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        澳门科技大学(Macau University of Science and Technology[1]),简称澳科大[2],是澳门特区政府在1999年回归后批准建立的第一所国际化综合性研究型大学[16],该校是澳门规模最大的综合性大学。该校是在英国《泰晤士高等教育》发布的2023年度世界大学排名前250。

        学校创办于2000年,澳门特区政府行政长官何厚铧颁布行政命令成立澳门科技大学[17]。2017年,学校正式通过英国高等教育质量保证局(QAA)全面认证。[18]2020年12月珠海人民政府宣布,澳门科技大学将设立澳门科技大学珠海校区[19] 。2022年5月,大学成为了澳门第一所成功全面通过英国高等教育质量保障局高等教育素质评鉴——院校认证的高校。          截至2023年4月,学校校园位于中国澳门氹仔伟龙马路,占地面积21万平方米,设11个学院学部,32个专业。各类在校生逾19000人,其中博士及硕士研究生约7600人,在校本科生约11800人。有近900位教研人员。有25个博士学位授权点,39个硕士学位授权点。



        2006年,澳门科技大学基金会接管了澳门科技大学。 同年,澳门科技大学医院(科大医院)和药物及健康应用研究所成立。







        2020年12月,广东省珠海市人民政府宣布,澳门科技大学将设立澳门科技大学珠海校区 。




       Churchyard of Chinese Macao Special Administrative Region is private research university

    University of Macao science and technology (Macau University Of Science And Technology[1] ) , abbreviation bay family is big [2] , it is government of Macao special zone approves the first built internationalization after was returned to 1999 omnibus research university [16] , this school is the omnibus university with Macao the largest scale. This school is to be in England " peaceful interview person higher education " before university of issuance 2023 year world is ranked 250.

       The school establishs 2000, he Houhua of commissioner of government of Macao special zone promulgates administrative order to establish university of Macao science and technology [17] . 2017, the school assures formally through quality of British higher education bureau (QAA) comprehensive attestation. [18]2020 year Zhuhai people government will announce in December, university of Macao science and technology will establish campus of Zhuhai of university of Macao science and technology [19] . In May 2022, the university became Macao the first success passes bureau of safeguard of quality of British higher education in the round higher education quality reviews object lesson -- the college of school attestation.          Up to in April 2023, school campus is located in driveway of dragon of Wei of young of Chinese Macao , cover an area of a face to accumulate 210 thousand square metre, set 11 institutes to learn a ministry, 32 major. Of all kinds student evens more 19000 people, among them doctor and Master graduate student make an appointment with 7600 people, 11800 people are made an appointment with in school undergraduate students. Nearly 900 teach grind personnel. Have place of accredit of 25 doctor's degrees, accredit of 39 master's degree is nodded.

       In March 2000, he Houhua of commissioner of government of Macao special zone issues a decree, establish university of Macao science and technology.

       2001, chinese Ministry of Education approves university of Macao science and technology to face outback recruit students.

       2006, foundation of university of Macao science and technology take-overed university of Macao science and technology. Of the same age, hospital of university of Macao science and technology (division large hospital) hold water with medicaments and health application institute.

       On March 27, 2010, when university of Macao science and technology holds water 10 years, international asteroid names committee to approve brigadier number to name for the asteroid of 200003 for " bay division big star " .

       On November 19, 2014, "Moon of university of Macao science and technology and planetary science lab, lab of associate of exploration key laboratory of moon of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and deep space " hold uncover a shop sign formally.

       On March 31, 2016, the school and research center of environment of zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences establish Macao environment science and environmental management to combine a lab.

       2017, the school obtained quality of British higher education to assure bureau (QAA) comprehensive attestation.

       On April 16, 2018, university of Macao science and technology is held " key of humanitarian company division studies national Ministry of Education companionate base and associated lab uncover card ceremony " . Of the same age on November 23, university of Macao science and technology and Zhongshan university, Hong Kong university builds alliance of science of space of HongKong and Macow of another name for Guangdong Province jointly.

       On January 18, 2019, university of Macao science and technology takes the lead other people of division of big bay of HongKong and Macow of the another name for Guangdong Province that start flows with supply catenary innovation alliance. Of the same age on March 22, university of Macao science and technology and other 9 orgnaizations started HongKong and Macow establishing another name for Guangdong Province jointly big bay area is multilateral treat network technology to combine a lab in all, 14 node are established to undertake associated a test in and other places of Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou, Shenzhen. Signed frame cooperation agreement with government of Zhuhai city people. Joined in July " science of Chinese college planet is allied " . On November 14, 13 college of medicines such as college of medicine of university of Macao science and technology and Lisbon university college of medicine establish large alliance of college of medicine of country of world Pu phylum jointly.

       In December 2020, guangdong saves government of Zhuhai city people to announce, university of Macao science and technology will establish campus of Zhuhai of university of Macao science and technology.

       2021, the school established Macao material science and project academy, march 2022, the key laboratory of catchment of twin of figure of irrigation works department that the school and combination of academy of science of water and electricity of Chinese irrigation works declare is obtained formally batch prepare to construct. With hospital of Zhuhai city people collaboration advocates college of medicine of university of Macao science and technology in all the first accessary hospital, pharmaceutical college of traditional Chinese medical science of university of Macao science and technology is accessary Zhuhai city combines traditional Chinese and Western medicine the hospital uncovers a card formally to hold water. Of the same age on April 28, university of Macao science and technology establishs Macao to learn a research center. Of the same age in August, in group of wisdom drug trade and university of Macao science and technology signed school look forward to to produce learn to grind cooperative agreement.

     On April 27, 2023, federation of China officer director always meets Malaysia to sign cooperative agreement with university of Macao science and technology.

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