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1. 沸腾鱼庄:这是一家主打重庆火锅和川菜的餐馆,口味地道,价格也比较实惠。

2. 王家清真牛肉馆:这是一家清真餐馆,主打牛肉面和羊肉串,味道不错,价格也比较便宜。

3. 好望角海鲜城:这是一家集海鲜、烧烤和火锅于一体的餐馆,价格适中,菜品丰富,口味也不错。

4. 珍珠奶茶:这是一家青岛知名的奶茶店,口味不错,价格实惠。
















太多了,说几家有名的,比如伊尔顿饭店,中发源,伊兰世家,大西门,西湖银峰。西宁伊尔顿国际饭店店位于城东区繁华商业地段,与西北第一清真大寺相邻,集餐饮、客房、西餐、茶艺、商场、美容美发按摩为一体的综合性饭店,是城东区标志性建筑。 中发源饭店是一家合资"四星级"旅游涉外饭店,位于西宁市八一路与建国路交汇处,毗邻长途汽车站和西宁火车站,距西宁机场27公里,相距繁华商业区数百米,交通十分便利,具有天时、地利、人和的优势。






One, the cate of Yangzhou Islamic a street?

The cate with true without Qing Dynasty Yangzhou a street.

The Islamic food shop of Yangzhou is not much, the famousest should be the Puhading near mosque of emancipatory bridge Pu Hading Islamic food shop, can go there look.

2, Suzhou Islamic cate?

Lanzhou plays a side, not be a pig kind, it is beef commonly many what give priority to

3, Qingdao Islamic cate?

Qingdao has a lot of delicious snack bar and cafeteria near marine museum, it is a few when I recommend below:

1.Boiling fish village: This is advocate hit Chongqing chaffy dish and the cafeteria of plain dish, taste tunnel, the price is more substantial also.

2.House of beef of Home Wang Islamic: This is an Islamic cafeteria, advocate hit beef face and hotpot to string together, taste is good, the price is cheaper also.

3.City of good seafood looking at horn: This is seafood of a collect, barbecue and chaffy dish the cafeteria at an organic whole, price moderate, dish is tasted rich, taste is good also.

4.Pearl tea with milk: This is the store of tea with milk with a well-known Qingdao, taste is good, price material benefit.

Above is my individual recommend, hope to be helped somewhat to you.

4, Meng Ziqing true cate?

Meal of Islamic of cabinet of day of Yi of red river city serves limited company (Tian Ge of Yi of the following abbreviation) .

Go to Yi Tiange's doorway OK to see, gate mouth is being hanged one big one small two " unconscious cross accredit of brand of bridge rice line oneself inn " brand, it is unconscious from inn of 8 brands accredit in exclusive an Islamic tradition crosses bridge rice line. His home visits in light of why have the honor such as this, what to have delicious.

Traditional Islamic crosses bridge rice line

Put bone of big stick-means of intimidation and partial beef into cupreous boiler inside, boil make 8 hours of above, bovine bone passes long infusion, its Shang Sechun is tasting delicious, fill on one bowl of rice line, according to oneself taste, after Shanglijia enters all sorts of pickle and characteristic burden, goluptious Islamic crosses bridge rice line to give boiler! To assure soup fresh degree, everyday Shang Dou is fresh boil make.

5, what Islamic dining room does Xiamen have?

In Xiamen the most authentic Islamic dining-room is in evergreen road, the labour market goes toward old building sufficient bath a bit

6, cate of Xiamen special local product?

Sea Li decoct, ginger mother duck, laver fort, earthy bamboo shoot freezes. Still have all sorts of seafood

7, Xiamen Tongan cate?

Xiamen Tongan's famousest cate is Tongan seals the flesh. Tongan seals the flesh also is a renown dish in Fujian dish department. When making, putting whole meat inside steam box, the cap on the lid, when the flesh is complete evaporate is ripe just open lid, the flesh that such evaporate come out is very tender, insert in the flesh with the chopstick, the chopstick goes down to be able to part the flesh. Say so, xiamen Tongan's famousest cate is Tongan seals the flesh.

8, does Dalian have Islamic a street?

What knowing according to me is done not have. Dalian city population seven, among them native mouth is made an appointment with 4 million, ab extra population is made an appointment with three, give priority to with person of the Han nationality, of Manchu person-time, person of the Hui nationality also holds a bit proportion, but not much, the National People's Congress of the Hui nationality of Dalian gathers around Beijing street more, because over there have an Islamic cathedral, sell Islamic food, so one part person lives over, but do not calculate the Hui nationality to collect an area.

9, the cate that where Xining has Islamic in the evening?

Too much, say a few famous, for instance Yi Er pauses restaurant, originate in, yi orchid old and well-known family, daximen, west lake silver-colored peak. Xining Yi Er pauses international restaurant inn is located in a city east the area is flourishing commercial a sector of an area, with northwest adjacent of photograph of big temple of the first Islamic, collect meal, guest room, Western-style food, tea art, bazaar, hairdressing beautifies hair massage the omnibus restaurant that is an organic whole, it is a city east building of division sign sex. Originate restaurant is a joint-stock " in restaurant of concerning foreign affairs or foreign nationals of travel of " of 4 stars class, be located in Xining city 81 road and found a state the road is handed in collect place, border long-distance station and Xining railway station, be apart from Xining airport 27 kilometers, apart is flourishing shopping centre hundreds meters, communication is very easy, have the advantage of climate, favourable geographical position, support of the people.

10, the cate with delicious Xiamen?

1, sea Li decoct. Oyster is fried, also call oyster to fry, a characteristic that is Fujian south is fastfood. Delicate and goluptious. Oyster has fishlike smell. How purify fishlike smell and preserving fresh taste is very important. Normally, for purify fishlike smell, a few chef can mix an egg in oyster. After ostracean odour disappears, deepfry oyster also lost its spirit. The method of oyster of this kind of blast is an egg the bag is all round oyster, carry ostracean original special flavor.

2, white bright octopus. What the water octopus that boil eats is former juice raw ingredient, classy water boils octopus material must fresh, have energy. Refrigerant seafood does not suit this kind of practice. Flavour is tender, mix fragily relaxed, not should excessive.

3, sanded tea face. The way of sanded dad noodle is very simple. Will alkaline face is put hedge in the boiling water boiler below, in scooping up them the bowl next. Join blood of muscle of waist of pig heart, pork liver, pig, duck, duck, large intestine, bright squid, bean curd to work according to his taste wait for complementary makings. Finally, the boiling water that goes up to had been burned is sprinkled in caldron. A bowl of noodle can be carried inside a minute.

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