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  • 在不同的文化中,餐桌礼仪和用具的使用都有其独特的习惯。在中国,“公筷”是一种被广泛使用的餐具,旨在提高卫生标准和礼貌。为了让非中文母语者了解这一概念,学习如何用英语表达“公筷”以及其相关用法是非常重要的。


    “公筷”主要有两种翻译方式:“shared chopsticks” 和 “serving chopsticks”。这两种翻译都可以准确传达公筷的用途和意义。

    1. Shared Chopsticks

      • Chopsticks used by everyone at the table for picking up food from shared dishes.
        “In many Chinese restaurants, shared chopsticks are provided to ensure that everyone can serve themselves from communal dishes.”
    2. Serving Chopsticks

      • Chopsticks specifically designated for transferring food from a communal dish to an individual’s plate.
        “Using serving chopsticks helps maintain hygiene and prevents cross-contamination at the dining table.”



    • Chopsticks - 筷子
    • Serving chopsticks - 公筷
    • Shared chopsticks - 公筷
    • Communal dishes - 共用菜肴
    • Hygiene - 卫生
    • Cross-contamination - 交叉污染
    • Etiquette - 礼仪
    • Table manners - 餐桌礼仪
    • Dining customs - 用餐习惯
    • Shared utensils - 公用餐具
    • Food transfer - 食物转移
    • Communal eating - 共用餐
    • Serving utensils - 上菜用具
    • Food safety - 食品安全
    • Personal plate - 个人盘子
    • Central plate - 中央盘子
    • Sanitation - 卫生状况
    • Germs - 细菌
    • Cleanliness - 清洁
    • Cultural practice - 文化习俗
    • Table setting - 餐桌摆放
    • Restaurant practice - 餐馆惯例
    • Family-style meal - 家庭式餐点
    • Shared meals - 共用餐点
    • Food hygiene - 食品卫生
    • Proper use - 正确使用
    • Dining etiquette - 餐桌礼仪
    • Utensil management - 餐具管理
    • Health standards - 健康标准
    • Respectful dining - 尊重用餐


     “When dining in a traditional Chinese setting, it’s customary to use shared chopsticks for serving food to avoid direct contact with communal dishes.”

     “At the restaurant, the waiter brought out a set of serving chopsticks for the guests to use with the family-style meal.”

     “In order to promote good hygiene, make sure to use shared chopsticks when picking food from the central plate.”

     “Many Asian cultures emphasize the importance of using serving chopsticks to avoid mixing germs from individual plates.”

     “The concept of shared chopsticks is not just about hygiene; it also reflects a sense of communal eating and respect for others.”


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