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魂斗罗游戏名字? 魂斗罗游戏怎么进入?英文双语对照


魂斗罗游戏名字? 魂斗罗游戏怎么进入?英文双语对照



1. 魂斗罗(Contra)- 最初的魂斗罗游戏,由Konami于1987年发布。玩家扮演角色Bill Rizer或Lance Bean,与外星人作战,拯救世界。

2. 魂斗罗2:超级进击(Super Contra)- 1988年发行的续作,在原魂斗罗的基础上增加了新的关卡和敌人。

3. 魂斗罗:重返邪神(Contra: Hard Corps)- 1994年发布的游戏,新增了多个角色和非线性的游戏流程,以及新的敌人和BOSS战。

4. 魂斗罗3(Contra III: The Alien Wars)- 1992年发行的魂斗罗系列第三部作品。玩家需要与外星人作战,拯救地球。




1. 街机游戏机:魂斗罗最初是作为街机游戏机的一部分发布的。如果您在街机游戏机上看到了魂斗罗的游戏机台,只需插入硬币即可开始游戏。

2. 游戏主机:魂斗罗也有多个版本发布于各大家用游戏机平台,如FC、NES、PS等主机,可以通过连接主机并开启游戏进行游玩。

3. 移动设备:现在,移动设备版的魂斗罗游戏也相对较为流行,游戏可以在 iOS 和安卓设备上下载和安装,在应用商店中搜索“魂斗罗”即可找到。



以下是《魂斗罗》游戏通关攻略:1. 关卡1 - 沙滩:一开始,尽量避免被敌人打中,同时收集武器和道具。在关卡中间的支援箱中可以获得导弹。需要小心躲避敌人的攻击,并打败Boss。2. 关卡2 - 森林:在森林中,需要小心踏上地雷并躲避敌人的攻击。保持警惕,观察敌人的出现方式,并与之战斗。最终的Boss是一个巨大的机器人,需要击败它才能通关。3. 关卡3 - 海底:在水下关卡中,避免触碰敌人和陷阱,同时收集尽可能多的生命值和火力道具。注意躲避鲨鱼的攻击,并击败Boss。4. 关卡4 - 城堡:进入城堡后,小心避免触碰陷阱和敌人。需要在纷繁复杂的跷脚机关上跳跃移动,并打败Boss。5. 关卡5 - 荒野:这个关卡考验你的反应速度和准确性。小心躲避敌人的飞机攻击,并尽量避免触碰地雷。前进地过程中,需要与Boss进行一场激烈的战斗。6. 关卡6 - 城市:城市关卡中,需要躲避巨大的机器人和坦克的攻击。注意结合道具的使用,提高自己的火力,并打败最终的Boss。7. 最终关 - 基地:这一关是最后的挑战,需要小心应对敌人的各种攻击。利用掩体躲避敌人的火力,同时保持高度集中,击败最后的Boss。在整个游戏过程中,要善于收集火力道具、生命值道具和其他道具,这将帮助你更好地应对各种敌人和挑战。此外,与朋友一起玩游戏也能提高通关的机会,共同合作攻略游戏。


以下是《魂斗罗》游戏通关攻略:1. 关卡1 - 沙滩:一开始,尽量避免被敌人打中,同时收集武器和道具。在关卡中间的支援箱中可以获得导弹。需要小心躲避敌人的攻击,并打败Boss。2. 关卡2 - 森林:在森林中,需要小心踏上地雷并躲避敌人的攻击。保持警惕,观察敌人的出现方式,并与之战斗。最终的Boss是一个巨大的机器人,需要击败它才能通关。3. 关卡3 - 海底:在水下关卡中,避免触碰敌人和陷阱,同时收集尽可能多的生命值和火力道具。注意躲避鲨鱼的攻击,并击败Boss。4. 关卡4 - 城堡:进入城堡后,小心避免触碰陷阱和敌人。需要在纷繁复杂的跷脚机关上跳跃移动,并打败Boss。5. 关卡5 - 荒野:这个关卡考验你的反应速度和准确性。小心躲避敌人的飞机攻击,并尽量避免触碰地雷。前进地过程中,需要与Boss进行一场激烈的战斗。6. 关卡6 - 城市:城市关卡中,需要躲避巨大的机器人和坦克的攻击。注意结合道具的使用,提高自己的火力,并打败最终的Boss。7. 最终关 - 基地:这一关是最后的挑战,需要小心应对敌人的各种攻击。利用掩体躲避敌人的火力,同时保持高度集中,击败最后的Boss。在整个游戏过程中,要善于收集火力道具、生命值道具和其他道具,这将帮助你更好地应对各种敌人和挑战。此外,与朋友一起玩游戏也能提高通关的机会,共同合作攻略游戏。










《魂斗罗》(CONTRA) 剧情

公元2631年,一颗陨石坠落在新西兰附近的Galuga群岛,两年以后,海军总部得到消息说一个叫做“红隼”的武装组织开始把该群岛地区修建成一个发动 异型侵略战争的基地,Contra成员比尔·雷泽Bill Rizer(ビル・ライザー1P)和兰斯·比恩Lance Bean(ランス・ビーン 2P)被送去破坏对方的计划。这次行动获得圆满成功,但是海军部门将有关这次事件的信息作为高度机密,完全未向大众公布。



公元2634年12月,在南美的GX军事训练基地,Hal将军送出了一组很诡异的信号,Site.7 收到信号以后,感到一定有不对头的事情发生,联邦政府再次送出Contra (也就是Bill和Lance)去调查。 两人到了那里,发现原来是头一年二人消灭的异型的变种 (其他Source的数据表明异型将那里的军队洗脑,变成自己的军事力量,不过这点真魂的数据库没提),二人再次成功地消灭了异型。当然,这次事件再次被 划为机密,对外界只是宣称是一次单纯的训练事故。




魂斗罗 配置要求操作系统Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10(32位)Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10(64位)运行环境无特殊要求CPU最低:无特殊要求显卡最低:无特殊要求内存最低:无特殊要求硬盘下载:1.1MB安装:1.3MB



1. 确定游戏模式:不同的游戏模式可能需要不同的键盘设置。例如,街机模式可能需要特定的按键组合,而多人游戏模式可能需要不同的按键设置来适应不同的玩家。

2. 确定控制方式:不同的游戏版本和操作系统可能支持不同的控制方式。例如,大多数魂斗罗游戏支持双手按键控制,但也支持单独使用一个手指按键。需要根据自己的习惯和游戏版本选择最适合的按键方式。

3. 确定按键顺序:在默认情况下,大多数魂斗罗游戏使用左摇杆控制方向,右摇杆控制跳跃和攻击,A、B、C、D等字母键控制技能。如果需要更改按键顺序,可以通过游戏中的设置或游戏控制台进行更改。

4. 确定按键效果:不同的游戏版本和操作系统可能支持不同的按键效果,例如放大招、减少伤害、切换武器等。需要根据自己的习惯和游戏版本选择最适合的按键效果。

5. 确定特殊技能:有些魂斗罗游戏支持特殊技能,例如“导弹”、“原子弹”、“加速器”等。需要根据自己的习惯和游戏版本选择最适合的特殊技能。



就一款《魂斗罗周年合集》的实体版有4个版本,分别是普通版、经典版、Hard Corps版和限定版,均将登陆PS4和Switch平台。普通版售价34.99美元,经典版售价64.99美元,Hard Corps版售价64.99美元,限定版售价174.99美元。《魂斗罗周年合集》收录了魂斗罗系列的诸多作品,包括《街机版魂斗罗》、《NES版超级魂斗罗》、《NES版魂斗罗三代》、《魂斗罗:C行动》(Game Boy掌机版)等。


One, does fetch fight name of Luo You play?

Fetch is fought collect (Contra) it is a classical fire game series, it is the name that a few fetch fight Luo You to make fun of below:

1.Fetch is fought collect (Contra) - first the lofty spirit of a nation fights Luo You to make fun of, released 1987 by Konami. The player acts part Bill Rizer or Lance Bean, fight with the extraterrestrial, save the world.

2.Fetch fights collect 2: Super advance on (Super Contra) - the add that issued 1988 is made, fight in original spirit collect new toll-gate and enemy increased on the foundation.

3.Fetch fights collect: Return fiend (Contra: Hard Corps) - the game that released 1994, increased many parts and nonlinear game flow newly, and new enemy and BOSS battle.

4.Fetch fights collect 3 (Contra III: The Alien Wars) - the fetch that issued 1992 is fought collect series the 3rd work. Player need and extraterrestrial fight, save the world.

Above is fetch is fought collect a few relatively famous game in series, the game of this series all the time with its the fire of fast rhythm and violent play experience and famed. These game are released on different platform, include market opportunity, palm machine, lead plane to wait. Suggest you choose corresponding version to have play according to your game platform.

2, how does fetch fight Luo You to make fun of to enter?

Fetch is fought collect it is a classical market opportunity game, have the game of many version and different platform. It is a few common kinds of methods that enter fetch to fight Luo You to make fun of below:

1.Plane of market opportunity sport: Fetch is fought collect be to serve as the one part of plane of market opportunity sport to release at first. If you saw spirit on plane of market opportunity sport,fight collect sport plane stage, need to insert coin to be able to begin game only.

2.Sport lead plane: Fetch fights Luo Ye to many version are released at platform of plane of sport of each big housekeeping money, wait for lead plane like FC, NES, PS, can pass join leader and open game has play.

3.Mobile equipment: Now, the fetch of mobile equipment edition fights Luo You play is opposite also relatively popular, game can be in IOS and fluctuation of the equipment that install eminent carry and install, search in using a store " fetch is fought collect " can find.

Ask an attention, the fetch of different version fights Luo You play to may have different operation method, suggest you consult before open game the operation method of game and relevant specification.

3, how does fetch fight Luo You to make fun of to play?

It is below " fetch fights collect " game connects involve a strategy: 1. Beach of toll-gate 1 - : At the beginning, avoid to be hit by the enemy as far as possible, collect weapon and prop at the same time. In the help among toll-gate missile can be obtained in box. Need avoids the enemy's charge carefully, defeat Boss. 2. Forest of toll-gate 2 - : In the forest, need sets foot on landmine carefully and avoid the enemy's charge. Keep vigilant, watch occurrence way of the enemy, fight to it. Final Boss is a huge robot, need beats it to just can be connected close. 3. Toll-gate 3 - is marine: In underwater toll-gate, avoid enemy of lay a finger on and pitfall, collect at the same time as far as possible much life value and firepower prop. The attention avoids the charge of the shark, beat Boss. 4. Castle of toll-gate 4 - : After entering the castle, avoid trap of lay a finger on and enemy carefully. Need is on the scheme of lift up foot with intricate numerous and complicated bouncing shift, defeat Boss. 5. Toll-gate 5 - is wild: Your response rate mixes this toll-gate test accuracy. Avoid plane charge of the enemy carefully, avoid landmine of lay a finger on as far as possible. In ongoing process, need and Boss have an intense battle. 6. City of toll-gate 6 - : In urban toll-gate, need avoids the charge of huge robot and tank. The attention combines the use of prop, raise oneself firepower, defeat final Boss. 7. Close finally - base: This involves the challenge that is finally, need answers all sorts of charge of the enemy carefully. Use blindage to avoid the enemy's firepower, maintain high concentration at the same time, beat final Boss. In whole game process, want to be good at collecting firepower prop, life to be worth prop and other stage property, this will help you answer all sorts of enemies and challenge better. In addition, play game to also can increase a chance that pass together with the friend, coact strategy game.

4, does fetch fight Luo You play to connect involve a strategy?

It is below " fetch fights collect " game connects involve a strategy: 1. Beach of toll-gate 1 - : At the beginning, avoid to be hit by the enemy as far as possible, collect weapon and prop at the same time. In the help among toll-gate missile can be obtained in box. Need avoids the enemy's charge carefully, defeat Boss. 2. Forest of toll-gate 2 - : In the forest, need sets foot on landmine carefully and avoid the enemy's charge. Keep vigilant, watch occurrence way of the enemy, fight to it. Final Boss is a huge robot, need beats it to just can be connected close. 3. Toll-gate 3 - is marine: In underwater toll-gate, avoid enemy of lay a finger on and pitfall, collect at the same time as far as possible much life value and firepower prop. The attention avoids the charge of the shark, beat Boss. 4. Castle of toll-gate 4 - : After entering the castle, avoid trap of lay a finger on and enemy carefully. Need is on the scheme of lift up foot with intricate numerous and complicated bouncing shift, defeat Boss. 5. Toll-gate 5 - is wild: Your response rate mixes this toll-gate test accuracy. Avoid plane charge of the enemy carefully, avoid landmine of lay a finger on as far as possible. In ongoing process, need and Boss have an intense battle. 6. City of toll-gate 6 - : In urban toll-gate, need avoids the charge of huge robot and tank. The attention combines the use of prop, raise oneself firepower, defeat final Boss. 7. Close finally - base: This involves the challenge that is finally, need answers all sorts of charge of the enemy carefully. Use blindage to avoid the enemy's firepower, maintain high concentration at the same time, beat final Boss. In whole game process, want to be good at collecting firepower prop, life to be worth prop and other stage property, this will help you answer all sorts of enemies and challenge better. In addition, play game to also can increase a chance that pass together with the friend, coact strategy game.

5, how many does fetch fight Luo You play to have to play?

" fetch is fought collect " the kind that play has --

M: Fabaceous beans is played

S: ? ⒌ ?

L: ? す ?

F: ?  ?

R: ? Care?

6, " is fetch fought collect " does game gut introduce?

Fetch is fought collect setting gut and story clue -- the aerolite falls isle, go out for a battle of Er of Contra member comparing and Lan Sifeng life, in two super heroes and countless behind the curtains Xiaotong's joint efforts falls, all sorts of abnormity are eliminated, destroy enemy base successfully.

" fetch is fought collect " (CONTRA) gut

The Christian era 2631, an aerolite falls the Galuga archipelago around New Zealand, after two years, naval headquarters gets the message says one is called " Gong Sun " the base that armed organization begins to build this archipelago area into to start different aggressive war, does Contra member compare Bill Rizer of Er · Lei Ze (ビ ル ? 1P of ー of ラ イ ザ ) and orchid Si Bien Lance Bean (ラ ン ス ? 2P of ビ ー ン ) be sent the plan that destroys the other side. This the action obtains consummation, but admiralty door regards height as the secret the information that concerns this incident, did not announce completely to the masses.

Compatriots plays " fetch is fought collect " it is D beautiful edition more, the capacity is 128K only, and of Japanese original " fetch is fought collect " be 256K, have begin map, have gut introduction, have setting of pass a barrier.

" super fetch is fought collect " fetch fights Luo Er acting gut

The Christian era in December 2634, in Education Foundation of GX military affairs, hal general sent a group of very weird signal, after Site.7 gets signal, feel certain to the thing that has incorrect head happens, send a Contra again federally (namely Bill and Lance) go investigating. Two people arrived over there, the different that discovers before is one year 2 people kill the head varietal (the data of other Source makes clear different model the legionary brainwashing over there, turn oneself military affairs into force, nevertheless the database of this bit of true fetch was not carried) , 2 people killed other successfully again model. Of course, this incident is delimited be a secret again, just alleging to the outside is pure training accident.

7, how does fetch fight vibration of Luo You play to shut?

Be use what simulator plays or be mobile phone game directly, mobile phone game shuts this to apply a program to shake attributive namely, simulator shuts game to shake imitate inside simulator setting.

8, does fetch fight memory of Luo You play to have how old?

Fetch fights Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10(32 of operating system of requirement of Luo Pei buy) Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10(64) moving environment does not have lowest of special requirement CPU: Show calorie of lowest without special requirement: Without lowest of special requirement memory: Download without special requirement hard disk: 1.1MB installation: 1.3MB

9, how does fetch fight clavier of Luo You play to install?

The concrete step that fetch fights clavier of Luo You play to install is possible because of different game version and operating system differ somewhat, but it is a few current setting methods below:

1.Determine game pattern: Different game pattern may need different clavier to install. For example, market opportunity mode may need specific key-press combination, and the key-press setting that mode of much person game may need to differ will get used to different player.

2.Control fashion certainly: Different game version and operating system may back different control kind. For example, most fetch fights Luo You play to support both hands key-press to control, but also support use key-press of a finger alone. The convention that needs him basis and game version choose the key-press pattern that fits most.

3.Affirmatory key-press is ordinal: Below acquiescent circumstance, most fetch fights Luo You play to use left rocker to control direction, right rocker controls leap and attack, the alphabetical key such as A, B, C, D controls technical ability. If need to change key-press order, can undertake changing through the setting in game or game console.

4.Decide key-press effect: Different game version and operating system may sustain distinct key-press effect, magnify for example action, reduce weapon of harm, switch to wait. The convention that needs him basis and game version choose the key-press effect that suits most.

5.Define special mastery of a skill or technique: Some fetch fight Luo You play to support special technical ability, for example " missile " , " atom bomb " , " accelerator " wait. The convention that needs him basis and game version choose the special skill that suits most.

If how inaccuracy installs clavier surely, the attempt undertakes installing in game or can search relevant game guideline.

10, does Switch fetch fight Luo You play to a few there are?

" fetch fights Luo Zhou year close market " hypostatic edition has 4 version, it is common edition, classical edition, Hard Corps edition and demarcate edition respectively, all will land PS4 and Switch platform. Common edition price 34.99 dollars, classical edition price 64.99 dollars, price of Hard Corps edition 64.99 dollars, demarcate edition price 174.99 dollars. " fetch fights Luo Zhou year close market " collected fetch to fight collect a lot of work of series, include " fetch of market opportunity edition fights collect " , " super fetch fights NES edition collect " , " NES edition fetch fights Luo San to take the place of " , " fetch fights collect: C acts " (edition of machine of Game Boy palm) etc.
