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  3.当无法继续逃离时,要迅速抱住身边的树木等固定物体。 4.遇到山体崩塌时,可躲避在结实的障碍物下,可利用身边的衣物裹住头部,不要顺着滚石方向往山下跑。









  2.外出时应关闭气体、电器、火源。 3.遇到火灾,马上拨打119。





  5、火势不能控制时,必须及时逃生,确保生命安全。 (1)不要贪恋财物,应迅速逃离。




















Natural disaster saves oneself measure one: Flood saves oneself method

1. Listen in time watch news of weather forecast, flood, had chosen optimal evacuation circuitry and destination, seasonable move takes refugee.

2. Preparative ace flashlight, radio, mobile phone, enough drinking water and food reach commonly used drug, the collect trencher, lumber, big expanded plastics stuff that suits to float, when be badly in need of treatment becomes lifesaving unit.

3. When next big rainstorm, in wanting to reach channel cereal, flat in wadi, walk or keep; to not be in the travel that; walks not to break out along mountain torrents on roadside predestined relationship or the way that making eddy big way way runs.

4. When the flood comes over, the personnel that has not enough time to transfer wants nearby rapid transfer to and other places of hillside, upland, building, or mount of short duration of housetop, large tree, high fence to avoid, report to local government.

5. If the flood will rise,of short duration avoids place, should use ready material or look for a few material that can float quickly to plunge into balsa to flee for one's life.

6. In case by flood of be involved in in, want to keep calm, capture as far as possible fixed or the thing that can float, search an opportunity to flee for one's life.

Natural disaster saves oneself measure 2: Hill body coast saves oneself method

1. Live in area calamity hidden trouble to nod circumjacent masses, want in rainstorm day whether does hill body happen all round seasonable observation become loose, whether is house of check make the rounds of the wards put in break, active move takes refugee.

2. When producing hill body coast, want to escape to the two side of coast direction as soon as possible, be in all round seek refuge.

3. When cannot continue to escape, want to grip the fixed object such as the tree beside quickly. 4. When encountering hill body to collapse, can avoid fall in strong fraise, can use the clothings beside to wrap the head, do not fall toward hill down direction rolling stone run.

5. Do not enter the area that has produced coast to seek losing property again.

Natural disaster saves oneself measure 3: Mud-rock flow saves oneself method

1. Should as soon as possible to channel cereal two side hillside or upland run, on the spot wants to hold the tree on bank in arms when having not enough time to run.

2. Not along channel up or run downward, weights jettisoning wants when fleeing for one's life.

3. Do not stay in low-lying place, also not be in have avoid below the hillside that rolls stone and many deposit.

Natural disaster saves oneself measure 4: Fire saves oneself method

1. Do not throw butt in disorder in daily life, do not lie in the smoking on the bed, do not receive chaos in disorder

Pull electrical wiring, do not deposit combustible explode easily article, do not set off firework cracker in disorder, want to teach the child not to play with fire at ordinary times.

2. Cause of gas, electric equipment, fire should be shut when going out. 3. Encounter fire, dial immediately 119.

4. In the home once be on fire, if igneous power is not great, answer to have rush to save life and property quickly.

(1) electric equipment produces fire, should instantly dump, wait to extinguish fire with wet quilt, canvas.

(2) oily boiler catchs fire, cannot spill water fire fighting, should close valve of ingle, kitchen burning gas, be built with boiler directly or cover put out a fire with wet dishcloth.

(3) gas catchs fire, answer to close valve quickly, with flame of lash of wet towel, dishcloth.

5, when igneous situation is incontrollable, must flee for his life in time, ensure life is safe. (1) does not want cling to property, answer to escape quickly.

(Lid of coat of the quilt that 2) will immersed with water or blanket, cotton is on the body, when fleeing for his life to the scene of a fire has been gotten with the rapiddest rate after the course and develop; of region of place of safety to cross smother to flee for one's life certainly, want to make the body sticks close ground as far as possible, cover with wet towel shut up is nose.

(The ten million when catching fire on 3) body cannot run, the most important is to try to take off ablaze garment, cap, pants first, if have not enough time to take off, also but take a prone rolls about on the ground, the flame that gets on the body is pressed destroy.

(4) encounters fire to cannot ride elevator, want to export direction to flee for one's life to safety.

(Do not want when 5) fire rushed open the door window, lest air convection, quicken igneous situation to spread.

(6) the scene of a fire do not jump easily building! The dweller that lives in lowrise layer can be adopted jump the method of the building flees for his life. Want to choose higher ground to regard stay as the dot, think of banquet dream mat of mattess, sofa, large quilt to wait cast next doing amortize content.

(When 7) can escape without the road really, can use toilet to undertake taking refugee, tighten a crack between a door and its frame of a place of strategic importance with towel, sprinkle water on the ground to drop in temperature, also can lie in the bath crock that puts full water to avoid, do not get the place such as bed bottom, attic, large closet to take refugee.

(When 8) happening fire, goods of metal of outward and loud call, knock can handle in the window, balcony or housetop, should brandish bright-coloured list issues signal of ask for help by day, can brandish flashlight or white list cause the rescuer's attention in the evening.

Natural disaster saves oneself measure 5: The earthquake saves oneself method

1. Once produce an earthquake, want keep one's hair on, do not jump from window, balcony in fluster building.

2. Be like indoors, at once nearby crouchs, sit or bend over the place in relative safety, if avoid,fall in solid furniture or inside office of wall the foot of a wall, corner, also can arrive the kitchen with more, small the standard width of a room in an old-style house, toilet, storeroom goes to main wall; wants as far as possible coil body, reduce body focus,

Wait for protective good head, eye with soft mat, washbasin, shut up of attack by surprise, nose, wait for shake hind to withdraw the; outdoor again quickly to sleep the person that have not enough time to avoid, do not lie on his back, side also can dispute the chance that must live too personally.

3. Be like outdoors, should choice of on the spot avoids openly shake, crouch or bend over below, do not run in disorder, escape person's much place, do not return casually indoor. Should keep away from tall building or build thing, the building that wants escape to have vitreous act wall especially, bridge crossing a street, crossroads, chimney stack, water tower. The attention is far from cliff, brow, bank and high tension line to wait.

If 4. is buried to press, should try to keep away from content of collapse of slimsy of body upper part, pensile content or; of other and dangerous thing are moved beside portable broken tile sundry, enlarge mobile space, want to try to make motion emergence come, cleared press on the body especially the object of abdominal above, try to use the wall of the incomplete that prop up such as bricky stone, club to break mural; not to cry in disorder, retain physical power, with knock sound ask for help.

Natural disaster saves oneself measure 6: Thunder saves oneself method

1. Should stay as far as possible indoors or inside the car, close; of good door window not to undertake outdoor work or move.

2. if indoors, do not contact electrified equipment or metallic equipment, should unplug the; of metallic wire cable with the indoor pass in and out such as line of the power source of wiring, line, cable television, network line does not use faucet as far as possible.

If 3. is in outdoor, want to be far from tree and mast, want to reduce body height as far as possible, proposal double foot and approach crouchs next; not to use phone and portable phone, do not open an umbrella; does not wear metallic decorations; not to want a few individual jam to form a pile, do not want mutual contact.

4. If encounter by be struck by lightning person require emergency treatment, the heart outside answering to undertake artificial breath and bosom quickly is pressed pressure.
