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为报复家人 墨西哥一女子竟割肚脐眼送前男友(英语双语阅读)


为报复家人 墨西哥一女子竟割肚脐眼送前男友(英语双语阅读)

A young woman underwent a serious transformation in order to get back at her family and removed her belly button before giving it to her ex-boyfriend as a present. 一位年轻女子为了报复家人,把自己使劲改造了一番,她甚至切掉自己的肚脐当成礼物送给了前男友。 Paulina Casillas Landeros, 23, from Guadalajara, in Jalisco, Mexico, did not get along with her family after they disapproved of her way of life, including getting several tattoos and body modifications such as a back corset and a split tongue. 23岁的宝琳娜·卡西利亚斯·兰德斯来自墨西哥哈利斯科的瓜达拉哈拉,家人不太喜欢她的生活方式,包括纹身和身体部位整形(比如身体穿孔和切裂舌头),因此她和家人相处得不好。 Out of spite, she decided to remove her belly button as it is 'what makes us human' before giving it as a present to her then boyfriend Daniel, in 2015. 2015年,为了泄恨,她决定把肚脐切除(她觉得肚脐是我们人类特有的)作为礼物送给当时的男友丹尼尔。

But following the removal three years ago she has since made up with her family and ultimately regrets her decision describing it as 'reckless' and 'impulsive'. 但在切除肚脐三年后,她与家人和好了,并且终于对自己的决定表示后悔,称自己那时“鲁莽”和“冲动”。 The HR intern and tourism student said: 'I have always had problems with my family, I was not very close to them at the time.' 这位人力资源实习生、旅游专业的学生表示:“我和我的家人之间一直有矛盾,那时的我与他们不太亲近。” 'Body modifications fascinated me, there is something very transcending about them. I was very angry, I wanted to cut all unions from everything and everyone. I wanted to dehumanise myself in a symbolic way, I wanted to do something controversial.' “身体的各种塑造对我来说有非常大的吸引力,他们有着很大的魔性。那时的我很生气,我想把和所有人或事的联系都切断。我想象征性地把自己变得非人化,也想做点出格的事情。” 'I underwent an 'operation' done by a professional but he gave me very bad advice on how to take care of the trauma so it got infected. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't do it again, it was impulsive, reckless and I hurt a lot of people.' “我接受了一位专业人士的‘手术’,但对于如何治疗创伤,他给了我非常糟糕的建议,所以伤口感染了。如果时光能倒流,我绝对不会再做出这样的行为,那是多么鲁莽无知,并且我因此伤害了很多人。”

上一篇:顾客只点两杯水 竟给女服务员留下1万美元的小费(英语双语阅读)
下一篇:为报复家人 墨西哥一女子竟割肚脐眼送前男友(英语双语阅读)