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One, transportation is safe

1, abide by traffic regulation self-consciously, do not run on highway be troubled by, amuse oneself.

2, cross highway should walk along crossover of travel of zebra crossing, person to wait, do not get optional cross.

3, must not ride a bicycle on the driveway.

4, abide by public order, queue up to wait for a car, the car did not stop to be not gotten firmly approach car, when fluctuation car not crowded.

5, civilization takes a car, good safety belt or cinch armrest should be fastened when taking a car. Do not sit shabby car.

2, the safety that notices water

Do not wait for dangerous local amuse oneself to river side, reservoir, pond, well, to these the place must have the parent to accompany.

3, electric safety

1, electric home appliances

2, do not move in disorder, receive electrical wiring, lamp holder, electrical outlet to wait in disorder.

3, do not have in mark " high tension is dangerous " local amuse oneself.

4, the safety that notices fire

1, forbid to play with fire, must not carry kindling material, discover fire must not show off fire attacks before going up, seasonable report Yours Excellency or should call the police (119) , careful, safety uses gas, liquid gas kitchen to provide etc.

3, safety must notice when setting off firework cracker, had better accomplish do not put.

5, notice food is safe

1, the individual sanitation with self-conscious good nurturance is used to, anteprandial logistics washs his hands, prevent the happening of contagion.

2, buy when having the food that pack, want to see date of clear brand, birth, expiration period wait, "3 without " food, expire food scarcely should buy edible.

3, the ability after eating melon and fruit raw to want to notice to be washed clean but edible, do not eat cankered, degenerative melon and fruit. Forbidden smoking, drink.

4, do not eat and drink too much, prevent indigestion.

6, notice spirit is safe

1, be far from an Internet bar. Get online in the home should comply with parental guidance, do not login, do not examine insalubrious website, online time wants abstinent.

2, not sortie is commercial hall of electronic playroom, billiards, kinescope hall, card the public place of entertainment such as hall of OK hall, singing and dancing.

3, do not attend insalubrious recreational activities, do not listen, do not believe, do not pass, do not participate in feudal superstition activity, boycott evil cult activity stoutly.

4, do not buy, do not borrow the motion picture that reads; of the books and periodicals with insalubrious content, newspaper, smooth dish, video tape not to read vulgar taste, TV. Read healthy books and periodicals more, see hopeful program more. Foster civilized behaviour, boycott inactive phenomenon, stimulative Fu Zhengqu of social conduct of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease, poetical justice form, consolidate and develop.

7, the safety that notices other side

1, not credulous stranger, stranger knocks do not open door of guard against theft.

2, go out to travel or go close to visit friend, in case inner ear is not alarmed, should stay in place to await parents to answer search or dial in time 110, ask the help of constabulary uncle.

3, when watching the match, show or movie, queue up to enter, check the number is entered, make civilized audience. When the match or show end, the line is followed again after waiting for most person to go and go out, cannot be in exeunt when the height outward jam.

4, it is good to gas valve should be checked to whether close before sleeping, prevent gas and toxic.

5, must not play combustible explode easily article and mordant chemical.

6, do not grab secretly, do not pull side gang, fight affray.

7, strengthen ego to protect consciousness. Encounter blackmail, block the way to rob tell father and mother in time or call call the police. Do not accept stranger to be not puzzled by the honey-tongued place of stranger, prevent by abduct, kidnap and sell.

A few commonly used and urgent telephone calls are below, classmates must remember: Alarm affection 110, fire alarm 119, emergency treatment 120.

In addition, should make full use of the time of winter vacation, the attention strikes a proper balance between work and rest, notice constantly, everywhere vigilant, come to the side of us with respect to regular meeting in safety, health often accompanies our left and right sides with respect to regular meeting. Classmates, hope everybody begins from now, establish safe consciousness, over- a restful, health, happy and contented winter vacation!

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