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雅砻江 攀枝花市是中国四川省直辖市,位于中国西南川滇交界部,北纬26。05′~27。21′,东经101。08′~102。15′,金沙江与雅砻江交汇于此。 东、北面与四川省凉山彝族自治州的会理、德昌、盐源3县接壤,西、南面与云南省的宁蒗、华坪、永仁3县交界。 北距成都749千米,南接昆明351千米,是四川省通往华南、东南亚沿边、沿海口岸的最近点,为“四川南向门户”上重要的交通枢纽和商贸物资集散地。 地形地貌 攀枝花位于四川西南部、川滇交界处,在横断山区,地处攀西裂谷中南段,属浸蚀、剥蚀中山丘陵、山原峡谷地貌,山高谷深、盆地交错分布,地势由西北向东南倾斜,山脉走向近于南北,是大雪山的南延部分,地貌类型复杂多样,可分为平坝、台地、高丘陵、低中山、中山和山原6类,以低中山 和中山为主,占全市面积的88.38%。 地质灾害 攀枝花市位于中国著名的南北地震带中南段,属南北向石棉—元谋地震带、北东向的盐源—洱源地震带组成部分,地震活动较为频繁。根据2001年中国地震局公布的地震烈度区划图,攀枝花地区的地震烈度为7度,是地震重点监视防御区。据攀枝花地震局有关资料统计,1467年至今,境内及边界附近发生4.5级以上地震8次,其中6.7级地震两次,4.5至5.5级地震6次;受周边地区强震波及,造成5度以上影响的有13次,6级以上的地震2次。 水文特征 攀枝花属长江水系,河流多,境内有大小河流95条,分属金沙江水系、雅砻江水系,两江在此汇合。年过境径流量达1102亿立方米,流域控制面积较大的有安宁河、三源河、大河三大支流,其中流域面积大于500平方千米以上的6条,100~500平方千米的26条,50~100平方千米的18条,5平方~50平方千米的小河流直接汇入金沙江、雅砻江的共45条。全市可开发水电装机容量700万千瓦,已开发装机347.4万千瓦(其中二滩330万千瓦,盐边小水电8.8万千瓦,米易小水电8.6万千瓦),尚有350万千瓦水电装机容量可供开发。 气候环境 攀枝花市气候独特,属南亚热带亚湿润气候。具有夏季长、温度日变化大,四季不分明,降雨少而集中,日照多,太阳辐射强,气候垂直差异显著等特征。   攀枝花所处的河谷地区比较温暖,年平均气温在19℃~21℃之间。全年无冬,最冷月的月平均气温也在10℃以上。夏季的气温却不高,最热月的月平均气温也不过26℃左右。这里降水不多,云量少而光照充足,全年日照时数长达2300~2700小时。年总降水量760在1200毫米之间,分干、雨两季,降水量高度集中在雨季(6~10月),雨季降雨量占年降雨量的90%左右。从河谷到高山具有南亚热带至温带的多种气候类型。夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,因此,四季都是旅游的好季节,特别适宜冬季避寒旅游。


Jiang Panzhi of elegant rice huller spends city is municipality directly under the Central Government of Chinese Sichuan province, be located in Chinese southwest ministry of have a common boundary of plain another name for Yunnan Province, north latitude 26. 05 ′ ~ 27. 21 ′ , the east longitude 101. 08 ′ ~ 102. 15 ′ , jin Shajiang and river of elegant rice huller are handed in collect hereat. East, in source of the meeting manage that saves autonomous prefecture of cool hill the Yi nationality with Sichuan, De Chang, salt 3 counties border on, on the west, south the peaceful Lang that saves with Yunnan, Hua Ping, always benevolence 3 counties have a common boundary. Northing Chengdu 749 kilometre, kunming is received south 351 kilometre, it is the closest dot that Sichuan province leads to edge of Hua Na, southeast Asia edge, coastal port, for " south Sichuan to the portal " the traffic key position with go up significant and distribution centre of trade goods and materials. Landform landforms kapok is located in boundary of Sichuan southwest ministry, plain another name for Yunnan Province, be in traverse and a mountainous area, be located in climb on the west in rift valley south paragraph, landforms of former gorge of hill of the corrode that belong to dip, hill in denuding, hill, crisscross of hill tall Gu Shen, basin distributings, relief tilts to southeast by northwest, mountain range trend is bordering on north and south, it is the Na Yan part of heavy snow hill, landforms type is complex and diversiform, can divide to make the same score dam, mesa, tall upland, low Zhongshan, Zhongshan and hill former 6 kinds, give priority to with low Zhongshan and Zhongshan, 88.38% what occupy whole town area. City is located in geological calamity kapok in belt of China's famous earthquake of north and south south paragraph, belong to cotton of Xiang Shi of north and south, yuan seek seismic belt, north east to saline source, Er source earthquake brings component, seismic activity is relatively frequent. According to the plan of seismic intensity division into districts that Chinese earthquake bureau announced 2001, the seismic intensity of kapok area is 7 degrees, it is division of defense of seismic key surveillance. Concern data statistic according to kapok earthquake bureau, 1467 up to now, 8 earthquakes of 4.5 class above happen near churchyard and border, among them 6.7 class earthquake two, 4.5 to 5.5 class earthquake 6; Suffer circumjacent area strong shock to affect, cause what 5 degrees of above affect to have 13 times, the earthquake of 6 class above 2. Hydrology feature kapok belongs to water system of the Yangtse River, the river is much, churchyard has size river to shed 95, cent belongs to Jiang Shui of Jin Shajiang water system, elegant rice huller is, two rivers are in this is confluent. Pass condition diameter discharge to amount to 110.2 billion stere, catchment control area is larger have quiet river, 3 sources river, great river 3 big affluent, area of its midstream region is more than 6 of above of 500 square kilometre, 500 square of 100 ~ 26 of kilometre, 100 square of 50 ~ 18 of kilometre, the brook of 50 square kilometre sheds 5 square ~ to collect river of Jinsha river, elegant rice huller directly in all 45. Whole town can develop installed capacity of water and electricity 7 million kilowatt, already developed outfit aircraft 3.474 million kilowatt (among them 2 beaches 3.3 million kilowatt, report of saline edge urine 88 thousand kilowatt, report of rice easy urine 86 thousand kilowatt) , still installed capacity of water and electricity of 3.5 million kilowatt can offer development. Climate environment kapok city climate is distinctive, belong to South Asia tropics inferior wet climate. Have the summer change of day of long, temperature is big, obscurity of the four seasons, rainfall is little and concentration, sunshine is much, sun radiate is strong, climate is perpendicular difference is notable wait for a feature. The river valley area with located kapok is warmer, year average air temperature is between 21 ℃ of 19 ℃ ~ . Annual does not have a winter, of the coldest month mean monthly air temperature also is in 10 ℃ above. Summertime air temperature is not high however, of the hottest month mean monthly air temperature also does not cross 26 ℃ left and right sides. Here precipitation is not much, cloudiness is little and illumination is enough, annual sunshine duration is as long as 2300 ~ 2700 hours. Year total fall 760 between 1200 millimeter, cent doing, rain two season, fall height is centered in monsoon (6 ~ in October) , monsoon rainfall occupies year of rainfall 90% the left and right sides. Have South Asia tropics to the high mountain from river valley a variety of climate types to temperate zone. Xia Mo intense heat of summer, the winter does not have severe cold, accordingly, the four seasons is the good season of travel, particularly appropriate winter hibernates travel.
