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Drizzle fallings thick and fast, fragrant grass is luxuriant.

The awaken of spring wanes to the close, long room a small room, tiredness difficult dispatch, mountain-climbing should be a right choice.

Stand below the foot of a hill, look up at prodigy hill, group peak lofty, riprap is worn empty, cultivate tall Lin Shen, a few Bai Yun loaf about in half way up the mountain, rain still washs rice of drop of the sound of rain hit on the body, light mist prodigy hill remittent wrap up is gotten even more massiness, high.

This is the hill that a rare person ascends, bowel of hill road sheep, bury in thick shade in, dial grass to find a way, winding and go, abide is worn bite babble the running water sound of Dong, I come to the side of prodigy spring, spring from hill cliff radical ministry is poured out of, no matter Chun Xiaqiu winter, drought is waterlogged alternant, she always sheds dripping leisurely idle, comfortable, current drought weather is not decreased, waterlogged day does not go up. The farmer that brandish sweat works, explore is deep and remote find strange boy far away from home, come to here, one of Ju cools the spring of cold enters the mouth, moist heart, celestial being of prodigy ascend to heaven and become immortal goes, spring poured out of an eternity, say hill is resolute, and hill anhydrous is little intelligence of animals, this spring just is the eye of prodigy hill.

Fontal side rests less, I wave take one's leave, ascend a top and go, hill situation is steeper and steeper, the road is do not have almost, sunshine bright day even goes hard, more what is more,the rather that this is wet wet slip slippery wet, just rejoice to had turned eventually a ridge, abruptly have stand like a wall of a high and steep again at at the moment, hand drag is worn branch, the foot is stepping on stone to seam, the heart is in feel uncertain, the leg is trembling, the sweat on the face is more than rainwater, hands or feet is used, of be worthy of the name climb, it is move of a inch of a inch of upgrade simply, stride chela, drag the rear foot, turn over cliff eventually, become aware suddenly at the moment one is widened, record a success, the day also cleared.

A kind bold and generous, yong Yi, the pleasure like a rising wind and scudding clouds of conquer at the bosom.

But see a pine, or take root at cliff, or dancing at riprap, some resembles what the body twists dish of dragon post, stretchy neck look around, longing for your arrival, some resembles big umbrella of a blackish green, raised wait for you, qiu skeleton is bony, be proud frost fights snow, clank iron bone, with your associate with, I feel I also had good energy of life of Tie Zhu, these " suck emerald green glow and of enchantingly beautiful " pine, everyday sunshine of the first bath, the last send the setting sun.

Lift a north to look, group hill is vast, rise and fall to be worn repeatedly rise and fall, continuous pressing continuous, whole earth is multicolored like green bright and beautiful, green gave life, green gave a hope, a few villages resemble treasure bead enchasing its to go up, red brick green cover with tiles, amiable and halcyon, breed went the guileless of redneck and goodness, a cornfield, green in float is yellow, rippling wheat billow, it is a bumper harvest year, sweat changes a hope.

Look south turn one's head, clear sky 10 thousand lis, the sun drove haze, yun Duo is set went up gilt-edged, resemble greatly, resemble a tiger, resemble wind remaining part, resemble bibcock, light and free transfer to other use rolls, be in oneself beautiful image shine upon the sea, offshore blue waves 10 thousand just, wave light is crystalline, did not have in former days blusterous, much the charm of a girl, water follows Tian Qubi to be used up for nothing, the day is extensive also, the sea is extensive also, the day is in the bosom, the sea is in the bosom.

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