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大自然实木地板价格? 大自然岩木地板价格?英文双语对照


大自然实木地板价格? 大自然岩木地板价格?英文双语对照






强化地板价位在130-150左右全包! 实木复合在160-300的板价! 实木就不好定义了,一般在350-600左右吧 这些定价是指常规产品!



1. 实木地板:实木地板是指由天然木材制成的地板,价格一般较高,每平方米的价格在200元到600元不等。

2. 多层实木地板:多层实木地板是由多层木板拼接而成,价格相对实木地板要便宜一些,每平方米的价格在150元到350元不等。

3. 异形地板:异形地板是指通过对木材进行加工、拼接等工艺制成的地板,价格相对较高,每平方米的价格在250元到800元不等。






地板的价格根据成色价格在100元到150元不等,价格挺高的,不过质量很不错。 关于大自然地板实木地板的选购误区:

1、 过分强调颜色的一致,我国实木地板标准中并未规定地板的色差要求,因为实木地板是天然材料,有一定色差是自然的,也更体现其天然性。

2 、购买又长又宽的地板有的消费者为了地板显得气派而购买又长又宽的大规格尺寸地板,其实地板规格尺寸越大越容易变形,价格也更昂贵。

3、 地板供应和铺装不是同一家这样一但出现质量问题容易产生推委、扯皮。



大自然复合地板价格根据你选择的型号不同,价格也不同大自然强化复合地板S9018 88元/平方米,大自然强化复合地板DO-3011 168元/平方米,大自然强化复合地板DSQ1002 229元/平方米。每个区域价格差异也很高,以上价格仅供参考。大自然实木地板首创超耐磨技术,并相继推出钢瓷面超耐磨、水晶面超耐磨、素真面超耐磨、高清面超耐磨、活性生态漆技术在行业内频频引发技术革命,解决了我国地板行业多项技术难题,为提升中国地板产业在国际市场的竞争力作出了杰出贡献。


自然地板分为强化地板、复合实 木地板、实 木地板等系列, 价格一般从180元左~1000元左每平方。以下是部分型号产品 价格: 实 木地板 栎 木地板D27817、910*125*18 mm ?410.00 实 木地板 椿 木地板R2G10JP 910*120*18 mm ?490.00 实 木地板 四籽木9195 9




大自然复合地板价格根据你选择的型号不同,价格也不同大自然强化复合地板S9018 88元/平方米,大自然强化复合地板DO-3011 168元/平方米,大自然强化复合地板DSQ1002 229元/平方米。每个区域价格差异也很高,以上价格仅供参考。大自然实木地板首创超耐磨技术,并相继推出钢瓷面超耐磨、水晶面超耐磨、素真面超耐磨、高清面超耐磨、活性生态漆技术在行业内频频引发技术革命,解决了我国地板行业多项技术难题,为提升中国地板产业在国际市场的竞争力作出了杰出贡献。


One, price of floor of nature real wood?

The price differs because of floor sort and quality and somewhat difference, but as a whole, the price of floor of nature real wood is higher. The reason is real wood floor uses natural wood, treatment and installation cost are higher, at the same time the design of real wood floor, color is mixed grain special also diversification, the price is so higher it is normaller. In addition, photograph of real wood floor to other flooring, the wear with be had better and beautiful degree, the value that can increase a building and easy are measurable, be used extensively in decorate so. When choosing real wood floor board, besides the price, still need to consider the origin of lumber and quality, and suit oneself decorate style and demand, need to note problem of a few detail in install and maintaining a course at the same time.

2, price of floor of nature cliff wood?

The floor of this brand chooses high grade maple to be made, the construction is tight, tight, prevailing prices is controlled for 250 yuan / smooth rice, the product is had be able to bear or endure very well attrition, moistureproof, fight ageing, the characteristic with strong hardness, at the same time exterior level off, use time is long, quality is excellent, be worth to choose.

3, how much is price of nature wood floor?

Aggrandizement floor price controls total package in 130-150! Solid Mu Fu closes the board price in 160-300! Real wood is bad to was defined, control in 350-600 commonly these prices are to point to groovy product!

4, is the nature that stroke a city true wooden floor price?

Nature floor is one kind is had more high quality with ornamental wood floor, the value is relative taller. The element such as qualitative, craft and norms can affect different capable person the price of nature floor. In the market, wait with norms character according to material commonly undertake classify and fixing a price. It is nature floor below common capable person pledges and price limits, offer reference only:

1.Real wood floor: Real wood floor is to point to the floor board that makes by natural lumber, the price is average taller, the price of every square metre differs to 600 yuan in 200 yuan.

2.Multilayer real wood floor: Multilayer real wood floor is by multilayer board joining together and into, it is a few cheaper that the price wants relative to real wood floor, the price of every square metre differs to 350 yuan in 150 yuan.

3.Abnormity floor: Abnormity floor is the floor that shows through be opposite lumber undertakes the craft such as treatment, joining together is made, the value is relative taller, the price of every square metre differs to 800 yuan in 250 yuan.

When buying nature floor board, should choose regular brand and vendor, ensure the dependability of the quality of the product and service.

5, how much is price of floor of nature real wood?

Floor price has real now wood tall low.

Average price is in 130-150 yuan / square, higher-priced 300 multivariate / square also has. Low 80 the left and right sides also has, see you want which price. General in price is OK

6, price of floor of wood of clove of nature rain alley?

The price of the floor is in 100 yuan to differ to 150 yuan according to quality value, the price is quite high, quality is very good nevertheless. About the error of choose and buy of floor of nature floor real wood:

1, the accord that stresses facial expression overly, our country fact did not stipulate the chromatism of the floor asks in wooden floor level, because real wood floor is natural material, having certain off color is natural, also more reflect its natural sex.

2, buy grow to wide floor some consumer shows bring about the desired sensation to send for the floor and be bought again again grow again floor of wide big norms dimension, dimension jumps over actually plate gauge case to be out of shape easily greatly more, the price is higher also.

3, the floor is supplied and shop outfit is not same home such one but occurrence quality problem arises shift responsibility onto others easily, dispute over trifles.

4, carelessly floor keel moisture content and foundation quality, level of qualification of keel moisture content, ground, dry ability makes sure the floor spreads the quality after outfit.

7, is nature complex how much is floor price?

Nature is complex the type that floor price chooses according to you is different, the price is different also nature aggrandizement is compound floor S9018 88 yuan / square metre, nature aggrandizement is compound floor DO-3011 168 yuan / square metre, nature aggrandizement is compound floor DSQ1002 229 yuan / square metre. Difference of every extent price is very tall also, above price offers reference only. Initiate of floor of nature real wood exceeds wear-resisting technology, roll out steel porcelain face to exceed wear-resisting, crystal face to exceed true extent of wear-resisting, element to exceed wear-resisting, high-definition face to exceed technology of lacquer of wear-resisting, active zoology in succession be expert at the technology is caused again and again inside course of study revolution, settled trade of our country floor multinomial technology difficult problem, made crackajack contribution to promote Chinese floor industry the competition ability in the international market.

8, what is tariff of nature wood floor?

Natural floor cent is floor of floor of aggrandizement floor, compound fact wood, real wood to wait for series, the price is average from 180 yuan of left ~ 1000 yuan left every square. It is value of partial type product below: D27817 of floor of wood of oak of real wood floor, 910*125*18 Mm? R2G10JP 910*120*18 Mm of floor of wood of Chinese toon of floor of 410 real wood? Floor of 490 real wood 9195 9 of 4 seed wood

9, price of small annatto of nature floor Africa, small annatto of nature floor Africa how?

Small annatto of nature floor Africa is quite good, quietly elegant nature, alternate with of grain false or true, exquisite hold out continuously, have a kind inside the aesthetic feeling of collect, fight pressure capability is strong, suit outfit of shop of environment of the heat of the earth's interior. Hope my answer can help you.

10, how much is the price that nature solid Mu Fu joins a floor board?

Nature is complex the type that floor price chooses according to you is different, the price is different also nature aggrandizement is compound floor S9018 88 yuan / square metre, nature aggrandizement is compound floor DO-3011 168 yuan / square metre, nature aggrandizement is compound floor DSQ1002 229 yuan / square metre. Difference of every extent price is very tall also, above price offers reference only. Initiate of floor of nature real wood exceeds wear-resisting technology, roll out steel porcelain face to exceed wear-resisting, crystal face to exceed true extent of wear-resisting, element to exceed wear-resisting, high-definition face to exceed technology of lacquer of wear-resisting, active zoology in succession be expert at the technology is caused again and again inside course of study revolution, settled trade of our country floor multinomial technology difficult problem, made crackajack contribution to promote Chinese floor industry the competition ability in the international market.

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