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  • 在现代社会中,养老院作为提供老年人照顾和生活服务的机构,越来越受到关注。在不同的英语国家和地区,关于“养老院”的表达方式可能会有所不同。了解这些表达不仅有助于提高我们的英语水平,还能帮助我们更好地理解和沟通有关老年人照护的话题。


    • Nursing Home

      “Nursing home”是最常用的表达之一,指的是提供长期护理服务的机构,通常有专业的护理人员照料居民的日常生活和健康。


      • 英文: She decided to move her mother into a nursing home for better care.
      • 中文: 她决定把母亲搬进养老院,以获得更好的照顾。

      解析: 在这个例句中,“nursing home”强调了养老院提供的专业护理服务。

    • Assisted Living Facility

      “Assisted living facility”指的是一种提供协助但不需要全面医疗照顾的养老院,通常为老年人提供独立生活的支持。


      • 英文: The assisted living facility offers various activities and social events for its residents.
      • 中文: 这个辅助生活设施为居民提供各种活动和社交事件。

      解析: “Assisted living facility”侧重于为老人提供独立生活的支持和社会活动。

    • Retirement Home

      “Retirement home”通常用于描述一个适合退休人员居住的地方,重点是提供舒适的生活环境,而不是专业医疗照顾。


      • 英文: After retiring, they moved to a retirement home in a sunny region.
      • 中文: 退休后,他们搬到一个阳光明媚的退休之家。

      解析: “Retirement home”更多地强调生活环境的舒适性,而非医疗护理。

    • Care Home

      “Care home”是一个比较中性的术语,用于指代提供个人照顾和护理服务的机构,包括各种类型的养老院。


      • 英文: They found a care home that meets all their needs and preferences.
      • 中文: 他们找到了一家满足所有需求和偏好的照顾之家。

      解析: “Care home”可以涵盖不同种类的照顾设施,适用于各种情况。


    1. Senior Living Community

      “Senior living community”指的是为老年人提供各种生活设施和服务的社区,强调了社区的生活方式。


      • 英文: The senior living community has beautiful gardens and recreational areas.
      • 中文: 这个老年生活社区有美丽的花园和休闲区。

      解析: 强调了社区环境和设施。

    2. Long-Term Care Facility

      “Long-term care facility”是一个更正式的术语,用于描述提供长期照护服务的机构。


      • 英文: The long-term care facility provides specialized medical and personal care.
      • 中文: 这家长期护理设施提供专业的医疗和个人照顾。

      解析: 侧重于长期的医疗和照顾服务。


    pension n. 养老金、退休金、津贴 Many senior citizens live on pensions. 很多老年人靠养老金维持生活。   receive a pension  领取养老金  I will receive a pension next month. 我下个月将领取养老金。    pension accounts 养老金账户 His pension account is not open. 他的养老金账户未开通。   养老金最常见的是用“pension”,有时候在沟通时为了跟其他津贴区分开,也会用“age pension"加以强调。养老金也是大部分人的退休金,因此退休金我们也可以说“retirement pension"。


    postpone/raise the retirement age 延迟退休 Along with the trend of longevity,raising the retirement age is a wise choice for the government. 随着人口预期寿命的提高,延长退休年龄是政府的明智选择。     gradually postpone the retirement age 渐进式延迟退休 China will gradually postpone its statutory retirement age, as its workforce retires the earliest in the world. 中国将逐步推迟其法定退休年龄,因为其劳动力在世界上退休年龄最早。   early retirement 提前退休 Early retirement is not about stopping to work, but rather gaining complete control of your time. 提前退休不是停止工作,而是完全掌控自己的时间。   延迟退休实际上是延迟退休年龄或提高退休年龄,表示延迟,可以用postpone或delay,但delay有“拖延“的意思在,也可以用但不够地道,最合适的还是用postpone。另外,我们也可以用raise(提高)和age搭配。  


    Insurance and Housing Fund 五险一金 endowment insurance 养老保险 medical insurance 医疗保险 unemployment insurance 失业保险  employment injury insurance 工伤保险  maternity insurance 生育保险 housing fund 住房公积金   After paying the pension insurance, citizens can receive a monthly pension when they retire. 缴纳了养老保险,公民就可以在退休时每月领取养老金。


    The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off.


    ——Abe Lemons


    When a man retires, his wife gets twice the husband but only half the income.


    ——Chi Chi Rodriguez


    Retirement may be an ending, a closing, but it is also a new beginning.


    ——Catherine Pulsifer


    Retirement means doing whatever I want to do. It means choice.

    退休意味着你可以做自己想做的事。 它给了我们选择。

    ——Dianne Nahirny


    Musicians don't retire; they stop when there's no more music in them.


    ——Louis Armstrong


    There are some who start their retirement long before they stop working.


    ——Robert Half


    I used to dread getting older because I thought I would not be able to do all the things I wanted to do, but now that I am older, I find that I don't want to do them.


    ——Lady Nancy Astor


    Don't wait for retirement to be happy and really start living. Invariably, people who try this find out that they have waited much too long.


    ——Life's Secret Guide to Happiness

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