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伊宁市美食排行? 伊宁市美食推荐?英文双语对照


伊宁市美食排行? 伊宁市美食推荐?英文双语对照



















他家就是偏日式的,推荐有个德式土豆泥,8块吧好像,三个大的土豆泥球,还有配好的生菜沙拉,其实小姑娘吃这个就能饱 = = 当然每次我必须配一个主食,意面或者蛋包饭。严重推荐他家的蛋包饭!!!蛋包饭!!!蛋包饭!!!超级超级超级大一份,20多块,每个口味都很好吃!!























One, seniority of cate of Yi Ning city?

Water hotpot

Fill sheep lung child

Fill hotpot bowel

The steamed stuffed bun that bake

The hotpot that bake is strung together

Play a brief informal note

Hoof of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad hot sheep

2, is cate of Yi Ning city recommended?

1, bean jelly: Bean jelly is plowed in Yi is gust of a kind of in a popular style fastfood, the method that make is simple, but very strict to the requirement of raw material.

2, equestrian intestines: Yi peaceful city is Xinjiang produces the place with the most sterling intestines of flesh aing kind of sweet grass, horse, chu Dong begins, kazakh home wants flesh of winter of equipment of butcher domestic animals, souse fumes dry live through the winter, fumigated fleshy fragrance is full-bodied, be able to bear or endure store up.

3, the hand catchs a meal: Catching a meal is Yi Ning's person on holidays, treat one of food with close the mainest friend. And catch a meal to also be divided sweet salty two kinds, sweet the meal basically is element meal, raw material is rice, egg, carrot, currant, earthnut. Salty meal is of course give priority to with the flesh, raw material is beef or and so on of hotpot, carrot, preserved apricot.

4, Mi Chang: Masses of the Uygur nationality can use flesh of flocks and herds to make phyletic and various gust provision not only, and still can with the sheep splanchnic make raw material, cook a Xianxiang unusual delicate come, bowel of rice of fill face lung, fill is a delegate.

5, card gas: Blocking gas is the beverage of special flavor of Xinjiang Yi peaceful city's peculiar a kind of Russia. This drink is made with hop and honey wine, wine precision is low, appetizing, drink much meeting

3, 6 astral street cate of Yi Ning city?

Cate of 6 stars street is very much, the famousest should be blue metope lung child

4, does individual of comfortable syncretic of Yi Ning city go eating cate?

Many what saddle Shanxi path eats this piece, in 109 middle schools (make extremely big attached middle school now or south of old attached middle school) inside opposite dweller building, one cries " Su Ge dining-room " inn. The boss is a not talktive relaxed elder brother, in inn before with respect to his person, other consult alone epicure. . Oh, everybody need not remember with concern, a beautiful girl is in now help, should be female ticket.

His home slants namely of day of type, recommend have a cover or daub with plaster of heart type potato, 8 seem, 3 big potato mud balls, still have the lettuce salad that has matched, actually the girl eats this with respect to can full = = of course every time I must distribute a staple food, meaning side or the egg gets or supply meals at a fixed rate. The egg that recommends his home badly gets or supply meals at a fixed rate! ! ! The egg gets or supply meals at a fixed rate! ! ! The egg gets or supply meals at a fixed rate! ! ! Super and super super big one, many 20, every taste is very delicious! !

5, is Yi Ning city beautiful?


The city flower of Yi peaceful city is tulip, polled by the citizen 2012 affirmatory.

Tulip is the vivacious herb that lily division tulip belongs to, provide bulb, foliaceous 3-5, strip wraps around needle form wraps around to egg shape acicular, beautiful Chan Duo is very unripe, large and gorgeous, florescence is long. Tulip settle Yi is peaceful 2009, classics citizen is voting and affirmatory 2012 the flower that it is city, yi peaceful city begins to hold tulip Cultural Festival every year from 2014, tulip already made calling card of a piece of of Yi Ning city important culture at present.

6, abbreviation of Yi Ning city?

Yi peaceful city is the metropolis of Yi Li city, gu Chenning of Yi peaceful city is far, only then built 1762, plow one of 9 cities for Qing Daiyi, approval of classics the State Council built city formally 1952, it is famous city of national history culture.

Yi peaceful city is the motherland western a garden city of borderland, was judged to be 2005 " city of Chinese first-class travel " . Her north leans on day of Shan Xuefeng, the Yi that Na Linyou goes to on the west like that plows a river, beauty is all around western the earth, - the plantation that hopes not to have the prairie of border and mystery. There are capacious highway and modern building already inside city group, have lane again in green shade the minority other people of running water, famouser scene area has Alamutuya hero of memorial hall of princess of Eden of seascape of amorous feelings garden, city, Chinese home, folk forest big bridge of river of Xu memorial hall, Yi Li, do obeisance to a graph to pull mosque, Yi Ning, and spread all over the snow mountain glacier all round, high mountain yurt of park of laky, forest, prairie, it is travel sightseeing, go vacationing recreational good place.

Yi peaceful city is the place of multiracial inhabit a region, every nationality people is culture custom interact, mutual in long-term collective life absorb, but retained bright and full-bodied nation trait severally again. The Bei Lun dance that the Yi of the Uygur nationality plows Sai Naimu, the Xibo nationality, Russia a group of things with common features the horse race of step dance, the Kazak nationality, hold sheep, girl to chase after and the A that has ethical sound charm agrees to sing and play, Yi Li Maixilaifu, for this northwest border town added boundless glamour.

Yi peaceful city is a thing the communications center of overland traffic, dominant position of ground predestined relationship is prominent, the condition that open to the outside world is advantageous, it is Xinjiang and whole nation to the principal commercial port that opens on the west. Be in early Chinese generation, already formed channel of an ancient silk, in be being communicated not only inferior each district and on the west inferior, also have South Asia of a lot of branch line connection and European each district, the Yi Ning on the history is a western Chinese flourishing commercial port. 1989 January, yi peaceful city is to open a city surely by the State Council, was decided to be edge edge to open a city further again 1992, create division of collaboration of economy of national level border land inside the urban district, make coruscate of town of military importance of commercial port of this one ancient silk gives new energy. The Yi nowadays is peaceful, the goods and materials that is Yi Li river valley communicates center and commodity distribution centre, it is fruit of join suddenly Er this the port, center city that helps tower port, wood plunge into Er spy port, it is the motherland western the city is opened by the side of the biggest edge.

7, landforms of Yi Ning city?

(1) relief east, south, north 3 tall, gradually to reduce on the west; Give priority to with country; Integral height above sea level is higher.

To climate influence: Yi Li river valley is to the horn form valley that open opens on the west, it is certain to have to west wind carry litre of action, form landform rain; Mountanious region is lofty, the perpendicular difference of air temperature is apparent.

(2) river valley landform is evener; 3 high mountains surround, west wind air current suffers country to carry litre, precipitation is rich; Height above sea level is higher, air temperature is inferior, evaporate weaker, climate is wetter; Have water of be in harmony of high mountain ice and snow (river) water is measured relatively abundant, much taller cold meadow, the careless field resource such as country prairie, have the advantageous requirement that expands stock raising production.

8, climate of Yi Ning city?

Yi peaceful city belongs to continental climate of the north temperate zone, the four seasons is trenchant, sunshine is enough, year all air temperature 10.5 ℃ , january most Leng Nianjun 12 ℃ , the hottest in July year all 22. 8 ℃ , year all fall 245.1 millimeter, frost-free period 190 days, year all sunshine 3080.8 hours, the natural environment light that has development characteristic agriculture heats up resource advantage. Winter urban district is general lukewarm ≤ of lowest of a particular year - 30 ℃ , altitude 1500 meters region belongs to 850 ~ inside warm belt (inversion layer) .

9, characteristic of Yi Ning city?

Illuminate enough, year all air temperature 10.5 ℃ , in January most Leng Nianjun 12 ℃ , the hottest in July year all 22. 8 ℃ , year all fall 245.1 millimeter, frost-free period 190 days, year all sunshine 3080.8 hours, the natural environment light that has development characteristic agriculture heats up resource advantage.

Winter urban district is general lukewarm ≤ of lowest of a particular year - 30 ℃ , altitude 1500 meters region belongs to 850 ~ inside warm belt (inversion layer) , among them with altitude 1200 meters low mountanious region takes 900 ~ the most apparent, average in January temperature is smoother place area is high 4 ℃ above, it is commonly at the beginning of November form, the first ten days of a month ended second year in March.

Spring air temperature rises fast, but not stable, as a result of cold air invade frequent, make ascendant temperature drops quickly again easily, fall

10, special local product of Yi Ning city?

Yi Ning Shi De Te Chan You Yi Li Jiu 、 Mo Hu Er Pu Tao 、 Ka La Bu La Ping Guo 、 Zhao Su Ma Ling Shu 、 Na La Ti Hei Feng Feng Mi 、 Zhao Su Da Suan 、 Xun Rou He Ma Chang Zi 、 Gong Liu He Tao 、 Huo Cheng Shu Shang Gan Xing 、 Huo Cheng Ying Tao Li . Among them the grape has Mohuer taste pure, pulp is tightened, Pi Hou, good store, easy carry wait for a characteristic.

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