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狂放[ kuáng fàng ]:任性放荡。

出处:金 王若虚 《鄜州龙兴寺明极轩记》:“始予以狂放不羁,为上官所捃,宴游戏剧,悉禁绝之。”

豪放[ háo fàng ]:雄豪奔放,也指气魄大而不拘小节。

出处:《北史·张彝传》:“ 彝 少而豪放,出入殿庭,步眄高上,无所顾忌。” 

狂热[ kuáng rè ]:有极度热情的。

出处:冰心 《南归》:“肺部狂热,无论多冷,被总是褪在胸下。”

疯狂[ fēng kuáng ]:比喻猖狂而凶狠。

出处:清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·额都司》:“诸姊妹或述其疯狂之态,羞赧无以自容。”

跋扈[ bá hù ]:专横暴戾。

出处:唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·室罗伐悉底国》:“横行邑里,跋扈城国。”唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·室罗伐悉底国》:“横行邑里,跋扈城国。”

狂暴[ kuáng bào ]:凶暴;残暴。

出处:晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·顺帝纪下》:“ 婴 虽为大贼,起於狂暴,自分必及祸。”

凶暴[ xiōng bào ]:凶狠残暴。

出处:《三国志·吴志·贺邵传》:“ 皓 凶暴骄矜,政事日弊。”

残暴[ cán bào ]:残酷凶暴。


猛烈[ měng liè ]:强烈;激烈。

出处:《书·舜典》“烈风雷雨弗迷” 唐 孔颖达 疏:“言 舜 居 大録 之时,阴阳和,风雨时,无此猛烈之风。” 




























硝烟狂飞的讯号 机甲时代正来到


战车在发烫 勇士也势不可挡

come on逆战 逆战来也 王牌要狂野


Oh 逆战 逆战狂野 王牌要发泄


我要操控我的权势 张扬我的声势


这战场千百热血战士 一路向前飞驰

捍卫世界的勇士 Fighting 再一决





硝烟狂飞的讯号 机甲时代正来到


战车在发烫 勇士也势不可挡

come on逆战 逆战来也 王牌要狂野


Oh 逆战 逆战狂野 王牌要发泄


我要操控我的权势 张扬我的声势


这战场千百热血战士 一路向前飞驰

捍卫世界的勇士 Fighting 再一决

兄弟一场 未来继续顽强


瓦解对手力量 熊熊气势再出发

逆战 逆战来也 王牌要狂野


Oh 逆战 逆战狂野 王牌要发泄


我要操控我的权势 张扬我的声势


这战场千百热血战士 一路向前飞驰

捍卫世界的勇士 Fighting 再一决


以下是一些关于狂野飙车的攻略建议:1. 学习汽车控制:狂野飙车在驾驶方面要求一定的技术,所以首先要熟悉车辆的控制方式。练习刹车、漂移和加速等技巧,以掌握更好的操控能力。2. 解锁新车:收集和赢得游戏中的金币和钥匙,用于解锁新的汽车。每辆汽车都有不同的特点和性能,因此根据赛道和比赛类型来选择适合的车辆。3. 升级和改装:使用收集到的金币和钥匙来升级汽车的性能,例如提高加速度、制动力和最高速度等。此外,也可以改装汽车的外观,添加涂装或装饰。4. 熟悉赛道:在游戏中,每个赛道都有不同的曲线,障碍物和环境。通过多次游戏的练习,熟悉赛道的布局和每个弯道的最佳驾驶线,以便更好地掌控比赛。5. 技巧使用道具:游戏中有各种道具可以使用,如导弹、油桶和加速器等。学会如何在适当的时机使用这些道具,可以给你的对手带来困扰,同时提供自身的优势。6. 赚取奖励和成就:完成每个赛道和比赛类型的目标,可以解锁游戏中的奖励和成就。这些奖励和成就可能包括新的汽车、道具或特殊任务等,不断挑战自己以达到更高的游戏等级。7. 多人对战:狂野飙车还提供了多人对战模式,与其他玩家进行实时对战。通过与其他玩家的竞争,可以提高自己的驾驶技巧和反应能力。希望以上这些攻略对您在狂野飙车游戏中有所帮助!




One, mad wild city, have mandarin edition, seem to had listened, who knows to tell me to fall?

Without, guo Fucheng is I am resembled occasionally, I listen more.

2, mad wild close justice word?

Appearance heart is mad wild term has: Unruly or unrestrained, bold and unconstrained, enthusiastic, mad, rampant.

"Mad wild " close justice word has: Violent, fierce and brutal, atrocious, violent.

Unruly or unrestrained [Ng] of à of Ku á Ng F: Capricious debauch.

Provenance: Golden king is like empty " Long Xingsi Ming Jixuan marks Zuo city " : "Only then give unruly or unrestrained unrulies, to go up government-owned place Jun, banquet game drama, of all prohibit completely. Of all prohibit completely..

Bold and unconstrained [Ng] of à of H á O F: Male a person of extraordinary powers is bold and unrestrained, also show daring is big and regardless of trival matters.

Provenance: " Zhang Yi of boreal history · passes " : "Yi is little and bold and unconstrained, discrepancy hall front courtyard, pace Mian is tall go up, scruple without place. Scruple without place..

Enthusiastic [] of è of Ku á Ng R: Have exceeding glow.

Provenance: Glacial heart " south return " : "Lung fanaticism, no matter much colder, by always be fade falls in the bosom. By always be fade falls in the bosom..

Mad [Ng] of á of F ē Ng Ku: The analogy is savage and fierce.

Provenance: Qing Dynasty and state forehead " nocturnal Tan manages along with the forehead that record · " : "All sister or the condition that narrate its insanity, be ashamed blushing is not had with be being allowed oneself. Be ashamed blushing is not had with be being allowed oneself..

Rampant [] of ù of B á H: Peremptoriness is ruthless and cruel.

Provenance: Tang Xuan big and thick " region of big Tang Xi notes state of bottom of all of · room Luo Fa " : "In infestation city, rampant city state. " Tang Xuan big and thick " region of big Tang Xi notes state of bottom of all of · room Luo Fa " : "In infestation city, rampant city state. Rampant city state..

Violent [O] of à of Ku á Ng B: Fierce and brutal; is atrocious.

Provenance: Jin Yuanhong " below discipline of suitable emperor of · of discipline of the later Han dynasty " : "Although baby is old enemy, case at violent, reach disaster surely from cent. Reach disaster surely from cent..

Fierce and brutal [O] of à of Xi ō Ng B: Fierce and atrocious.

Provenance: " · of annals of the Three Kingdoms annals · He Shao passes " : "Bright is fierce and brutal self-important, fraud of government affairs day. Fraud of government affairs day..

Atrocious [O] of à of C á N B: Brutal and fierce and brutal.

Provenance: " Yin Wen child below · highway " : "Fan Guozhi lives or die have 6 a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale... the country that alleged chaos dies person, fierce cruel is atrocious not with Yan. Fierce cruel is atrocious not with Yan..

Violent [] of è of M ě Ng Li: Intense; is intense.

Provenance: " book · Shun Dian " " strong gale thunderstorm nots fan " Tang Kongying amounts to scanty: "When Yan Shun resides big Zuo , yin and yang and, when harships, without this violent wind. Without this violent wind..

3, ending of mad wild lover?

Two people break through lay idea, was together happily

4, table of article of mad wild dancing?

Passion 4 excessive, ebullient, mad wild dancing, release a heart to be manacled cleverly, experience freedom and joy, dancing people gallops as bronco, show oneself instinctive quality and elegant demeanour to the top of one's bent.

Let music follow your pace, let dancing ignite the blaze of your heart, release your heating power and passion.

5, table of article of mad wild girl?

This woman's bingle by right of person of her hold up, grim view and mad wild smile, into the focus in be opposite for the clique.

She regardless of trival matters dress style, the self-confidence that reveals on the body and brave, make she is sending out a kind of mad wild breath that makes a person infatuate.

Her distinctive temperament and glamour, let her be among male people do a job with skill and ease, caused orgiastic the tide with infatuation.

Her hands-down haggard appeal, let everybody be immersed in cannot the eddy of extricate oneself, as if to be unrulied by her unruly or unrestrained a captive.

Her each frame photograph resembles an impassioned dancing, be full of glamour, passion and freedom. She is the intense blaze on arena, the soul in dance pool, she is mad wild woman.

6, the mad wild name that beg a song?

" go against battle "

Zhang Jie's song " go against battle " in having words of song is Come, go against battle, go against battle to come also, ace wants mad wild. " go against battle " this song is Zhang Jie numerous explode pass in red song sing spend a very tall, it is especially in student group, can saying is each school broadcast put an order surely. Beat of student learning frame drills music looks surely, mood is very good!

7, gut of car of mad wild violent wind?

" car of mad wild violent wind " it is a contest that develops by Gameloft fast kind game series.

Game gut

The mobile phone game that it is project of competition of contest of athletics of electron of world of the first WCG that be set. Hold with the first perspective dominate sport, let the feeling of player be personally on the scene, run inside formulary time circuit arrives at terminus, run oneself best achievement. Circuit design can have take a sudden turn and rise and fall, the meeting in road has a variety of car to disturb a form, need changes at any time driveway, can control cycle racing direction through inductor of mobile phone gravity, also can install a hand to change control way. What to still wait for? Begin hurricane!

8, song of mad wild what?

Be " go against battle "

Singer: Zhang Jie

Write words: Pei Yo

Compose: Qu Shicong

On the battlefield of this like a rising wind and scudding clouds

Windstorm teenager comes on stage

In the growl with conquer heavy raging fire

Bacchic and whole world

The times of armour of question mark chance that smoke of gunpowder flies to madly is coming

Warm blood is refluent and go up

Chariot is sending very hot a brave and strong person overwhelm also

Come On goes against battle to go against battle to come also ace wants mad wild

Enter swing the universe to square the world

Oh goes against battle to go against battle wild wild trump card should abreact

The battle is us stubborn start

I should do the ascendancy make public that accuses me my impetus

Visit be out of office of this dragon battle

This battlefield soldier of 100 thousand warm blood gallops ahead all the way

The Trojan Fighting another of defend world definitely

On the battlefield of this like a rising wind and scudding clouds

Windstorm teenager comes on stage

In the growl with conquer heavy raging fire

Bacchic and whole world

The times of armour of question mark chance that smoke of gunpowder flies to madly is coming

Warm blood is refluent and go up

Chariot is sending very hot a brave and strong person overwhelm also

Come On goes against battle to go against battle to come also ace wants mad wild

Enter swing the universe to square the world

Oh goes against battle to go against battle wild wild trump card should abreact

The battle is us stubborn start

I should do the ascendancy make public that accuses me my impetus

Visit be out of office of this dragon battle

This battlefield soldier of 100 thousand warm blood gallops ahead all the way

The Trojan Fighting another of defend world definitely

Brother did not continue tenacious

Look at shake of flames of war

Disintegrate adversary force is ablaze imposing manner sets out again

Go against battle to go against battle to come also ace wants mad wild

Enter swing the universe to square the world

Oh goes against battle to go against battle wild wild trump card should abreact

The battle is us stubborn start

I should do the ascendancy make public that accuses me my impetus

Visit be out of office of this dragon battle

This battlefield soldier of 100 thousand warm blood gallops ahead all the way

The Trojan Fighting another of defend world definitely

9, strategy of car of mad wild violent wind?

It is a few strategy proposals about car of mad wild violent wind below: 1. Learn car control: Car of mad wild violent wind is driving the technology with field certain requirement, want to be familiar with the control means of car above all so. Exercise turn off a machine, drift and wait for skill quickly, control capacity in order to master better drill. 2. Solution locks up new car: Collect and win the gold coin in game and key, use at Jie Suoxin's car. Every car has different characteristic and property, because this comes according to circuit and match type,choose the vehicle that suit. 3. Upgrade and change his costume or dress: Use the gold coin that collects and key to upgrade the function of the car, raise force of acceleration, apply the brake and top speed to wait for example. In addition, also can change his costume or dress the exterior of the car, add besmear outfit or adornment. 4. Be familiar with circuit: In game, every circuit has different curve, fraise and environment. Adopt the practice of game for many times, what the layout of familiar circuit and every turn is optimal drive line, so that better the palm charges the competition. 5. Skill uses stage property: There are all sorts of props to be able to be used in game, wait like missile, can and accelerator. If why the society uses these stage property in opportune opportune moment, the opponent that can give you brings a worry, offer the advantage of oneself at the same time. 6. Earn award and achievement: Achieve the goal of every circuit and match type, can explain the award in locking up game and success. These award and achievement may include new car, prop or special mission to wait, constant him challenge in order to reach higher game order and degree. 7. Much person is right battle: Car of mad wild violent wind still offerred much person to be opposite battle mode, undertake with other player real time is opposite battle. Pass the competition with other player, can raise oneself drive skill and reaction ability. These strategies are opposite hope above you are helped somewhat in game of car of mad wild violent wind!

10, is bar mad rude language table?

In the night of this city, bar is mad wild arena, let you release inner enthusiasm. Jumpy music, the twinkle of lamplight, let you be enmeshed in endless joy. With friends together to the top of one's bent orgiastic, carouse beautiful wine, wave the body to the top of one's bent. Here, time stops, anxious trouble vanishs completely. Bar is your Eden, let you release your to the top of one's bent, enjoy mad wild night. Will quickly join us, let bar become you mad wild arena!
