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三、fx168 闪退?

1、可能运 问题。可重新启动手机或者电脑。

2、可能是内存不够接收不到新的信 息。可用软件清理一下垃圾,释放内存。

3、可能是下载的软件损害。可把原软件卸 载,然后重新下载,安装。

4、可能 是日期或 者 间不对。可查看一下日期时间,是否正确。如果日期和时间 不正确,将会导致网络错误的出现。



中国银行外汇宝的办理流程是: 凭本人有效身份证件在中国银行开立活期一本通或定期一本通存折并存入一定数量的外币现汇或现钞,以及持有外币现钞的客户均可在中国银行开办外汇宝业务的网点进行交易。或者凭本人有效身份证件和长城电子借记卡到柜台即可开通电话银行服务。












如果你前两次交易的钱还没有被扣,是可以去开户行写份说明让他们帮你取消交易的,只要还没有扣款,就不会有手续费,因为手续费是机器批量扣的,没有扣款就说明交易未成功 如果已经扣款了,就需要你到开户行去查询一下。

要看是不是机器自动入账的,如果是自动入账的,只要户名和帐号对应不起来,钱一般隔天或者第三天会退回到你的帐户(节假日顺延),但是汇款手续费隔天会从你的帐户扣取,按笔扣收 如果对方户名帐号都对,你只能联系收款人把你的钱退回来了,这种情况银行是没有办法处理的。

手续费照扣 如果已经扣款但是不是自动入账的,你可以尽快要求开户行取消汇出交易尽快把钱退回到你的帐户,也是需要写说明的应该。这种也是隔天扣手续费的。按笔扣收。






1手=100000单位量 0.1=10000单位


One, treasure of Fx168 foreign currency, is wanting to know true?

Yes, it is website of bigger now foreign currency portal, still foreign currency is connected is websites of a few bigger foreign currency portal.

2, group of Fx168 finance and economics how?

The enterprise that is industry of foreign currency of a take root more than 10 years, basically provide the information of respect of foreign currency finance and economics, the course develops for years, also expanded now trade groom, the respect such as broker Trade fair, new employee comes from graduate of college of domestic finance and economics more, compare dependable civilian look forward to.

3, does Fx168 shine retreat?

1, the likelihood carries problem. Can start a mobile phone afresh or computer.

2, the likelihood is memory does not receive new information not quite. Usable software clears rubbish, release memory.

3, the software that may be download is damaged. Can uninstall former software, download afresh next, installation.

4, the likelihood is date or incorrect. Can examine date time, correct. If date and time are incorrect, will bring about the occurrence of network mistake.

5, the server that also may be software appears problem, need to wait for period of time to be able to restore only.

4, how to handle account of foreign currency treasure?

The conduction flow of treasure of foreign currency of Bank of China is: By oneself effective identity document opens current to one is connected or stock a certain quantity of foreign currency to show to collect or show paper money regularly in the Bank of China, and the client that hold foreign currency shows paper money all can be in the site of business of treasure of foreign currency of open of Bank of China does business. Or by oneself effective identity document and Great Wall electron borrow write down card to be able to open phone bank to serve to bar.

5, the distinction of the foreign currency treasure of the Bank of China and treasure of two-way foreign currency?

Latter is OK two-way trade, former not OK

6, treasure of Agriculture Bank foreign currency how end an agreement?

When treasure of agricultural bank foreign currency cancels cancel a contract, be to be able to undertake undertaking in time taking id card, of business agriculture bank.

When treasure of agricultural bank foreign currency cancels cancel a contract, be to be able to undertake undertaking in time taking id card, of business agriculture bank.

When treasure of agricultural bank foreign currency cancels cancel a contract, be to be able to undertake undertaking in time taking id card, of business agriculture bank.

7, how is treasure of Construction Bank foreign currency to collect fees?

Foreign currency treasure should be business of foreign currency business, charge of not additional collection, bank income is reflected in difference of dot of buying and selling.

Discretion of the scale that nod difference needs to look only buy and sell the price difference that give to divide with exchange rate, rate is lower, trade cost is lower.

8, how does treasure of agricultural bank foreign currency cancel?

Treasure of agricultural bank foreign currency cancels means

If trade before you two times money has not been buckled, can go opening an account to write a specification to let them help you cancel to trade all right, want to had not deducted a money only, won't have poundage, because machine batch buckles poundage, did not buckle a paragraph to trade with respect to the specification abortive if had deducted a money, with respect to need you arrive open an account to inquire all right.

Should looking is a machine of automatic enter an item in an account, if be of automatic enter an item in an account, want name and an account correspondence not to rise only, money is lain between commonly the day perhaps can withdraw the account that returns you the 3rd day (holiday postpone) , but remittance poundage lies between day of meeting to be buckled from your account take, buckle by the pen if the account checks name of door of the other side,close, you can contact chamberlain to come to your fund return only, bank of this kind of circumstance is handled without method.

Poundage is illuminated if had deducted a money,buckle but be automatic enter an item in an account, you can ask to open an account to cancel remit to trade to go to fund return as soon as possible all right as soon as possible your account, also be to need those who write a specification should. This kind also lies between a day to buckle poundage. Buckle by the pen close.

9, what is treasure of traffic bank foreign currency?

Traffic bank " foreign currency treasure " namely buying and selling of individual foreign currency (solid dish) business, show individual client is used hand in the buying and selling of individual foreign currency of travel to trade system (include) of the bank on terminal of phone bank, self-help and net, according to hand in buying and selling of travel individual foreign currency to quote, the business that buying and selling of a kind of foreign currency becomes another kind of foreign currency (the RMB is current still cannot convertibility becomes foreign currency, because this client cannot make,undertake with the RMB foreign currency treasure trades) .

Hand in at present row " foreign currency treasure " use solid dish trade means, namely client must of hold full specified amount can sell shipment currency.

10, how much is skill of foreign currency treasure?

Foreign currency the agreement of one standard hand is 10W, it is unit of a standard. Every are a bit more fluctuant 10 U.S. dollors!

Unit of 0.1=10000 of unitage of 1 hand =100000

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