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       1. 枫木:材质重量适中,结构细,切削面光滑。优点在于易加工,涂饰胶合性较好。

  2. 黑胡桃木:一种贵重木材,木纹美观大方,黑中带紫,典雅高贵。由于色相重,要求油漆成膜后必需透明度高。木纹比较深,要求透明底漆的填充性好,封闭性强。

  3. 花梨木:材质坚硬、沉重,纹理清晰,但颜色较淡,结构中等,切削面光滑。优点在于耐腐蚀,涂饰、胶合性较好。

  4. 桦木:材质略重硬,结构细,强度大。优点在于加工性,涂饰胶合性好。








4.价格在120元/平方米以上的PVC地板。 一般厚度在4.0mm以上,根据地板使用的场所不同价格也有所不同。此类地板质量好建议用于运动型、商用型、医用型的地板。



1. 品牌不同:大自然宜家和大自然地板是不同品牌的地板,前者是来自瑞典宜家集团旗下的品牌,后者则是来自中国的地板品牌。

2. 材质不同:大自然宜家采用的主要是进口松木、橡木等木材,而大自然地板则是选用国内优质的松木、柞木等木材。

3. 风格不同:大自然宜家的地板风格更加简约、现代,色彩也更加清新。而大自然地板则更多的是传统的仿古木地板、实木复合地板等,色彩也更加丰富。

4. 价格不同:由于品牌、材质、风格等方面的不同,大自然宜家的地板价格相对较高,而大自然地板则相对较为亲民。












圣象的复合 地板是国内第一品牌,而 大自然是做实木 地板起家的,二者的侧重点和特长不一样。 复合选 圣象,实木选 大自然。


One, is nature floor star wild what price?

Star of this nature floor is wild, have expensive those who have petty gain, 200 to a or so 500 square, quality of this brand floor is quite good, it is OK to be bought according to domestic economy condition

2, what price makes the same score floor of wood of one party of nature Yi person?

Nature wood floor has a variety of stuff, 180 common yuan are made the same score,

     1. Maple: Moderate of material qualitative weight, the structure is fine, cutting surface is slick. The advantage depends on easy treatment, sex of agglutination of cover with paint is better.

2. Black Walnut: A kind of precious lumber, mu Wen is beautiful and easy, black in the belt is violet, elegance is high. Because hue is heavy, indispensible diaphaneity is tall after asking paint becomes film. Mu Wen is deeper, ask the fill sex of transparent priming paint is good, close the gender is strong.

3. Hua Limu: Material is qualitative hard, heavy, grain clarity, dan Yan color is lighter, the structure is medium, cutting surface is slick. The advantage depends on anti-corrosive, sex of cover with paint, agglutination is better.

4. Birch: Material is weighed slightly character hard, the structure is fine, strength is great. The advantage depends on processability, sex of agglutination of cover with paint is good.

3, nature floor and distinction of entrance nature floor?

Is distinction: ?  of brilliant of  die young unoccupied place border of a unit of length of ひ of Zhan of garden of Tuo of excessive of persimmon of Shi of  of Dan of bad an ancient type of spoon of divide evenly of cane of Gua of  of apprentice of Qian of bad an ancient type of spoon of 4 cane divide evenly and  of  of Huang Qiao of  of lie  model > does Wei of an ancient type of spoon of  of  of die young grey lie brag is  of Gui of Zou dome correct treated?

4, Pvc floor what price?

Pvc floor price depends on brand and quality.

1. most price is in 20-40 yuan / the PVC floor under square metre basically is coessential a material floor, it is ply 2.0mm the following norms is in mostly 300 to the floor of 450, the floor in 1.2mm may have the ply that small plant produces only 18-20 yuan / the price that square metre controls, but order goods the quantity is compared commonly big () of above of 3000 square metre. This kind of floor is able to bear or endure as a result of its corrupt the gender is poor, use maintain cost advanced element does not suggest to buy anthology.

2. price is in 40 go to 60 yuan / the PVC floor of square metre. PVC floor is for the most part 1.7 to 2.2mm thick, wear-resisting layer is mixed in the 0.3 PVC floors to 0.4mm coessential body 2.0mm is thick, the floor waits in wear-resisting grade.

3. price is in 60 go to 90 yuan / the PVC floor of square metre. Piece material floor basically has coessential body, compound model floor, ply is in mostly 3 arrive between 4.0mm, norms is in 500 to the sheet floor between 600mm. Roll material floor is for the most part 2 to 3.5mm thick, wear-resisting layer is mixed in the 0.4 PVC floors to 0.6mm coessential body 2mm is thick, wear-resisting grade is mixed to P class in M class the floor of T class. The family suggests to buy this kind of floor board.

4. price is in 120 yuan / the PVC floor of square metre above. General ply is in 4.0mm above, according to the room that the floor uses different price also differs somewhat. Good proposal of quality of this kind of floor is used at motile, business model, medical model floor.

5, what distinction does floor of nature of nature appropriate home have?

Nature appropriate home and nature floor are the floor of different brand, the distinction between them is as follows:

1.The brand is different: Nature appropriate home and nature floor are the floor of different brand, former it is the brand that comes from division of group of Swedish appropriate home to fall, latter is the floor brand that comes from China.

2.Material differs character: What nature appropriate home uses basically is the entrance deal, lumber such as oak, and nature floor is to choose the lumber such as wood of home's high grade deal, oak.

3.The style is different: The floor style of nature appropriate home is more contracted, contemporary, colour is more pure and fresh also. And nature floor criterion more archaize wood floors that are a tradition, solid Mu Fu adds up to a floor to wait, color is more rich also.

4.The price is different: As a result of brand, material of the respect such as qualitative, style different, the floor value of nature appropriate home is relative taller, and nature floor is opposite relatively close civilian.

The place on put together is narrated, the distinction of nature appropriate home and nature floor basically pledges in brand, material, the respect such as style and price. Consumer can undertake choosing according to his demand and budget.

6, nature floor enlightenment?

Nature motherboard is famous brand product, quality has safeguard.

7, ply of nature aggrandizement floor?

The ply of nature aggrandizement floor is the size with 3 large millimeter commonly, because this floor is to standard measure goes producing the floor board that come out, it is 3 Bo rice so

8, is nature aggrandizement floor good?

The quality of nature aggrandizement floor is possible still

Nature aggrandizement floor is the better brand in aggrandizement floor, the floor of this brand is the product that passes national attestation, be the country avoids one of check products, if want,buy the word of aggrandizement floor so, I still recommend this brand quite, and of their home strong

9, nature floor ply?

Ply of 1 nature floor is, 3mm, 5, 9, 12, 15, 18, 25, 2 groovy norms are 2440x1220, ply has from 1.8mm-30mm, be like 2440x1530 to be not mark norms, 2440x1830, factory of a few large floor boards can be done nonstandard norms product must be ordered make, the measure that the factory can make is decided by the dimension of press, if you are,make the door additionally, the size of the floor will be larger, have 2500x2070, 2500x2100 is waited a moment

10, nature floor and holy elephant floor which good? How is nature floor differentiated?

The compound floor that emperor resembles is the first brand of domestic, and nature is to make make one's fortune of real wood floor, the side key of both and strong point are different. Compound the elephant that choose emperor, real wood chooses nature.

