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第一部分 自然地理和地图

一、 宇宙中的地球


人类对宇宙的认识过程 天圆地方说、地圆说、地心说、日心说、大爆炸宇宙学说

宇宙的基本特点 由各种形态的物质构成,在不断运动和发展变化。

天体的分类 星云、恒星、行星、卫星、彗星、流星体、星际物质。

天体系统的成因 天体之间因相互吸引和相互绕转,形成天体系统。

天体系统的级别 地月系-太阳系-银河系(河外星系)-总星系

地球的普通性 八大行星中的普通一颗(同向性、共面性、近圆性、物理性质、运动特征)

地球的特殊性 有生命


日地平均距离 1.496亿千米,约1.5亿千米(一个天文单位)

太阳系九大行星的位置 水金地火(小)、木土天海

九大行星按结构特征分类 类地行星(水金地火)、巨行星(木土)、远日行星(天海)

地球上生物出现和进化的原因 光照条件、稳定的宇宙环境、适宜的大气和温度、液态水。

太阳的主要成分 氢和氦

太阳辐射能量的来源 核聚变反应

太阳辐射对地球和人类的影响 维持地表温度,水循环、大气运动等的动力,人类的主要能源。

太阳活动 黑子(标志)、耀斑(最激烈)。

我国太阳能的分布 分界线;青藏高原(最高)、四川盆地(最低)。

太阳外部结构及其相应的太阳活动 光球(黑子)、色球(耀斑)、日冕(太阳风)。

太阳黑子的变化周期 约11年。

太阳活动对地球的影响 ①影响气候②影响短波通讯③产生磁暴现象


地球的形状 赤道略鼓,两极稍扁的椭球体

地球的平均半径与赤道周长 6371千米、4万千米

经线和经度 连接南北极的线。相对的两条经线组成一个经线圈。111×cosθ

特殊经线 0°、180°、120°E、20°W、160°E

纬线和纬度 和赤道平行的的圆。以赤道为零度,向南向北各90度。

特殊的纬线 0°(赤道)、90°(极点)、30°、60°、23°26′、66°34′

本初子午线 0°经线,通过英国伦敦格林尼治天文台原址。

南北方向的判断 北极为最北,南极为最南。

东西方向的判断 沿着自转方向为向东,逆着自转方向为向西。

经纬网上方向的判断 平行四边形法则

经纬网上距离的计算 经度每差一度相差110×cosθ(当地纬度)、度相差一度相差110千米

东西经的判断 沿着自转方向增大的是东经,减小的是西经。

南北纬的判断 度数向北增大为北纬,向南增大为南纬。

地球自转的方向 自西向东。北极上空俯视呈逆时针旋转,南极俯视呈顺时针

地球自转的周期 恒星日,23小时56分4秒(真正周期);太阳日24小时(昼夜交替周期)。

地球自转的速度 角速度(约每小时15°),线速度(自赤道向两极递减1670km/h×cosθ)

地球公转的轨道 椭圆轨道。一月初(近日点)快,七月初(远日点)慢。

地球公转的方向 自西向东。从地球北极上空观察,呈逆时针旋转。

地球公转的周期 恒星年(365日6时9分10秒)(真正周期)


黄赤交角 黄道平面与赤道平面的夹角,目前为23°26′。

太阳直射点的移动规律 太阳直射点以一回归年为周期相应地在南北回归线间往返移动

晨昏线的判断 沿自转方向,黑夜向白天过渡为晨线,白天向黑夜过渡为昏线。


地方时的计算 每往东1°,时刻增大4分钟。

已知经度求时区数 经度除以15,再四舍五入。

区时的计算 每往东1个时区,时刻增大1个小时。

北京时间 以东八区(120°地方时)为标准时间。

国际标准时间 以本初子午线时间为标准时(即零度经线)。

国际日期变更线 180°经线(理论上),有三处偏离,不通过陆地(实际)。


2 高考地理知识点全解

地球自转的地理意义 昼夜更替、地方时、水平运动物体的地转偏向(北右南左)

太阳直射点的判断 太阳高度为90度,昼半球的中心点,地方时为12点。

春分日(3.21.)秋分日(9.23.) 太阳直射点在赤道,晨昏线与经线重合,全球昼夜等长

夏至日(6月22日) 太阳直射点在北回归线,晨昏线与经线交角最大,北半球昼长>12h

冬至日(12月22日) 太阳直射点在南回归线,晨昏线与经线交角最大,南半球昼长>12h

夏半年的概念 3月21日至9月23日,直射点在北半球。此时南半球为冬半年

冬半年的概念 9月23日至3月21日,直射点在南半球。此时南半球为夏半年

昼夜长短的计算 以昼弧长度为依据,每15度为1小时。日落时间减去日出时间。

日出日落时刻的计算 日出时间为12-L/2,日落时间为12+L/2;L为昼长

昼夜长短的判断 夏半年,越往北白昼越长,冬半年,越往南白昼越长。

正午太阳高度的计算 90°-(直射点与所求点的纬度间隔)

天文四季 一年内白昼最长、太阳最高的季节是夏季,反之为冬季。

我国传统四季 以立春(2.4/5)、立夏(5.5/6)、立秋(8.7/8)、立冬(11.7/8)划分四季。

欧美传统四季 以春分、夏至、秋分、冬至为四季的起点。

二十四节气 春雨惊春清谷天夏满芒夏暑相连秋处露秋寒霜降冬雪雪冬小大寒

五带的名称和范围 热带、北温带、南温带、北寒带、南寒带。

地球公转的地理意义 正午太阳高度的变化、昼夜长短的变化、四季更替


空间探索阶段的开始 1957年10月,原苏联第一颗人造地球卫星上天。

空间开发阶段的开始 1981年第一架航天飞机试航成功。

我国航天事业的发展史 1970年"东方红"一号、2003年"神舟5号"载人航天飞船。2005年神舟6号。2008年神舟7号。

宇宙自然资源的分类 空间资源(高真空、强辐射、失重)、太阳能资源、矿产资源。

保护宇宙环境 清除太空垃圾、加强国际合作。



大气圈对地球的重要意义 保护生物生存,影响地球自然环境,维持生命活动

低层大气的组成 干洁空气、水汽和固体杂质

干洁空气的组成 氮和氧,二氧化碳和臭氧

氧、氮、臭氧、二氧化碳、水汽和尘埃的作用 生命活动必需;构成生物体成分;吸收紫外线;光合、保温作用;成云致雨

大气污染 二氧化碳的"温室效应",氟氯烃破坏臭氧层、酸雨

大气垂直分层 对流层、平流层(臭氧层)、高层大气(电离层)

对流层的主要特征 上冷下热,对流显著,天气现象复杂多变。与人类的关系最密切

电离层 无线电短波通讯

平流层的主要特征 臭氧吸收紫外线。平流,对高空飞行有利。人类的保护伞。


影响太阳辐射强度的最主要因素 太阳高度角

大气对太阳辐射的削弱作用 选择性吸收、反射(无选择性)、散射。

辐射定律 物质的温度越高,辐射中最强部分的波长越短;反之越长。

地面辐射 是对流层大气主要的直接热源。属长波辐射。

大气逆辐射 大气辐射射回地面的部分。夜间有云较温暖,夜间晴朗较寒冷。

大气的保温效应 水汽和二氧化碳对地面长波辐射吸收能力很强,保温作用

全球的热量平衡 地球多年平均收入的热量与支出的热量是相等的。

引起大气运动的根本原因 各纬度间的冷热不均。

热力环流 由于地面冷热不均而形成的空气环流。

形成风的直接原因 水平气压梯度力。

水平气压梯度力的方向和大小 由高压垂直指向低压。


地转偏向力的方向 北半球垂直于风向右侧,南半球垂直于风向左侧。低纬度小,高纬度大

摩擦力对风向的影响 受摩擦力的影响,风向与等压线并不平行,而是有个交角,斜穿等压线。


3 高考地理知识点全解

根据等压线判断风向的步骤 北半球右偏,南半球左偏;斜穿等压线,指向低压;高空与等压线平行。左右手法则。

热力环流的典型案例 城市风、海陆风、山谷风

海平面等压线 低压中心,高压中心。低压槽、高压脊、鞍部。

大气环流的意义 调整全球水热分布,是各地天气变化和气候形成的重要因素。

地球上气压带和风带的分布 赤道低压、信风、副高、中纬西风、副极地低压、极地东风、极地高压

气压带和风带的季节位移 大致来说,对于北半球夏季北移,冬季南移。

冬季主要气压中心(1月,北纬60度) 亚洲高压(亚欧大陆)、阿留申低压(北太平洋)和冰岛低压(北大西洋)

夏季主要气压中心(7月,北纬30度) 亚洲低压(亚欧大陆),夏威夷高压(北太平洋)亚速尔高压(北大西洋)

季风的成因 ① 海陆热力性质差异(东亚)

② ②气压带和风带位置的季节移动(南亚)

季风的典型分布地区 东亚季风(西北、东南风);南亚季风(东北、西南风)。


降水的条件 物质条件:水汽、固体杂质


降水的类型 锋面雨、地形雨、对流雨

世界降水分布 东岸多、西岸少。赤道多、两极少。沿海多、内陆少。赤道多雨带、副热带少雨带、副极地多雨带、极地少雨带。


锋面的分类与天气 冷锋、暖锋和准静止锋。过境时与过境后气温、气压、天气的变化。

锋面对我国天气影响的实例 北方夏季的暴雨(冷锋)冬季的寒潮、沙尘暴(冷锋)、梅雨(准静止锋)

气旋的气压、气流状况、天气特征 低气压;上升气流;阴雨。北半球逆时针辐合,南半球顺时针辐合。

反气旋的气压、气流状况、天气特征 高气压;下沉气流;晴朗。北半球顺时针辐散,南半球逆时针辐散。

锋面气旋 温带气旋,东面暖锋、西面冷锋。暖锋锋前、冷锋锋后一侧阴雨。

气候形成因子 太阳辐射、大气环流、下垫面、人类活动。

大陆性气候与海洋性气候的比较 日较差、年较差、最高气温月、最低气温月。

世界气候类型的名称 热带(四种)、亚热带(两种)、温带(三种)、寒带(一种)

判断气候类型的步骤 ①判断南北半球,②判断热量带,③判断雨型。

亚热带季风气候 大陆东岸20-35°。季风环流。夏季高温多雨、冬季温和少雨。

地中海气候 30-40西岸。受副高和西风交替控制。夏季炎热干燥,冬季温和多雨。

温带季风气候 40-60°大陆东岸(仅东亚)。季风环流。夏季高温多雨,冬季低温干燥。

温带海洋性气候 40-60°大陆西岸。终年盛行西风。冬暖夏凉,降水均匀。

温带大陆性气候 温带内陆。终年受大陆气团控制。冬季严寒、夏季炎热、全年少雨。

气候的变化 地质时期、历史时期、19世纪末以来。

气候资源的特点 可再生,普遍存在性,数值特征,有较大的变率

气候资源与农业 种植制度(作物的结构、熟制、配置与种植方式)。

气候资源与建筑 小区街道与子午线成30°-60°夹角,街道方向与风向平行(利于通风)

风与城市规划 工业企业布局在盛行风的下风向或最小风频上风向。居民区相反。

气候资源与交通 公路、铁路、机场(暴雨、泥石流、风速、桥涵、云雾、地势等)

台风(飓风) 热带气旋强烈发展形成。近中心风力>12级。影响低纬度东岸。

热带气旋强度等级 热带低气压-热带风暴-强热带风暴-台风。

台风的监测与预报 利用气象卫星确定台风中心位置,估计强度,监测移动方向和速度。

暴雨形成条件 ①充足的水汽②强烈的上升运动③持续的天气系统

洪涝灾害的防御 提高预报的准确率,采取工程措施和非工程措施。

干旱的危害 造成粮食减产,人畜饮水困难,影响经济发展和社会安定。

干旱的防御 改善生态、选择耐旱作物、开展水利建设、改进耕作制度等。


4 高考地理知识点全解

寒潮的危害 带来严寒、大风、霜冻。对春秋季的农作物危害最大。

寒潮的防御 提前发布准确的寒潮消息或警报。

全球变暖趋势及其人为原因 ①燃烧矿物燃料②毁林

全球变暖造成的后果 ①海平面上升②各地区降水和干湿状况的变化,导致各国经济结构调整。

大气臭氧层总量减少的主要原因 氟氯烃化合物消耗臭氧。

大气臭氧层总量减少的危害 ①直接危害人体健康②对生态环境和农林牧渔造成破坏。

臭氧层的保护 ①研制新型制冷系统②参与国际合作

酸雨的成因 燃烧煤、石油、天然气,排放二氧化硫和氧化氮等酸性气体。

我国酸雨区的分布 南方酸雨严重①西南(四川盆地)②中南(珠江三角洲)③长江三角洲

酸雨的危害 ①河湖水酸化,影响鱼类②土壤酸化③腐蚀建筑物④危及人体健康

酸雨的防治 减少人为硫氧化物和氮氧化物的排放。煤炭中的硫资源综合利用。




海洋是大气的主要热源和水源 海洋水量占地球总水量的96.53%,海洋占地球表面的71%。热容量很大。

海岸带 从滨海平原到大陆架之间的广阔区域。

海岸带与人类活动 全球50%以上的人口,生活在距离海岸60千米的范围内。

人-海岸相互作用阶段 ①很少干预②开始干预③海岸开发④海岸管理

海水热量的收入、支出 太阳辐射、海水蒸发所消耗的热量。

影响海洋表层水温的因素 太阳辐射、沿岸地形、气象、洋流等。

海水温度的空间变化规律 从赤道向两极递减。

海水温度的垂直变化 表层海水温度变化较大,1000米以下深层海水温度变化不大。

海水对大气温度的调节作用 海洋面积广,水量大,而且热容量又很大。

海水中主要盐类物质 氯化钠、氯化镁。

盐度的概念 1000克海水中所含溶解的盐类物质的总量。大洋平均盐度:3.5%

海洋表层盐度的纬度分布规律 从南北半球的副热带海区分别向南北两侧递减。

影响海水盐度的因素 降水量、蒸发量、洋流(寒流、暖流)、河流淡水汇入(径流量)。

盐度最高的海区和最低的海区 红海(亚非交界)、波罗的海(北欧附近)

海水运动的主要形式 波浪(风浪、海啸)、潮汐(大潮和小潮)、洋流

洋流的概念 海水常年比较稳定地沿着一定方向作大规模的流动。

洋流的成因分类 风海流(大多东西方向)补偿流(大多南北向)密度流(直布罗陀海峡)。


Physical geography of the first part and map

One, the earth in the universe

(one) , the earth is a celestial bodies in the universe

Round to understanding process day of the universe place says the mankind, ground circle says, the earth's core says, doctrine of universe of heliocentric theory, big burst

Basic characteristic of the universe is formed by the material of all sorts of configuration, change in constant motion and development.

Spherical classifies nebular, sidereal, planet, satellite, comet, meteoroid, interstellar material.

Between the celestial bodies of cause of formation of celestial body system turn because of be attracted each other and be being circled each other, form celestial body system.

The level land month of celestial body system is fastened - solar system - galaxy (the galaxy outside the river) - total galaxy

Earthly general is epicene in 8 major planet common (with tropism, in all feature of property of face sex, close round sex, physics, motion)

Earthly characteristic has life

(2) , day ground concerns

Mean Earth-Sun distance 149.6 million kilometre, about 150 million kilometre (an astronomical unit)

Solar system the fire of ground of positional water gold of 9 major planet (small) , sea of wooden tract sky

9 major planet press terrestrial planet of structural classification of characteristics (fire of water gold ground) , gigantic planet (wooden tract) , far day planet (day sea)

The biology on the earth appears and developmental reason illumination condition, stable universe environment, appropriate air is mixed water of temperature, liquid state.

The bases hydrogen of the sun and helium

The origin nuclear fusion of sun radiate energy reacts

Sun radiate maintains upper temperature to the influence of the earth and mankind, boiler circulation, air moves the motivation that wait, main the sources of energy of the mankind.

Sun activity blacks mole (mark) , solar flare (the most intense) .

The distributinging boundary of our country solar energy; Qinghai-Tibet Platean (highest) , Sichuan basin (lowest) .

The sun is exterior structure and its corresponding sun activity photosphere (sunspot) , chromosphere (solar flare) , corona (sun wind) .

The metabolic cycle of macula makes an appointment with 11 years.

Sun activity affects climate ② to affect shortwave communication ③ to produce magnetic storm phenomenon to influence ① of the earth

(3) , the earth

Appearance equator of the earth is roused slightly, polar a bit flat ellipsoid body

Average radius of the earth and equatorial circumference 6371 kilometre, 40 thousand kilometre

Meridian and the line of the arctic austral longitude join. Two opposite warp form a longitudinal group. θ of 111 × Cos

Special warp E of W of E of 0 ° , 180 ° , 120 ° , 20 ° , 160 °

Of weft and latitude and equatorial parallel round. It is zero with equator, xiang Na is northerly each 90 degrees.

Special woof 0 ° (equatorial) , 90 ° (the utmost) , 34 ′ of 26 ′ of 30 ° , 60 ° , 23 ° , 66 °

The first meridian 0 ° are longitudinal, through British London case Lin Ni treats observatory former address.

The judgement arctic of direction of north and south is most north, antarctic is most south.

The judgement of thing direction is along rotation direction eastwards, going against rotation direction to be to on the west.

Via the judgement parallelogram law of the direction on abb net

Via the computational longitude that is apart from on abb net every difference differs for a time θ of 110 × Cos (place is latitudinal) , degree differ for a time 110 kilometre

What the judgement of thing classics increases along rotation direction is the east longitude, those who reduce is west longitude.

The judgement degree of abb of north and south increases north for north latitude, xiang Na increases for south latitude.

The direction of earthly rotation from on the west eastwards. Arctic in the sky look down at is shown anticlockwise rotate, antarctic look down at shows suitable hour hand

The periodic and sidereal day of earthly rotation, 4 seconds (true cycle) ; Sun day 24 hours (day and night is alternant and periodic) .

The speed angular velocity of earthly rotation (make an appointment with horary 15 ° ) , linear velocity (from equator to θ of Cos of × of polar and degressive 1670km/h)

The orbit ellipse orbit of earthly revolution. At the beginning of January (perihelion) fast, at the beginning of July (aphelion) slow.

The direction of earthly revolution from on the west eastwards. From earthly arctic in the sky observation, show anticlockwise rotate.

The cycle of earthly revolution is sidereal year (365 days 6 when 9 minutes of 10 seconds) (true cycle)

Tropical year (46 seconds)

Plane of ecliptic of yellow bare angle of cut and equatorial and planar included angle, it is 23 ° at present 26 ′ .

The mobile rule sun with bit more point-blank sun is bit more point-blank it is periodic and corresponding ground to return to space shuttlecock in north and south with one tropical year

Morning faints the direction of judgement edge rotation of the line, night to transfer by day the line that it is morning, transfer to the night by day it is a line.

Morning line and equator intersect the warp of place is at 6 o'clock, faint line and equator intersect the warp of place is at 18 o'clock

The computation when the place every are gone to east 1 ° , always increase 4 minutes.

Foregone longitude begs time zone to count longitude to divide with 15, again round.

The computation of zone time every are gone to east a time zone, always increase a hour.

To the south of Beijing time 8 areas (when 120 ° place) for standard time.

When international standard time is a standard with time of the first meridian (namely zero is longitudinal) .

International date changes a line 180 ° are longitudinal (theoretic) , 3 is in deviate, do not traverse land (actual) .


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When the replace of geographical meaning day and night of earthly rotation, place, the ground of horizontal mobile turns deflection (north is right south left)

The judgement sun height with bit more point-blank sun is 90 degrees, the center of day hemisphere, it is when the place at 12 o'clock.

Spring equinox day (3.21. ) day of the autumnal equinox (9.23. ) the sun is bit more point-blank in equator, morning faints line and longitudinal coincide, global day and night long

Solstitial day (on June 22) the sun is bit more point-blank in the Tropic of Cancer, morning faints line and longitudinal angle of cut are the biggest, day of the Northern Hemisphere is long > 12h

Solstitial day (on December 22) the sun is bit more point-blank in tropic of carpricorn, morning faints line and longitudinal angle of cut are the biggest, day of the Southern Hemisphere is long > 12h

The concept of summerly half an year came on March 21 on September 23, point-blank dot is in the Northern Hemisphere. Right now the Southern Hemisphere is wintry half an year

The concept of wintry half an year came on September 23 on March 21, point-blank dot is in the Southern Hemisphere. Right now the Southern Hemisphere is summerly half an year

The computation of accident of day and night is a basis with day arc length, every 15 degrees are 1 hour. Sunset time is subtractive sunrise time.

The computational sunrise time of sunrise sunset hour is 12 - L/2, sunset time is 12 + L/2; L grows for day

The judgement summer half an year of accident of day and night, grow more toward boreal daytime more, wintry half an year, jump over southward daytime is longer.

The computation of noonday sun height 90 ° - (point-blank dot and the latitudinal interval that seek a site)

Astronomy the four seasons the daytime inside a year the season with the longest, highest sun is the summer, it is winter conversely.

Our country traditional the four seasons with the Beginning of Spring (2.4/5) , the Beginning of Summer (5.5/6) , the Beginning of Autumn (8.7/8) , the Beginning of Winter (11.7/8) differentiates the four seasons.

Euramerican and traditional the four seasons with spring equinox, Summer Solstice, the autumnal equinox, solstitial the start that is the four seasons.

Heat of summer of full beard of Tianxia of Chun Qinggu of Jing of rain during springtime of 24 solar term is linked together autumn place shows Qiu Hanshuang small Great Cold of winter of Jiang Dongxue snow

The name of 5 belts and limits tropics, the north temperate zone, the south temperate zone, the north frigid zone, the south frigid zone.

Replace of the change of the height of sun of geographical meaning noonday of earthly revolution, change of accident of day and night, the four seasons

(4) , the universe is explored

The beginning of dimensional exploration phase in October 1957, former Russia satellite of world of the first man-made goes up to the sky.

The beginning of dimensional development phase the first space shuttle is shakedown and successful 1981.

The phylogeny of career of our country spaceflight " east is red 1970 " one " is date, magical 2003 boat airship of 5 " manned spaceflight. Magical 2005 boat 6. Magical 2008 boat 7.

The classified space resource of cosmic rich (high vacuum, strong radiate, weightlessness) , solar energy resource, mineral products resource.

Protective universe environment is cleared aerospace rubbish, strengthen international to cooperate.

2, atmosphere

(one) atmospheric is comprised and perpendicular distributing

Big balloon protects biology to live to principal port of the earth, affect earthly environment, keep life activity

Low layer atmospheric constitutes dry clean air, lunt and solid foreign matter

Dry clean airy comprises nitrogen and oxygen, carbon dioxide and ozone

The working life activity of oxygen, nitrogen, ozone, carbon dioxide, lunt and dust is indispensible; Make organism part; Absorb ultraviolet radiation; Light closes, heat preservation action; Into Yun Zhiyu

The " of " greenhouse effect of air pollution carbon dioxide, fluorine chloric hydrocarbon destroys ozonosphere, acid rain

Atmosphere is perpendicular and statified layer of troposphere, advection (ozonosphere) , high-level air (ionosphere)

On the main feature of troposphere cold next heat, convection is remarkable, weather phenomenon is complex and changeful. The relationship with the mankind is the closest

Communication of ionosphere radio shortwave

The main feature ozone of advection layer absorbs ultraviolet radiation. Advection, advantageous to altitude flight. Human umbrella.

(2) state of troposphere atmospheric heating power and air move

Affect the elevation angle of sun of the mainest factor of sun radiate intensity

Atmosphere weakens action to be absorbed optionally to sun radiant, reflection (without alternative) , scattering.

The temperature of radiation law material is higher, the wavelengh of the strongest part in radiation is shorter; Grow more conversely.

Ground radiate is the immediate heat source with troposphere main air. Belong to longwave radiation.

Radiate of air of radiate of big circulation of vital energy in the wrong direction shoots the share of a ground. Nightly say warmer, nightly and fine colder.

Lunt of effect of atmospheric heat preservation and carbon dioxide absorb ability to ground longwave radiation very strong, heat preservation action

World of balance of quantity of heat is old the quantity of heat of the quantity of heat of average income and defray is equal.

The prime cause that causes air campaign the cold heat between each latitude not all.

Heating power is circumfluent because the region is cold hot not all and formation air is circumfluent.

The force of gradient of atmospheric pressure of immediate cause level of form become a common practice.

The direction of force of gradient of horizontal atmospheric pressure and size by high pressure perpendicular point to low pressure.

The baric difference between unit distance is bigger (isobar is more concentrated) , wind-force is bigger.

The ground turns the directional the Northern Hemisphere of deflection force is perpendicular Yu Feng rightward, the Southern Hemisphere is perpendicular side of Yu Feng towards the left. Low latitude is small, tall latitude is big

Attrition force suffers the effect of attrition force to the influence of wind direction, wind direction and isobar are not parallel, have an angle of cut however, inclined wear isobaric line.


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The measure the Northern Hemisphere that judges wind direction according to isobar is right slant, the Southern Hemisphere is left slant; Inclined wear isobaric line, point to low pressure; Headroom and isobar are parallel. Control hand law.

Wind of the wind of typical case city with circumfluent heating power, sea land wind, valley

Center of low pressure of sea level isobar, high-pressured center. Backbone of low-pressure chamfer, high pressure, nek.

The meaning with circumfluent air adjusts global hydro-thermal to distributing, it is the main factor that variation of each district weather and climate form.

The distributinging equator low pressure that the atmospheric pressure on the earth takes zephyr, trade, deputy tall, medium abb west wind, deputy polar low pressure, polar east wind, polar high pressure

The seasonal displacement that atmospheric pressure takes zephyr roughly for, move to north of summer of the Northern Hemisphere, move south winter.

Winter is main baric center (in January, north latitude 60 degrees) Asian high pressure (Asia-Europe mainland) , Aliushen is low-pressure (boreal Pacific Ocean) with Icelandic low pressure (Beijing University West)

The summer is main baric center (in July, north latitude 30 degrees) Asian low pressure (Asia-Europe mainland) , hawaiian high pressure (boreal Pacific Ocean) inferior fast Er high pressure (Beijing University West)

The difference of property of heating power of land of sea of ① of cause of formation of monsoon (East Asia)

The season that ② ② atmospheric pressure brings zephyr to take the place is mobile (South Asia)

The monsoon of East Asia of canonical distribution area of monsoon (northwest, southeast wind) ; South Asia monsoon (northeast, southwest) .

(3) atmosphere precipitation

The conditional material condition of precipitation: Impurity of lunt, solid

Critical condition: Lunt rises, lunt condenses achieve supersaturation.

The rain of type frontal surface of precipitation, landform rain, convection rain

World precipitation distributings east the bank is much, on the west the bank is little. Equator is much, polar little. Coastal much, inland is little. Equatorial and rainy belt, subtropic little rain belt, deputy polar much rain belt, polar little rain belt.

(4) weather, climate and mankind and atmosphere calamity

The classification of frontal surface and weather cold front, warm front and accurate dormant sharp edge. The with the air temperature after pass through the territory of a country, baric, weather change when pass through the territory of a country.

The rainstorm of the example north summer that frontal surface affects to our country weather (Leng Feng) hiemal cold wave, sand and dust is cruel (Leng Feng) , plum rains (accurate dormant sharp edge)

Low pressure of feature of state of the atmospheric pressure of cyclone, air current, weather; Ascendant air current; Overcast and rainy. Anticlockwise spoke adds up to the Northern Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere arranges hour hand spoke to close.

Feature of state of the atmospheric pressure of anticyclone, air current, weather is high-pressure; Sink air current; Fine. The Northern Hemisphere arranges hour hand divergence, the Southern Hemisphere is anticlockwise divergence.

Cyclone of temperate zone of frontal surface cyclone, the east warm front, west Leng Feng. Before warm front sharp edge, overcast and rainy of a side after Leng Feng sharp edge.

Climate forms factor sun radiate, air activity of face of circumfluent, underlay, mankind.

The comparison of continental climate and maritime climate day is poorer, year month of month of poorer, highest air temperature, lowermost air temperature.

The name of world climate type is intertropical (4 kinds) , semi-tropical (two kinds) , temperate zone (3 kinds) , frigid zone (a kind)

The measure ① that judges climate type judges hemisphere of north and south, ② judges belt of quantity of heat, ③ judgement rain.

Mainland of semi-tropical monsoon climate east bank 20-35 ° . Monsoon is circumfluent. Summertime high temperature rainy, winter is mild little rain.

Mediterranean climate 30-40 on the west bank. Suffer pair of Gao Hexi wind to be controlled alternately. The summer is burning hot and dry, winter is gentle and rainy.

Mainland of ° of 40-60 of climate of temperate zone monsoon east bank (only East Asia) . Monsoon is circumfluent. Summertime high temperature is rainy, winter low temperature is dry.

Mainland of ° of 40-60 of temperate zone maritime climate on the west bank. West wind of be current of all the year round. Wintry warm summer is cool, precipitation is even.

Temperate zone of temperate zone continental climate is inland. All the year round gets control of mainland air mass. Winter severe cold, summer is completely burning hot, junior rain.

Since end of the metabolic geology period of climate, history period, 19 centuries.

The characteristic of climate resource but second birth, put generally in the gender, numeric feature, have bigger change rate

Climate resource and agriculture cultivate a system (the structure of crop, ripe make, configuration and grow way) .

Climate resource and building village are street become 30 ° with meridian - 60 ° included angle, street direction and wind direction parallel (benefit at ventilated)

Wind and position of company of town planning industry are on next wind direction of be current wind or frequency of the smallest wind wind direction. Residential area is contrary.

Climate resource and traffic highway, railroad, airport (contain of rainstorm, mud-rock flow, wind speed, bridge, cloud and mist, relief)

Typhoon (hurricane) strong development forms intertropical cyclone. Close center is wind- driven > 12 class. Affect low latitude east bank.

Low pressure of tropics of grade of intertropical cyclone intensity - tropical storm - strong tropical storm - typhoon.

Of the typhoon monitor use meteorological satellite to determine typhonic center position with forecast, estimate strength, monitor mobile direction and speed.

Rainstorm forms the weather system that the ascendant motion ③ with the lunt intense ② with conditional enough ① lasts

The defence that big damage caused by waterlogging impairs raises the accuracy rate of forecast, take project measure and blame project step.

Arid harm causes grain reduction in production, it is difficult that person cultivate waters, influence economy progress and society are stable.

Arid defence improves zoology, choice to be able to bear or endure drought crop, develop irrigation works construction, improve farming system to wait.


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The harm of cold wave brings freezing, gale, frost. The biggest to the crop harm of year season.

The defence of cold wave issues accurate cold wave information or warning ahead of schedule.

Heated climate and its person are the whole world ② of mineral fuel of reason ① combustion is destroyed forest

The whole world is calefacient the sequential ① sea level that create rises precipitation of ② various places and the change that work wet state, cause structural adjustment of each country economy.

Compound of chloric hydrocarbon of main reason fluorine uses up reductive of atmosphere ozonosphere gross ozone.

Environment of state of opposite of ② of health of human body of immediate harm of ① of harm of reductive of atmosphere ozonosphere gross and aricultural herd fishing are caused destroy.

The protective ① of ozonosphere develops ② of new-style refrigeration system to participate in international collaboration

The coal of burning of cause of formation of acid rain, oil, natural gas, discharge the acidity gas such as 2 oxidation sulfur and oxidation nitrogen.

The distributinging south acid rain of area of our country acid rain is serious ① is southwest (Sichuan basin) in ② south (Pearl River delta) delta of ③ the Yangtse River

The acidification of water of lake of harm ① river of acid rain, ③ of acidification of soil of influence fish ② corrodes building ④ to endanger human body health

The prevention and cure of acid rain reduces what the person is sulfur oxide and azotic oxide to discharge. The sulfur resource in coal is used integratedly.

(5) isopleth of baric, air temperature, precipitation graph, histogram sentence read skill

3, marine

(one) briny property and motion

Ocean is atmospheric 96.53% what main heat source and quantity of fountainhead ocean water cover an area of ball total water to measure, 71% what ocean covers an area of ball surface. Thermal capacity is very large.

Coastal belt wears the vast area between to the mainland from seaside Campagna.

Coastal belt and human activity whole world the population of 50% above, live in distance coast inside the limits of 60 kilometre.

Person - ① of coastal interaction phase intervenes ② begins to intervene ③ coast develops ④ coast management rarely

Radiate of sun of briny caloric income, defray, seawater evaporates the quantity of heat that uses up.

The element sun radiate with warm water of influence ocean surface layer, coastal landform, atmosphere, ocean current.

The dimensional change rule of briny temperature from equator to polar and degressive.

The change of temperature of seawater of perpendicular change surface layer of briny temperature is bigger, change of temperature of 1000 meters of the following and deep-seated seawater is not big.

The adjustment that seawater spends to big air temperature action ocean area is vast, water amount is large, and thermal capacity very big.

In seawater main salt kind corporeal sodium chloride, magnesium chloride.

What the concept of salinity contains deliquescent salt in 1000 grams seawater kind corporeal gross. Ocean is average salinity: 3.5 %

The latitudinal distributinging rule of salinity of marine surface layer from hemisphere of north and south subtropic sea area parts to north and south two side decrease successively.

The element fall that affects briny salinity, capacity, ocean current (cold current, warm current) , fluvial fresh water is collected (diameter discharge) .

The sea area the Red Sea of the sea area with highest salinity and lowest (afro-asian have a common boundary) , Baltic (near boreal Europe)

The main form wave that seawater moves (storm, seismic sea wave) , tide (spring tide and neap) , ocean current

The notional seawater of ocean current makes massive flow steadily along certain way all the year round.

The ocean current of wind of classification of cause of formation of ocean current (mostly thing direction) compensation flows (mostly north and south to) density flows (Gibraltar channel) .

