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第一条 为促进长沙市旅游市场全面发展,鼓励各地旅行社积极组织游客来我市旅游,依据《中华人民共和国旅游法》第五条和市委、市政府《关于加快现代旅游业发展建设旅游强市的决定》有关规定,特制定本办法。

第二条 奖励对象为各地旅行社,自驾游协会有组织的自驾游活动适用本办法。

第三条 本办法所称的游客是指各类合法的旅行社通过组织外地游客团队来长沙旅游,本地游客在长旅游不适用本办法。

第四条 奖励资金从长沙市旅游发展专项资金列支,实行事后奖励。

第五条 本办法的奖励审核,是指在旅行社申报的核算周期内,比对测算点的接待情况进行审核,依据审核结果拨付奖励资金。

第六条 本办法的核算周期为每年的1月1日至12月31日。

第二章 测算点申报

第七条 实行公开申报原则。申报时间分两个时段,第一个时段为当年的12月1日—12月31日,第二个时段为次年的6月1日是—6月30日。

第八条 申报范围为长沙市旅游服务单位中的国家等级景区(点),特色旅游点(含文化旅游点、娱乐旅游点、休闲旅游点、体育旅游点、乡村旅游区点、工业旅游示范点和特色旅游街区等),旅游接待饭店,“长沙记忆”品牌购物点和旅游特色餐饮接待点等。

第九条 申报条件:国家等级景区(点)为正式授牌的国家2A级以上等级景区;特色旅游点、旅游接待饭店、“长沙记忆”品牌购物点和旅游特色餐饮接待点为市旅游局确认的并正式授牌的单位、宾馆饭店、旅游商品购物点和旅游餐饮接待场所。同时测算点须具备与旅行社方便结算的条件和方式。

第十条 申报程序





第十一条 对测算点实行动态管理,每年适时公布两批,对违规操作的测算点一经发现,取消测算点资格。

第三章 奖励标准

第十二条 “长沙记忆”品牌购物点和旅游接待饭店为2元/人次,特色旅游点、景区测算点和旅游特色餐饮接待点为1元/人次,最高不超过10元/人次。

 第十三条 以上各奖项,旅行团队须游览我市1个(含)以上景区(或长沙记忆)测算点。

第四章 奖励申报

第十四条 申报方式为在线申报,申请奖励的旅行社必须统一登陆长沙市旅游局的旅游地接信息系统进行数据和材料的报送。

第十五条 奖励申报程序:




第五章 审核结算

第十六条 实行分级审核。一是测算点进行一级审核确认,各测算点在地接信息系统中确认旅行社实际人数。二是市旅游局根据加盖“长沙市地接奖励测算点确认章”的旅行社《长沙市外地团队来长旅游电子行程单》和与测算点的电子确认凭证,进行数据的终审。

第十七条 实行半年结算,通过长沙市旅游地接信息系统,每年7月对上半年的情况进行汇总结算,兑现上半年奖励资金。次年1月,对下半年的情况进行汇总结算,兑现下半年奖励资金。

第十八条 实行实物比对抽查,市旅游局派员不定期对申报旅行社及测算点的情况进行抽查核实。

第六章 奖罚措施

第十九条 测算点和旅行社下列情形之一的,实行一票否决。





第二十条 奖励结果公示。奖励情况将在长沙市旅游网上公示7天。对公示结果有异议的相关企业和社会各界,可在公示期内向我局书面申诉或者举报。

第七章 附则

第二十一条 旅行社要安排专人,负责地接情况汇总及具体工作落实,按照相关规定整理好地接团队档案,接受市旅游局的核查。

第二十二条 接待测算点要安排专人,负责地接情况汇总及具体工作落实;全面清点旅行社地接的游客人数,并在旅行社行程单上加盖“长沙市地接奖励测算点确认章”;核实旅游团队行程单,建立本测算点旅游团队游客接待台帐;

第二十三条 本办法由长沙市旅游局负责解释。

第二十四条 本办法自公布之日起施行。


The first develops in the round to promote market of travel of the Changsha City, encourage each district travel agent to organize a tourist actively to come the our city travels, according to " mode of travel of People's Republic of China " mix the 5th times municipal Party committee, municipal government " the decision that builds travel strong city about accelerating contemporary tourism to develop " concerned regulation, make this way especially.

Object of the 2nd award is each district travel agent, drive oneself swim association has an organization drive oneself swim the activity is applicable this method.

The tourist that this the 3rd method place weighs is to show of all kinds and lawful travel agent passes group of tourist of constituent other place to come Changsha travels, this locality tourist is growing travel not applicable this method.

Fund of the 4th award develops special fund line to raise from travel of the Changsha City, execute after the event to reward.

The promotive examine and verify of this the 5th method, it is to show the business accounting that declares in travel agent is periodic inside, than the reception to calculating a dot the circumstance undertakes examine and verify, appropriate of result of basis examine and verify rewards capital.

The business accounting cycle of this the 6th method is annual came on January 1 on December 31.

The 2nd chapter calculates a dot to declare

The 7th is executed declare a principle publicly. Declare time to divide a period of time, the first period of time is in those days on December 1, on December 31, the 2nd period of time is second year June 1 is, on June 30.

Area of the 8th scene of national social estate in declaring limits to serve an unit for travel of the Changsha City (dot) , characteristic travel is nodded (contain culture travel of dot of dot of travel of dot of travel of travel dot, recreation, recreational travel dot, sports, rustic travel area, industry sets an example dot and characteristic travel block) , travel recieves restaurant, "Changsha is remembered " brand shopping dot and travel characteristic meal recieve a dot to wait.

The 9th declares a condition: Area of scene of national social estate (dot) the area of scene of grade of above of national 2A class to give a shop sign formally; Characteristic travel dot, travel recieves restaurant, " Changsha is remembered " commodity of restaurant of the awards a medal formally unit that brand shopping dot and travel characteristic meal recieve a dot to be city tourism bureau to affirm, hotel, travel shops dot and travel meal recieve a place. Calculate bit of beard to have the condition of as convenient as travel agent settle accounts and kind at the same time.

The 10th declares a process

1, include the travel company that declares limits publicly to fill in declare a watch, to the the Changsha City tourism bureau undertakes declaring.

2, offer industrial and commercial business charter, business certificate and duty Wu to register the relevant card such as card to illuminate Xerox;

3, city tourism bureau undertakes qualificatory examine and verify;

4, after examine and verify is eligible, city tourism bureau is issued " ground of the Changsha City receives award to recieve calculate a dot " sign and " ground of travel of × × × is received calculate a dot to affirm a rule " .

Eleventh government of state of real to calculating a dot operation, annual and timely announce two batches, to violating compasses operation once discover,calculate a dot, cancel to calculate bit of qualification.

The 3rd chapter rewards a standard

Dozenth " Changsha is remembered " brand shopping dot and travel recieve restaurant to be 2 yuan / person-time, area of characteristic travel dot, scene calculates dot and travel characteristic meal to recieve a dot to be 1 yuan / person-time, highest do not exceed 10 yuan / person-time.

Thirteenth above each award, viatic group must visit an our city 1 (contain) above scene area (or Changsha is remembered) calculate a dot.

Award of the 4th chapter is declared

The 14th declares means to be online declare, the travel agent that applies award must unite the travel ground that lands bureau of tourism of the Changsha City to receive information system to undertake the newspaper of data and material send.

The 15th award declares a process:

1, online register. Declare travel agent to receive information system to file special account in Changsha travel ground, scan upload industrial and commercial business charter, business certificate and duty Wu to register the relevant card such as card to illuminate Xerox.

2, information is typed. Before the group sets out, travel agent logs onto Changsha travel ground to accept information system, fill in " group of other place of the Changsha City will grow sheet of travel electron journey " reach " tourist individual information is expressed " .

3, data affirms. After the journey ends, travel agent logs onto Changsha travel ground to accept information system again, scanning uploads the journey sheet that will build each to calculate bit of official seal, in checking journey sheet count actually into the pedestrian, undertake data affirms.

Settle accounts of examine and verify of the 5th chapter

The 16th is executed classification examine and verify. It is to calculate a dot to undertake one class examine and verify affirms, in calculating a dot to accept information system each, affirm travel agent is real number. 2 it is basis of city tourism bureau is built " ground of the Changsha City receives award to calculate a dot to affirm a rule " travel agent " group of other place of the Changsha City will grow sheet of travel electron journey " and affirm a certificate with the electron that calculates a dot, have the last instance of data.

The seventeenth executes settle accounts of half an year, through the the Changsha City travel ground accepts information system, had collect close an account every year to the circumstance first half of the year in July, cash reward capital first half of the year. Second year in January, have collect close an account to the circumstance of second half of the year, add now half an year rewards capital.

The 18th executes objective to selective examination than be opposite, the member that city tourism bureau is sent is nonsked undertake selectiving examination checking to declaring travel agent and the circumstance that calculate a dot.

Award of the 6th chapter punishs measure

The 19th calculates dot and travel agent one of following scenario, execute one ticket to overrule.

1, serious especially big and safe accident produces inside business accounting cycle;

2, major service quality happens to complain inside business accounting cycle, cause serious person harm or great belongings loss to the tourist, or abominable effect is caused in the society, and via checking solid have main responsibility;

3, do not send award material of examine and verify by requirement newspaper;

4, deliberate in process of examine and verify practise fraud, conceal a condition or provide false case, set take travel of special fund, once check solid, sum calls in special fund, cancel to issue the application qualification of one year.

Result of the 20th award is common show. Promotive state of affairs will be public on net of travel of the Changsha City show 7 days. Right fair the relevant company that notifies a result to disagree and social all circles, can be in fair show period indrawn written appeal perhaps informs against my bureau.

Supplementary articles of the 7th chapter

The 21st travel agent should arrange person specially assigned for a task or job, receive circumstance collect and specific work responsibly to fulfil, arrange good land to receive group record according to relevant provision, accept city tourism bureau check.

The 22nd is recieved calculate a dot to want to arrange person specially assigned for a task or job, receive circumstance collect and specific work responsibly to fulfil; The tourist number that the ground receives travel agent of overall check the amount, build on sheet of travel agent journey " ground of the Changsha City receives award to calculate a dot to affirm a rule " ; Check sheet of tourism group journey, build this calculating to nod tourism group tourist to recieve platform credit;

This the 23rd method is in charge of explaining by bureau of tourism of the Changsha City.

This the 24th method applies since the day that announce.

上一篇:宠物防疫证办理流程? 宠物防疫证有效期多久?英文双语对照