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行测常识问题? 行测常识做题技巧?英文双语对照


行测常识问题? 行测常识做题技巧?英文双语对照

















































Measure commonsensible issue all right?

30159. liquefaction: Dew, mist, "White gas " .

30160. sublimate: Iodine becomes iodic steam, ice becomes water vapour, camphor piece disappeared.

30161. sublimate: Frost, mist Song, ice is beautiful, snow.

30162. summer, risk all round ice-lolly " white gas " (liquefacient)

30163. morning, the water water on the wood (liquefacient)

30164. winter, the ice on glazing is spent (sublimate)

30165. high temperature heats iodic, iodic bulk decrescent (sublimate)

The camphor ball in 30166. suitcase changes gradually small (sublimate)

30167. summer, water jar is outer " perspire " (liquefacient)

Measure common sense to do problem skill all right?

Be being measured all right is test of a kind of common sense, it inspected the commonsensible level of examinee and thinking ability. If you want be expert at good result is obtained in measuring, it is a few skill that become a problem below:

Read a title more: Before becoming a problem, read a title carefully please, understanding inscribes purpose meaning and requirement.

Estimation answer: If you do not determine the result, ask estimation the answer, this can help you find correct solution in multinomial choice title.

Think leisurely: In the process that become a problem, ask keep one's head, think leisurely, avoid because of insecurity err title.

The examination before answering question: Before answering question, invite scrutiny your answer, ensure the answer is correct.

Time government: Ask a time reasonable allocation, avoid to spend too much time on certain exercise problems, bring about cannot finish other subject.

These skill can help you be expert at good result is obtained in measuring, also can increase your commonsensible level and thinking capacity at the same time.

How to measure common sense to rise all right?

Want to rise to measure common sense to need to be clear about ABC above all all right, still need to pay close attention to heat, accumulate attentively, pay close attention to condition of national condition company more. Condition of company of alleged national condition besides the content such as quality of the geography that points to China, history, nation, what still have a state is big politics guiding principle, main policy is waited a moment, because common sense judges a part, the drop is extensive and involved knowledge is miscellaneous.

Measure common sense to judge skill all right?

Master correct skill to be able to raise an accuracy rate that measures commonsensible judgement. What need ambitious shift above all is, measuring common sense to judge all right do not rely on memory to finish. Correct skill should include the following fields: It is requirement of comprehensive understanding exam and exam content, master what measure commonsensible exam all right to inspect a key; 2 it is to pay attention to the crucial information in reading problem doing and title, understand its intention, be good at analyse and solving real problem; 3 it is to pass those who do a problem to strengthen his to should try skill, the division that be like a platoon, seek the rule, quite, inference, education judges ability, improve answering question efficiency. In addition, still need those who notice examination room to go up to should try state of mind, keep ad cool-headed and sober, avoid excessive angst or unbalance of state of mind to produce undesirable effect to the exam. In the meantime, at ordinary times accumulate and the promotion that intellectual reserve also measures common sense to judge ability to going has main effect. Anyhow, correct skill and appropriate state of mind are the key that measures common sense to judge a success all right.

Measure commonsensible skill a pithy formula all right?

Changeless should 10 thousand change. Analogy memory a pithy formula is a basis two or two kinds of objects are similar on certain property, conclude give them to be on another attribute (this one attribute already was alluded by analogize word) a kind of similar also inference.

An ineffective remedy is inferior to take a drastic measure to deal with a situation. This a pithy formula can be used at solving a few real problems, in working for instance, some problems look be like had solved, but just alleviate temporarily actually, do not have from go up at all solve a problem. Accordingly, want to solve a problem truly, need finds the source of the problem and solve thoroughly.

Article of remarkably original and forceful is discussed strange, unimaginably queer thought is strange. The idea that this a pithy formula can use at describing certain person, opinion on public affairs or article are very distinctive, novel, unexpected.

Closely guard a secret is hidden the truth from greatly, sense of sublime words with deep meaning is deep. This a pithy formula can be used at describing reservation of certain person conversation, mild and indirect, backside of certain perhaps speech has profound meaning and reason.

Bend the chimney and remove the fuel -take precaution against a possible danger prevents first, chaos of Han Dan toddle is imitated. This a pithy formula can be used at good precautionary measures should be being done first before appearance is working, not when the thing happened ability hurry-scurry. Also want to notice to imitate others not blindly at the same time, the real case that wants him foundation and characteristic will work.

Above measures commonsensible skill a pithy formula a few rows namely, the hope can help you.

Measure common sense to judge a second to kill skill all right?

Problem of the common sense when measuring an exam all right is absolutely cannot lose cent, and want rate fast accurate, it a few methods have below is OK to a few methods have below does the second kill this kind of problem: ? Fu of ∠ of chimney of Ku of the first month of arc ⑶ take along sth to sb?

Review 4 option, whether is finding the option that describes same subject among them adverse impact, if form,be adverse impact namely, so the answer is likely between these two option. If want to answer economic depression circumstance now, how should be the government done? Have in option " raise tax rate " and " lower tax rate " , the same subject that they describe " tax rate " , one is " rise " one is " reduce " , adverse impact is made on this level, so correct option is namely between this two option.

2, stare at keyword law closely

Inscribing the noun in working, adjective, verb is term of need key reading, among them subject part is most important, alleged and crucial accidence sees a problem do treats share to whether keep consistent with the major idea that discusses in option namely. If abhorrent it is wrong option commonly.

3, law of experience of life

Couplet takes an examination of the country commonsensible proposition is when relying on instantly politics perhaps live common sense is propositional, so the title originates the life prep above lives, life common sense can be applied to undertake inference in the process that become a problem, if inspect minority custom to be used to the title of the type together, although perhaps we do not know a subject,medium the Gaoshan nationality living in Taiwan province, Tibetian is mixed of the Monggol nationality consuetudinary, but the Water-splashing Festival that knows Dai nationality certainly, so we can set out to single out right answer from known intellectual drop come. Be like again, can the quality after astronaut returns the ground from aerospace increase? Not, we know quality is the attribute of thing itself, do not wait for change with the position and transfer

Measure common sense to accumulate all right carry on the back surely?

Yes, this does not have the idea with particularly good what, rely on memory and strength analysis for the most part.

The memory that measures commonsensible part itself to be taken an examination of namely all right accumulates a point, if do not have very strong primitive accumulation, take this part very hard to be divided high.

How to measure commonsensible problem to rise all right?

Measure commonsensible problem all right, raise need analysis to be inscribed among them model distributinging circumstance, resembling current affairs politics and historical union is most, occupied have 30 percent, beautiful time goes finding place of both union knowledge, cent value takes this part to rise namely in one's hand.

Still having is life common sense, legal common sense, the exam such as medical common sense is taken an examination of surely, go forring reference seriously, him union is cognitive, that option is the most reasonable choose which, the hope raises common sense to be helped somewhat to you.

Measure commonsensible knowledge to a few days review all right?

Surveying general knowledge all right is a process that accumulates for a long time, review next the closest half an year in key of a week before the exam when politics news can.

Measure common sense to study 15 subjects commonly all right, involved range is wider also, do not suit to spend many time and energy, opposite for sexual price is compared is not very tall, when the key still depends on making the same score accumulate, see next near futures mainly again when politics enough.

Does national take an examination ofing measure commonsensible problem all right?

The travel that the country takes an examination of surveys general knowledge problem take an examination of with the province similar, it is 20 problems commonly, problem enclothe Ma Zhe, when politics, the history, geographical, science and technology is waited a moment, same need accumulates memory daily, and study course across subject easily, when if be inscribed together,be being involved politics, the history, geography.

上一篇:南京财经大学是几本? 南京财经大学孝庄属于几本?英文双语对照