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1. 在煮鸡蛋前,先用勺子轻轻敲打蛋壳,可以让煮熟的鸡蛋更容易剥皮。

2. 如果不小心被蜜蜂蜇了,可以用肥皂水涂抹在蜇伤处,有助于中和毒素。

3. 在煮面条时,加入一小勺油可以防止面条粘在一起。

4. 用微波炉加热剩菜时,可以在食物表面覆盖一层保鲜膜,防止食物干燥。

5. 如果不小心将口红弄到衣服上,可以用酒精擦拭,然后用清水冲洗。

6. 在切洋葱前,可以将洋葱放入冰箱冷冻15分钟,这样可以减少眼泪的产生。

7. 如果不小心将手机掉进水里,立即关闭手机并将其放入大米中,可以帮助吸收水分。

8. 在洗碗时,先用热水浸泡有污渍的餐具,可以更容易去除顽固污渍。

9. 如果不小心将银器变黑,可以用牙膏擦拭,然后用水冲洗干净。

10. 在切洋葱时,可以在水龙头下冲洗双手,可以减少洋葱气味的扩散。

11. 如果不小心将口香糖粘在衣物上,可以用冰块冷冻口香糖,然后将其剥离。

12. 在炖肉时,加入一些八角、桂皮等香料,可以增加菜肴的香味。

13. 如果不小心将蜡烛弄倒,可以用湿毛巾盖住火焰,使其熄灭。

14. 在洗衣服时,加入一些白醋,可以去除衣物上的异味。

15. 如果不小心将口红弄断,可以用打火机加热口红芯,然后重新卷起。

16. 在切水果时,可以先将水果冷藏一段时间,这样切口会更加整齐。

17. 如果不小心将指甲油弄脏了衣物,可以用酒精擦拭,然后用清水冲洗。

18. 在炖汤时,加入一些枸杞、红枣等食材,可以增加汤的营养价值。

19. 如果不小心将红酒洒在地毯上,可以用盐撒在红酒渍上,等待一段时间后再用吸尘器吸走盐。

20. 在炒菜时,可以先将锅烧热,然后再加油,这样可以防止食物粘锅。

21. 如果不小心将果汁洒在地毯上,可以用牛奶浸泡,然后用清水冲洗。

22. 在洗头发时,可以先用干洗发喷雾处理头发,然后再用洗发水清洗。

23. 如果不小心将蜂蜜粘在鞋底上,可以用橡皮擦轻轻擦拭。

24. 在烤肉时,可以先用柠檬汁腌制肉类,这样可以增加肉类的口感和味道。

25. 如果不小心将酱油溅到皮肤上,可以用冷水冲洗,然后用肥皂擦拭。

26. 在洗鱼时,可以先用盐水浸泡鱼身,这样可以去除鱼身上的腥味。

27. 如果不小心将咖啡洒在地毯上,可以用湿毛巾轻轻按压咖啡渍,然后用吸尘器吸走。

28. 在洗葡萄时,可以先将葡萄放入冰箱冷冻一段时间,然后用清水冲洗。

29. 如果不小心将茶水洒在地毯上,可以用湿毛巾轻轻按压茶渍,然后用吸尘器吸走。

30. 在洗蔬菜时,可以先将蔬菜浸泡在水中一段时间,这样可以去除蔬菜上的农药残留。

31. 如果不小心将牛奶洒在地毯上,可以用醋擦拭,然后用清水冲洗。

32. 在洗米饭时,可以先将米浸泡一段时间,然后用清水冲洗,这样可以去除米粒表面的杂质。

33. 如果不小心将果汁洒在地毯上,可以用酒精擦拭,然后用清水冲洗。

34. 在洗草莓时,可以先将草莓放入淡盐水中浸泡一段时间,然后用清水冲洗。

35. 如果不小心将巧克力洒在地毯上,可以用冰袋敷在巧克力渍上,等待一段时间后再用吸尘器吸走。

36. 在洗蘑菇时,可以先用盐水浸泡蘑菇,这样可以去除蘑菇上的泥沙。

37. 如果不小心将橄榄油洒在地毯上,可以用柠檬汁擦拭,然后用清水冲洗。

38. 在洗西红柿时,可以先将西红柿放入开水中焯烫一下,然后用清水冲洗。

39. 如果不小心将花生酱洒在地毯上,可以用橄榄油擦拭,然后用清水冲洗。

40. 在洗黄瓜时,可以先将黄瓜放入盐水中浸泡一段时间,然后用清水冲洗。

41. 如果不小心将芥末洒在地毯上,可以用酒精擦拭,然后用清水冲洗。

42. 在洗西瓜时,可以先将西瓜放入淡盐水中浸泡一段时间,然后用清水冲洗。

43. 如果不小心将辣椒粉洒在地毯上,可以用玉米淀粉擦拭,然后用清水冲洗。

44. 在洗土豆时,可以先将土豆放入淡盐水中浸泡一段时间,然后用清水冲洗。

45. 如果不小心将咖喱粉洒在地毯上,可以用牛奶擦拭,然后用清水冲洗。

46. 在洗豆芽时,可以先将豆芽放入淡盐水中浸泡一段时间,然后用清水冲洗。

47. 如果不小心将酱油洒在地毯上,可以用白醋擦拭,然后用清水冲洗。

48. 在洗豆腐时,可以先将豆腐放入淡盐水中浸泡一段时间,然后用清水冲洗。

49. 如果不小心将蜂蜜洒在地毯上,可以用面粉吸附表面的蜂蜜,然后用吸尘器吸走。

50. 在洗香蕉时,可以先将香蕉放入热水中焯烫一下,然后用清水冲洗。

51. 如果不小心将咖啡洒在地毯上,可以用冰块冷冻咖啡渍,等待一段时间后再用吸尘器吸走。

52. 在洗橙子时,可以先将橙子放入淡盐水中浸泡一段时间,然后用清水冲洗。

53. 如果不小心将花生油洒在地毯上,可以用洗衣粉稀释后的溶液擦拭油污部位;待油渍分解后再用湿布拭净即可清除;如果是毛毯类的地毯则可用草酸清洗剂来清洗(注意不要过量使用)。


1.Before the egg that boil, beat chorion gently with ladle first, the egg that can let thoroughly cook decorticates more easily.

2.If did not take care to be stung by the bee, can be in the place that sting an injury with suds daub, conduce to counteract toxin.

3.When the noodle that boil, join oil of one small spoon to be able to be stuck in order to prevent noodle together.

4.Heat with microwave oven when ort, one can be enclothed to last in food surface film, avoid food dry.

5.If do not take care to get lipstick the clothes, can wipe with alcohol, rinse with clear water next.

6.Before cutting onion, can put onion freezer refrigerant 15 minutes, can reduce the generation of tear so.

7.If do not take care to fall into the mobile phone water in, shut a mobile phone instantly and put its into rice, can help imbibe.

8.When washing a bowl, have the dinner service of besmirch with hot leach bubble first, can besmirch of easier purify bigotry.

9.If do not take care to blacken silver, can wipe with toothpaste, rinse clean with water next.

10.When cutting onion, both hands can be rinsed below faucet, can reduce onion odour diffuse.

11.If do not take care to stick chewing gum on clothings, can use ice cube refrigerant chewing gum, come off its next.

12.When stew, add the spice such as a few anise, cassia bark, can increase the fragrance of dish.

13.If do not take care candle prostrate, can cover with wet towel blaze, make its go out.

14.When washing the dress, join a few white vinegar, can the peculiar smell on purify clothings.

15.If do not take care lipstick strand, can heat with lighter lipstick core, furl afresh next.

16.When cutting a fruit, can refrigerate the fruit period of time first, such cut will be more orderly.

17.If do not take care to middle finger armour oil is flyblown clothings, can wipe with alcohol, rinse with clear water next.

18.When stew, join a few medlar, red jujube to wait feed capable person, can increase the nutrient value of soup.

19.If do not take care to spill red wine on carpet, can scatter on red wine be soiled with salt, cleaner of the reoccupy after awaiting period of time sucks salt.

20.When the fried dish, can burn boiler heat first, cheer again next, can stick boiler in order to avoid food so.

21.If do not take care to asperse fruit juice on carpet, can immerse with milk, rinse with clear water next.

22.When shampoo is sent, can send sparge to handle a hair with dry-clean first, next reoccupy shampoo is cleaned.

23.If do not take care to stick honey on sole, can brush light graze mop with rubber.

24.When barbecue, can use meat of lemon juice souse first kind, can add the meat so kind mouthfeel and flavour.

25.If do not take care to splash soy the skin to go up, can rinse with cold water, wipe with soap next.

26.When washing a fish, can use body of fish of saline leach bubble first, so OK the fishy smell on purify fish body.

27.If do not take care to asperse coffee on carpet, can press gently with wet towel control coffee floodwater on low-lying land, suck with cleaner next.

28.When washing a grape, can put the grape freezer first refrigerant period of time, rinse with clear water next.

29.If do not take care to sprinkle boiled water on carpet, can press the be soiled that press tea gently with wet towel, suck with cleaner next.

30.When washing vegetable, can immerse vegetable first in the period of time in water, so OK the pesticide on purify vegetable remains.

31.If do not take care to asperse milk on carpet, can wipe with vinegar, rinse with clear water next.

32.When washing rice, can immerse rice for some time first, rinse with clear water next, so OK the impurity of surface of purify grain of rice.

33.If do not take care to asperse fruit juice on carpet, can wipe with alcohol, rinse with clear water next.

34.When washing strawberry, can put strawberry into weak brine to immerse for some time first, rinse with clear water next.

35.If do not take care to asperse chocolate on carpet, can go up in chocolate be soiled with ice bag apply, cleaner of the reoccupy after awaiting period of time is sucked.

36.When washing mushroom, can use briny dip use delaying tactics first, so OK the silt on purify dawdle.

37.If do not take care to asperse olive oil on carpet, can wipe with lemon juice, rinse with clear water next.

38.When washing tomato, the scald in can putting tomato boiled water first is ironed, rinse with clear water next.

39.If do not take care to spill peanut butter on carpet, can wipe with olive oil, rinse with clear water next.

40.When washing cucumber, can put cucumber into brine to immerse for some time first, rinse with clear water next.

41.If do not take care to asperse mustard on carpet, can wipe with alcohol, rinse with clear water next.

42.When washing watermelon, can put watermelon into weak brine to immerse for some time first, rinse with clear water next.

43.If do not take care to asperse chili pink on carpet, can use corn starch to wipe, rinse with clear water next.

44.When washing potato, can put potato into weak brine to immerse for some time first, rinse with clear water next.

45.If do not take care to asperse curry powder on carpet, can wipe with milk, rinse with clear water next.

46.When washing bean sprouts, can put bean sprouts into weak brine to immerse for some time first, rinse with clear water next.

47.If do not take care to asperse soy on carpet, can wipe with white vinegar, rinse with clear water next.

48.When washing bean curd, can put bean curd into weak brine to immerse for some time first, rinse with clear water next.

49.If do not take care to asperse honey on carpet, can the honey of shortbread adsorption surface, suck with cleaner next.

50.When washing banana, the scald in can putting banana hot water first is ironed, rinse with clear water next.

51.If do not take care to asperse coffee on carpet, can use ice cube refrigerant coffee be soiled, cleaner of the reoccupy after awaiting period of time is sucked.

52.When washing orange, can put orange into weak brine to immerse for some time first, rinse with clear water next.

53.If do not take care to asperse peanut oil on carpet, can wipe smeary place with the solution after washing powder is attenuant; Mop of wet cloth of the reoccupy after the be soiled that wait for oil is decomposed can keep clear of completely; If be the carpet of felting,clear lotion of usable oxalic acid is cleaned (the attention does not want excessive use) .

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