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断尾:有的狗要对它进行断尾,使它变得更好看,而且断尾后狗的性格 会变得更加温和。通常需要断尾的狗有波音特狗、拳师犬等。断尾术应在1~ 2月龄间进行。其方法是:术部剪毛、消毒,狗身保定,局部麻醉,在术部上 方3 ~4厘米处用止血带结扎止血,用手术刀环形切开皮肤,再向上推移1~2 厘米,在骨关节处用骨钳或手术刀截断,然后结扎血管,充分止血,撒上消 炎粉,将皮瓣缝合即可。也可用电烙法或火烙法,将需要切去部分珞断。
















敷料剪6把、纱布1〜2包、脱脂棉2包、贮槽6个、搪瓷盘6个、米尺6 个、75%酒精、5%碘酊、带盖瓷杯12个、喷雾器3具、清扫工具、术部常规处 理器械6套、7%硫化钠溶液、手术巾6块、常用防腐消毒药、泡手桶1〜3个、 洗手盆12个、指甲刷6个、手术衣、帽子、口罩和毛巾等。





雪纳瑞不需要断甲。断甲这个词语是从宠物比赛当中兴起的,在比赛当中为了让狗狗更加美观一些,同时避免指甲太长了伤到人。但是断甲对狗狗而言太残忍了一点。 主人勤于给狗狗剪指甲,定期修剪就可以避免指甲的问题,如果狗狗很抗拒剪指甲,一直无法修剪,那么可以尝试断甲






One, pet dog breaks nail, good to pet?

Decide remaining part: Some dogs should have remaining part to it, make it becomes more good-looking, and the disposition of the dog after deciding remaining part can become more gentle. The dog that needs remaining part normally has dog of Boeing spy dog, boxer to wait. Break end art to answer in 1~ 2 undertake between lunar age. Its method is: Art ministry poodle, disinfection, dog body Baoding, local anaesthesia, in 3 ~4 of art ministry upper part centimeter place with hemostatic belt ligation is hemostatic, with scalpel annular incision skin, again up elapse 1~2 centimeter, in bone articulatory place uses bone pincers or scalpel is cut off, next ligation is hemal, sufficient and hemostatic, scatter on antiphlogistic pink, oversew leather valve can. Also can use law of electric bake in a pan or method of igneous bake in a pan, cut need partial Luo to break.

2, what is pet breaks nail art?

Pet breaks nail art, abbreviation breaks nail, it is the dog plays professional game only, for the item of a hairdressing that beautiful place makes, want a toenail from the root broken, want to use blood of hemostatic pink stanch, such walking more beautiful.

Say simply, dog the key with beautiful gait coordinates a gender to be close friends besides whole beyond, the contact that still a bit make sure sole and ground are sufficient namely achieves the goal with sane gait thereby, was thought to maintain a dog gait is beautiful, avoid fingernail and the disqualification that ground surface contact chafes and arise.

3, do unplug how many money armour operation needs probably?

Without the whole nation's uniform price, decide according to the price level of different area, more or less does the fingernail of pathological changes drag in differ, each district economy grows a level to differ, collect fees also meet different. Little criterion 89 yuan, many 89 yuan, medicine is changed regularly even after the operation, prevent infection, need half an year controls new fingernail ability to had grown. Unplug armour operation basically applies to the companion that embed armour to have paronychia, and the cure of the abscess below armour, still use at the diagnosis of disease of a few scarce difficulty and cure at the same time, for instance armour plays hemal ball lump, armour mother mole and malign melanin of tumour differentiate diagnose.

4, break armour to you can stick armour piece?

Below normal circumstance, breaking nail is to be able to stick armour piece, if fingernail folds bring up the rear, armour middling finger breaks off place cut level off, armour is stuck after the appearance of fingernail of foster cordial relations between countries again piece, it is better that such more can beautiful and firm sexes also are met

5, expenses of the operation that embed armour?

Expenses of expenses of the operation that embed armour is almost control in 200 money. Because,this disease is at ordinary times incorrect place brings about manicure, if be,longitudinal can have treatment with medicaments. Local OK without apparent fester pinprick bloodlettings, fluid having pus is formed or conservative cure disables, want to consider seasonable operation treatment.

6, the preparation of pet operation equipment?

One, the facility that surgical operation needs

Is boil disinfected implement 6, high-pressured sterilization implement 1? 2, electric heat constant temperature 1000 dry box 1? 2.

2, the operation weapon that surgical operation needs

Operation convention appliance 6, rubber glove 10? All sorts of 20 double, injector each 10.

3, the other and auxiliary things that surgical operation needs

Does dressing cut 6, gauze 1? 2 bag, pledget 2 bag, storage tank 6, evade porcelain dish 6, rice feet 6, cup of 75% alcohol, 5% tincture of iodine, the porcelain that take a top 12, atomizer 3, sweep convention of ministry of tool, art to handle instrument 6? 3, lavabo 12, fingernail brushs 6, operation garment, cap, guaze mask and towel.

7, pet makes nuclear china, how many money cerebral department operation still gets?

2010 the end of the year, the first pet of our country is special equipment of resonance of magnetism of diagnosis and treatment, settle Shenzhen hospital of a pet, value 3.9 million, and the pet that a lucky bullfight dog becomes the first to use this technology to undertake diagnostic.

As we have learned, make inspection of nuclear magnetic resonance to pet, need 1000 yuan about, more expensive than doing nuclear magnetic resonance to the person 200 yuan or so, because of the animal cannot oneself recount an illness, examination instrument is taller to the requirement of precision, cost is more accordingly high, also drive up pet iatrical cost.

8, should Xue Narui break nail?

Xue Narui does not need armour. Break nail this term removes when resurgence from pet match, between the match to make dog dog more a few more beautiful, avoid fingernail at the same time too long injure a person. But break nail to dog dog character is too a bit crueler. Host trims nail frequently at giving a dog the dog, fixed clip can avoid the problem of fingernail, if dog dog very defy trim nail, all the time cannot clip, can try armour so

9, does the cat need armour?

Need, fingernail of feline Mi ceaseless armour is very pointed, often meet claw person

10, what dog can break nail?

General gold wool can break nail, when raising, must notice.

上一篇:朗朗原名就是朗朗吗? 朗朗爸爸怎么教育朗朗的?英文双语对照