of these safe education, can let children realize safe value, raise safe consciousness of the child, the ego that enhances the child protects consciousness and ability, ensure the safety of children thereby.

2, does safety teach elementary school on the weekend?

One, fire prevention is safe

1, do not regard match, lighter as toy, also do not burn a thing to play.

2, when burning mosquito-repellent incense, the attention does not stand by the combustible such as curtain, mosquito-curtain, sheet, lest night wind puffs when, make these combustible wave to go up to mosquito-repellent incense flame.

3, electric home appliances

4, do not put firecracker, encounter others to put firecracker to want to be far from, not picking up firecracker.

5, method of common put out a fire: With water put out a fire; Cover with the thing put out a fire;

With sanded put out a fire. Encounter pilot fire situation should flee for his life in time and cannot call the police.

2, the safety that use phone

1, need not the thing such as content of hand, metal or pencil core goes fiddling with to close, also do not insert them to socket Kong Li. Drink water or do not drink around socket when beverage, lest water or beverage are aspersed,insert Kong Li, cause electric equipment short circuit, catch fire.

2, when outdoors amuse oneself, want to be far from the place of equipment of high-pressured transmit electricity and distribution room and so on. Not be near the high tension line fly a kite, do not play near distribution room.

3, not be above electrical wiring build hang, air basks in clothings, lest produce risk.

4, discover somebody gets an electric shock, when the person that deliverance gets an electric shock, want dump above all. Before dump, must not pull the person that get an electric shock with the hand, otherwise deliverer also can get an electric shock. If cannot dump, deliverer should put on insulated rubber working shoes, or the electric insulation glove on the belt, or the station is on dry board, wait for the electrical wiring that goes carrying body of the person that get an electric shock to go up with dry club, bamboo pole.

5, encounter the person that get an electric shock to answer as soon as possible calls adult to handle, hit " 120 " emergency treatment phone, make cure inborn relieve a sick or injured person.

3, natant safety

1, swim should undertake inside the swim pool that has safe safeguard. Forbidden swim inside blame natant area.

2, join natant person must healthy, the fellow student that has following disease cannot attend swim: Heart disease, hypertensive, epileptic, serious arthritis.

3, pupil attends swim should accompany collective activity, guide by adult, cannot swim alone. Natant time shoulds not be too long, every 20-30 minute should to disembark have a break, the time that every time swims should not exceed 2 hours.

4, pupil is unfavorable swim in too cool water, if feel water is warm,differ with temperature bigger, answer to enter water slowly, the edge takes edge rub body, suit slowly.

5, systemic exercise should be done before entering the water, sufficient activity is articulatory, loosen muscle, lest enter the water the accident such as late unripe cramp, sprain.

6, encounter somebody to drown, should shout cry for help, call the police as early as possible.

3, is content of elementary school mental health brief?


Popularize mental health basic knowledge, establish mental health consciousness, the psychology with simple understanding adjusts method, understanding psychology is unusual phenomenon, and preliminary control common sense of psychological health care.


Intelligence trains, help a student build scientific knowledge to intellective essence namely, be aimed at intellective different composition, wait like attention, observation, memory and design different training activity to wait.


Study psychology is directive, help a student build scientific knowledge to learning mobile essence namely, education student forms motive of healthy and positive study attitude, study, train the study with student good nurturance to be used to, the study method that masters science.


Affection education, church student holds and express oneself mood feeling namely, the society is controlled effectively, adjust the inactive affection with reasonable him drain, experience and observe and the mood feeling that comprehend others, undertake the training of relevant skill.

4, does safety of elementary school classroom teach a method?

Combinative IT permeates safe education, the safe consciousness that elevates a student attends a meeting a class to let pupil system understand safe knowledge, master a few basic ability that save oneself to ask professional to have safe education to pupil, school of aggrandizement acknowledge home cooperates.

5, the concept that elementary school safety teachs?

Safety of alleged middle and primary school is taught even if point to the child to solve the ability of all sorts of safe problems, good safe education can let the child be below the case that helps without adult also can oneself had protected oneself.

The child is about to learn ego protection as a child, such ability are far from danger, enjoy the life well. Accordingly, parents and teacher are accountability teach darling a few necessary safe general knowledge with responsibility, and the way that handles dangerous sudden incident, good let the child be when it is dangerous to be faced alone, still have good state of mind and the capacity that maintain oneself.

6, how does education of elementary school safety give lessons?

The schoolteaching way that elementary school safety teachs is OK and integrated the following respects spread out:

Basis teaching material spreads out education. The teacher needs to analyse teaching material seriously, prepare relevant education content, consciousness of safety of the method that teachs him protection of student identifying danger zone, study for example, nurturance.

Combinative life example gives lessons. This kind of means can help a student understand to be nodded with memorial knowledge better. For example, the teacher can guide a student to pass observation textbook plate, the what behavior in discussing daily life is safe, what behavior is insecure, encourage them to think actively how to answer all sorts of hazardous conditions in the life.

The organization carries out an activity. The school can organize a student to undertake safety carries out an activity, for example fire control drilling, urgent and scattered drilling, let them learn how to protect them in practice.

Begin thematic class to meet. Begin the class that gives priority to a problem with safe education to meet regularly, discuss through collective, explain wait for a form, guide a student to take safe problem seriously, foster their safe consciousness.

The class that make. The teacher can use multimedia to make relevant tax, through the means such as image, sound, character dramatic image ground reveals safe knowledge and operation method, improve study interest of the student and result.

Assign task. The teacher can assign a few task related to safe education, if let a student design security of a family to check a watch, the critical factor that exists in listed home is searched solve method to wait.

Anyhow, elementary school safety teachs need teacher to be a foundation with heart of patient, attentive, responsibility, tie a variety of education kind, the safe consciousness that raises a student and ego protect ability.

7, does elementary school enrol mental health teacher?

Elementary school enrols mental health teacher. mental health school of enter a school of educational tax accept teachs education to plan, elementary school phase 4 grade and above, mental health of year of graduation of tall Central Africa teachs a course first every two weeks of not less than 1 class hour, high school graduates first grade should the psychology before specific aim arrangement is taken an examination of coachs, the educational content such as psychological decompression

8, interview of elementary school mental health how proceed with?

Interview of elementary school mental health is OK from proceed with of the following respects:

Understand interview technological process: Need to understand the flow of interview and requirement above all, include content of form of interview time, interview, interview to wait, so that prepare better.

Master the relevant knowledge of student mental health: The standard that needs to understand pupil mental health, common psychology problem and answer a method to wait, so that be in interview,can answer a question well and truly.

Have education designs and carry out ability: Need can be mixed according to actual condition of the student the characteristic of mental health course, devise appropriate education plan, can carry out effectively, in order to help knowledge of student control mental health.

Have good communication ability and constituent capacity: Need can undertake communicate and be harmonied effectively with each respect such as student, parent, work in the same placing, still need to have good constituent capacity at the same time, so that can develop mental health activity effectively.

Have group collaboration capacity: Need and colleague cooperate, begin mental health work jointly, because this needs to have group collaboration capacity, so that finish mental health job better.

Attention individual major grows: Need learns the knowledge of mental health respect and skill ceaselessly, attention individual major grows, raise oneself professional level ceaselessly, so that be a student better,serve.

Anyhow, interview of elementary school mental health needs to master relevant knowledge, have relevant technical ability, do not break study and the professional level that raise oneself, ability serves for the student better.

9, do 51 safety teach elementary school article table?

51 safety are taught one, the attention is prevented drown safe, be less than perilous waters amuse oneself, do not issue a river.

2, notice transportation is safe, do not sit violate compasses car not privately drives electric car, autocycle.

3, notice provision is safe, do not eat the food with unidentified antecedents 3 without the product.

4, notice fire prevention is safe, not fire of illicit for private use, do not carry kindling material.

10, is content of education of elementary school safety brief?

2, assembly: (Include broadcast to hold field of pass in and out to wait) 1, fluctuation stair keep to the side goes (playtime, fluctuate at ordinary times stair relies on right travel) , jing Qi is fast, do not run, not push-pull. 2, the team advances in if encounter a shoe to take off, bootlace comes loose when waiting for an accident to want to arrange, educational student needs break the ranks, wait for arrange the farewell after ending to put in a team 's charge. 3, classmaster of beard of assembly, gather, counsellor heads a group, leader of be on duty for the day, teacher maintains order, prevent jam of and other places of stair mouth, corridor.

3, playtime activity: 1, do not jump stair, do not jump downward from altitude, do not climb baluster, not slippery armrest, do not do the activity that has risk. 2, fluctuation stair does not run, the field that develops game of sports activity, playtime to want to widen (infield or playground) . Indoor activity is begun to want between the classmate proper, do not take scissors, pen, teach the hard article such as feet of club, triangle to make game. 3, on the toilet wants escape summit, old schoolmate should take care of young fellow student. 4, wet road is slippery should take care, do not push between the classmate.

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