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One, the thinking means of the person that does not have culture?

The person thinking that does not have culture is the idea that sees a thing above all, think do not have culture, so he sees the essence that is less than general affairs, the consideration problem that also won't help somebody attain his aim, he is met only the opinion that expresses oneself directly according to exterior phenomenon of the thing, often very candid, these are the results that do not have culture. 9 knowledge let a person have wisdom, little without culture wisdom, thinking is so simple.

2, the person thinking way that learns law?

The person risk thinking that learns law is very strong, work thinking is very rigorous.

3, the life way that right thinking kind decides you?

Be such, right thinking kind is the manner that a person's due psychosis perhaps approachs life, include thought and concept, namely one the individual's state of mind, it is this equation is the mainest essential factor in 3 element.

4, the character that of need is independence and thinking means?

Independent character and thinking means, be not cannot accomplish, it is this kind of ideal wants to appear too flimsy before the person's nature only. But also absolutely, the talented person that has independent character and thinking kind appears such resplendent. Want to achieve independent character and thinking kind, not be the thing of in one day, however the process of a successive.

The thought is the carrier of behavior, having the person that ponders over force is the person that is having distinct personality charm certainly. I think, if want to accomplish character independence, be about to accomplish the independence of the thought above all, accomplish the independence of the thought, be about to learn quiet. Be in only quiet in, the talent is cast likely beside those who meet with is trifling, cast oneself, go pondering over the truly valuable problem in life, such idea ability is quite independent.

Believe me, when you are having distinctive idea, you are sure it is a person that is having distinct personality charm.

5, what characteristic does the person thinking means of high intelligence quotient have?

One, love thinks

The child of those high intelligence quotient, they prefer quiet environment normally, the problem thinks in quiet environment, efficiency is taller, the child intelligence quotient that so those love ponder over is absolutely won't low. Because thinking when the child,this is when, their cerebra is turning. And, be not is to think only just, still can recall more key point.

2, imitate ability strong

Well-known, after the child is born, their whats do not understand, imitate and need learns ability travel according to the behavior habit of adult. Some children can be imitated very much as a child, the likelihood is done to him innocently act, he is imitated came down. And imitate ability strong a also be child high intelligence quotient important reflect.

3, affection quotient is high

There are a lot of people to cannot handle human relation well in the life, because,this often is affection business is small bring about; And those can be mixed other child is friendly get along, can have handled the child that concerns between each other, affection business often taller, the child with high quotient is in affection wait for a person to play on can hold good sense of property, more congenial, nature of such child intelligence quotient is not low also.

4, logistic thinking capability is strong

Logistic thinking ability is to learn the ability with indispensable maths, also be to learn other subject, processing likewise the ability with indispensible place of daily life problem.

The child with strong capability of a logistic thinking, what he masters is knowledge not only, still have more more substaintial than knowledge capacity: The ability such as Baconian, judgement, inference. Still be when others when hard hard thinking, the child with logistic strong thinking the analytic problem with respect to can fast, clarity, find the key that solves a problem. In the learning process henceforth, can master essentials more, understand and accept rate faster also, achieve the result of get twice the result with half the effort.

If capability of child logic thinking is so strong, intelligence quotient is higher, study is easier also.

6, are good thinking way and bad thinking means comprehended?

The impact that good thinking way accepts nourishing book at ordinary times commonly and oneself the philosophy of energy, the drawing of viewpoint of value, and the kind of a few thinking that good family education brings. Good thinking way lets a person hard, kind-hearted, up, have drive, contented, have altruistic action, talking self-restraint is tall

Bad thinking means: Adherence outmodel conventions, do not accept people sense, persist one's old ways, selfish, love ease and hate work, discharge him. Conversation is coarse

7, don't have culture conversation to want what to means use?

Above all culture can be accumulated, do not understand record of formal schooling.

Next, the discretion of conversation and culture is not certainly it is direct ratio relation, culture is not met high certainly conversation! Talk the first it is to want polite, interrupt others conversation for instance, listen without patience waiting these a moment is clodhopping, have nothing to do with culture, no matter what estate wants above all polite. The 2nd, conversation should know the other side activity of a few psychology, intent, want how to say next according to these again.

Basically be right actually oneself should have fixed position, encounter literate can say, say less, listen more, look more, master knowledge more. Do not receive go up to say a Duan Zizhi kind, good a long time awaits business of our plead for mercy for sb, be used here, culture is no good do do laugh, dynamic atmosphere, it is more in the crowd, time grew experienced volubility!

8, the means of law thinking?

Law thinking is means of a kind of thinking and process above all, it is a kind of rational thought activity. It can be used undertake the circumstance holds, valuation and arrange as a whole, undertake acknowledge already, coach again practice. Law thinking is a kind of special thinking form. The logistic thinking activity of principle of regulation of statute of main use pointing to carry, law and problem of law concept analysis, compound decision, it is the rational requirement that the official needs to scrupulously abide by in exercise authority process and logistic criterion.

Thinking guidance is carried out, the idea portrays the move. The type that means, method is behavior changes processing, law means also is means of a kind of behavior substantially, it is to show the practice activity that implements law concept, spirit and behavior are decided situation, special system now political domain, it is regulation of use use statute and law concept a kind when treat processing of development of regnant, reform, society, dispute to solve into administration be in office specially behavior means.

9, the sort of thinking means?

The type of innovation thinking, basically have the following kinds:

The first, outspread type thinking. Thinking of alleged and outspread type, it is have the aid of personal some knowledge, the thinking logic of follow other, forefathers goes the knowledge with sealed hunting, will know forward elapse, be abounded thereby and perfect the thinking means of original knowledge system.

The 2nd, patulous type thinking. Thinking of alleged and patulous type, try the target range of research namely develop is wide, get new knowledge thereby, make know patulous thinking way.

The 3rd, associate type thinking. Alleged associate type thinking, some kind of phenomenon that observes place namely and the boy or girl friend that oneself want to consider try to associate think, win the thinking form of new knowledge thereby.

The 4th, apply type thinking. Alleged apply type thinking, apply catholicity principle to study the essence of specific thing and law namely, win the thinking form of new knowledge thereby.

The 5th, converse type thinking. Thinking of alleged and converse type, give original conclusion or thinking means namely negative, and apply new thinking way to have make a thorough inquiry, win the thinking way of new knowledge thereby.

The 6th, imagine type thinking. Thinking of alleged illusion type, it is to show people has theory and corporeal condition to fall to be in, the certain fact that establishs impossibly or conclusion undertake an illusion, drive people to get the thinking way of new knowledge thereby.

The 7th, bizarre type thinking. Thinking of alleged and bizarre type, undertake surmounting undertaking groovily reflection to the thing namely, win the thinking way of new knowledge thereby.

The 8th, integrated type thinking. Thinking of alleged and integrated type, it is namely in the understanding process to the thing, try a few kinds some in forms of afore-mentioned a few kinds of thinking to be applied integratedly, get the thinking form of new knowledge thereby.

10, the thinking means of bovine gas?

1, Luo Kefei forces thinking way

Beg constantly active, everywhere anticipate machine, with the smallest price, get a benefit the biggest change. This is the gist that Luo Kefei forces thinking way. One does a project to do poineering work also is to need to work actively, meet what make money for you without the person. The problem in poineering process is rife, encountered go actively solving, is not to escape. Just began to do choose 0 cost as far as possible the project operation of small perhaps cost, but profit must magnify.

2, means of thinking of abstruse card Mu

Thinking of abstruse card Mu, abandon all complex idea namely, point to the essence of the problem continuously. The commendable place of this kind of thinking, because it is straight,be stamp reality is medium so a kind of morbid state: Today's people, often flatter oneself learned a lot of things, tall record of formal schooling, whats understand, and like to complication everything. We do project just to need simplification, ceaseless fractionize, pay a focal point, focusing, focusing, again focusing.

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