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1、固原博物馆 AAAA

固原博物馆是一座以收藏民族历史文物为主的综合性省级博物馆,是国家文物局1998年确定的全国70个重点博物馆之一。1988年9月正式对外开放,占地面积约4万余平方米,建筑面积1.4万平方米,馆中文物藏品总量约1.2万余件,经国家文物鉴定委员会确定的国宝及国家一级文物123件。藏品中以春秋战国时期北方系青铜器和北魏、北周、隋唐时期丝路文物最富特色。 陈列展览由陈列大楼、钟亭、古墓复原馆、石刻四部分组成。 陈列大楼的展览分为:基本陈列《固原历史文物展》和专题陈列《丝绸之路在固原》两部分。共陈列展品1000余件,整个展览凝聚了同原六千多年灿烂辉煌的历史。展览时间跨度大,内容博大精深,浩如烟海。展览以注重突出地方特色和民族特点为依据,再现了固原早期先民的历史和文化渊源。

2、须弥山石窟 AAAA

在宁夏固原县须弥山南麓,有一百多处石窟,总称“须弥山石窟”, 是全国重点文物保护单位。须弥是梵文,意为金山,该窟初建于北魏年代(公元4-6世纪),以后历代均有扩建,迄今仍保留有20多个洞穴。其中北周造像最为精美,隋代的造像风格淳朴,唐代造像面形丰满,表情安详,了解石窟历史、研究古代社会的珍贵资料。 与仅开凿在一座石崖上的国内大多数石窟迥然不同的是,须弥山石窟开凿在鸿沟相隔的8座石山上,格局奇特,而且各沟之间有梯桥相连。须弥山峰峦叠嶂,林木繁茂,傍有流水,风景秀丽,是西北黄土高原不可多得的风景区。各沟之间都已架梯搭桥,以方便游览。提示: 交通:从固原县城乘坐公交车到三营镇(行程1个多小时,车费约3.5元),在镇北的路口有车去须弥山(行程近1个小时,车费5元)。

3、六盘山国家森林公园 AAAA







1, AAAA of solid former museum

Solid former museum is an omnibus provincial museum that gives priority to with collecting ethical history cultural relic, it is one of museum of 70 keys of countrywide with affirmatory 1998 bureau of national cultural relic. Open to the outside world formally in September 1988, cover an area of an area to make an appointment with 40 thousand more than square metre, floor area 14 thousand square metre, tibet of house Chinese content tastes gross to make an appointment with more than 12 thousand, the national treasure that decides via committee of appraisal of national cultural relic and country one class cultural relic 123. Hide cultural relic of period silk road is the richest when bronze ware and Northen Wei Dynasty, the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Sui Tang is being fastened with north of period of age the Warring States in tasting characteristic. Display an exhibition by display building, Zhong Ting, barrow to recover from an illness 4 parts comprise house, carved stone. The exhibition cent that displays a building is: Display basically " cultural relic of solid former history is exhibited " display with special subject " the Silk Road is in solid former " two parts. Display item on display in all more than 1000, whole exhibition was condensed with former more than 6000 years of bright and brilliant histories. Exhibition time span is big, content is broad and profound, tremendous amount of. The exhibition is a basis with paying attention to prominent place characteristic and ethical characteristic, emersion solid former inchoate first civilian the history and culture origin.

2, AAAA of grotto of the hill that need cover

In Ningxia solid former county needs the foot of mountain austral cover hill, more than 100 is in grotto, floorboard " grotto of the hill that need cover " , it is unit of protection of countrywide key cultural relic. Needing cover is Sanskrit, meaning for golden hill, build at time of Northen Wei Dynasty at the beginning of this hole (century of 4-6 of the Christian era) , past dynasties all has extend after, heretofore still is withheld have 20 many burrow. Among them statue of the Northern Zhou Dynasty is most elegant, statue style of Sui Dai is honest, form of face of Tang Dynasty statue is plump, expression is unruffled, understand the grotto history, valuable data that studies archaic society. With only cut is in the home on a Shi Ya is most of grotto widely different is, cut of grotto of the hill that need cover is on 8 Shi Shan of chasm be apart, structure is peculiar, and there is ladder bridge to be linked together between each channel. Need rows of mountains of hill of cover mountain peak, forest is exuberant, draw near have running water, the scenery is pretty, it is the beauty spot of rare of northwest loess plateau. Ladder already was worn to build the bridge between each channel, visit in order to go to the lavatory. Clew: Traffic: From solid former county takes a bus to be pressed down to 3 battalion (the journey 1 many hours, fare makes an appointment with 3.5 yuan) , the crossing that pressing down north has a car to need cover hill (the journey is close a hour, fare 5 yuan) .

3, AAAA of park of forest of country of 6 dishes of hill

6 dishes of hill call Gansu hill again, be located in Ningxia south, be located in the trigonometry region center that place of city of 3 provincial capital forms Xi'an, Yinchuan, Lanzhou. The highest peak in a mountain range originallies in Ningxia churchyard of county of former grand heart, the sea dials 2928 meters. Hill body is trend of north and south roughly, grow about 240 kilometers, it is North Shaanxi loess plateau and Gansu on the west the bound hill of loess plateau, reach the watershed of river of short for Weihe River and river of short for the Jinghe River, labyrinthian and arduous. Archaic winding mountain paths 6 heavy only then amount to the summit, friend name. The southeast of hill hangs down have famous historical site of old dragon pool, for one of heads of fountainhead of short for the Jinghe River.

Relics of Great Wall of 4. Ningxia the Qin Dynasty

Relics of Great Wall of Ningxia the Qin Dynasty is located in county of the Xi Ji county of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, solid former county, Peng Yang. Ningxia is front of Chinese upper frontier defence since ancient times, element has " protective screen of the central Shaanxi plain, from Gansu pharynx and larynx " say, strategic position is very significant. Begin from period of the Warring States, feudal dynasty is in past dynasties almost Ningxia has built the impregnable bulwark, your Ningxia can calls the Great Wall museum. At this late hour, the different history period such as chasm of fosse of Great Wall of Great Wall of the Qin Dynasty, the Sui Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, bright Great Wall, build with loess tamper, arenaceous stone is built, the ancient Great Wall of the build of different housing materials of block base build by laying bricks or stones, be continuous in length of Ningxia churchyard accumulative total many lis 3000, formed a excellent landscape.

Gorge of 5. cool hall

Cool hall gorge, cry again previously " cool weather gorge " , the gorge with cool and refreshing means. In the big gorge that is located in day of thick cover of ground of 6 dishes of hillside, gorge makes an appointment with 20 kilometre endlong, be personally on the scene, from n/ele be induced by wind, cool and delightful, it is summer resort since ancient times. Discovered Yuan Taizu is away for the summer holidays into Jisaihan here later relics of make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital, have so " cool hall gorge " appellation. There is arboretum of small Na Chuan, zoology, Cheng Jisai sweat to be away for the summer holidays inside scene area the landscape such as relics of make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital. Here forest dense, vegetation is in good condition, have poplar, a variety of trees such as Dong Li of birch, linden, Yu, distant, green Qi are planted and explore spring, false spiraea, Bao Mading the flowers ornamental plant such as sweet, lily, peony, still have the arrow bamboo that sees in southern ability. Wild animal, insect natural resources is very substantial also, have golden pheasant of leopard, roe deer, Lin Lu, boar, red abdomen, ring-necked pheasant chicken, a variety of wild animal such as Mongolia hare. Here still has a variety of wild fruit such as berry of dish of Shan Li, Mei Li, brake, 5 hammer, feral dawdle, loose seed, weed, potherb.

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