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Hello~Nature目前已经和9个国家的13个品牌合作啦~全部都是棒棒哒的国际品牌噢,例如:丹麦Junckers实木品牌、瑞典Pergo品牌/三层实木地板品牌、波兰Baltic Wood三层实木品牌、马来西亚EKOWOOD三层实木品牌、波兰Barlinek三层实木品牌、德国Kronotex强化品牌、葡萄牙Granorte软木品牌、西班牙FAUS墙板品牌、瑞士Floover新奢华编织/真皮地板品牌、意大利Diffusion新奢华艺术三层实木地板品牌等。



1. 品牌不同:大自然宜家和大自然地板是不同品牌的地板,前者是来自瑞典宜家集团旗下的品牌,后者则是来自中国的地板品牌。

2. 材质不同:大自然宜家采用的主要是进口松木、橡木等木材,而大自然地板则是选用国内优质的松木、柞木等木材。

3. 风格不同:大自然宜家的地板风格更加简约、现代,色彩也更加清新。而大自然地板则更多的是传统的仿古木地板、实木复合地板等,色彩也更加丰富。

4. 价格不同:由于品牌、材质、风格等方面的不同,大自然宜家的地板价格相对较高,而大自然地板则相对较为亲民。











One, nature floor and distinction of entrance nature floor?

Is distinction: ?  of brilliant of  die young unoccupied place border of a unit of length of ひ of Zhan of garden of Tuo of excessive of persimmon of Shi of  of Dan of bad an ancient type of spoon of divide evenly of cane of Gua of  of apprentice of Qian of bad an ancient type of spoon of 4 cane divide evenly and  of  of Huang Qiao of  of lie  model > does Wei of an ancient type of spoon of  of  of die young grey lie brag is  of Gui of Zou dome correct treated?

2, nature entrance floor and homebred distinction?

The wood that imports former outfit floor to use is planted the Ju wood of the birch that is warmth more, elegant oak, light color or enthusiastic cherry wood, still have white wax, walnut, imprint eggplant. Of course, the giant of warm to ground of dedicated high end floor, there still is precious rare wood to be like,be planted on the choice that plants in wood Burmese teak, south-American sabre wood, african red wingceltis.

Stability is had as a result of lumber itself wet bilge the nature of drying shrinkage is characteristic, the wood of real wood floor that home manages is planted grow cycle is short, in it is easy to encounter climate to change generation craze, be out of shape, have the appearance such as arch.

3, why is floor of nature entrance wood compared thin?

Actually Bao Hou does not have very big reason, and difference of feeling of small large base is not big also. Judge wooden floor stand or fall, basically be attention surface layer Mu Wen is clear; Ambiguous; Whether abrasion hardness is big; Quality of a material is close together.

According to your use need, if be ground warm room, that affirmation is some thinner have an advantage more. Wooden floor is woodiness product after all, the performance that put heat is better, medicinal powder hot sex is poorer, although again thin, also cannot mix for certain of ceramic tile medicinal powder hot speed is compared. If inscribe advocate like wooden floor very much really, that does not want kink to come loose hot issue.

South maintains the Gan Shuang inside house please, do not let wooden floor be out of shape mildewy; North is used hold house please inside wet, avoid wooden floor to produce craze

4, does nature import compound floor to rely on chart?

Nature imports compound floor to rely on chart, joining a floor board because of solid Mu Fu is the plank crisscross lamination that plants by different tree and into, overcame real wood floor the defect of one-way same sex, drying shrinkage is wet bilge rate is minor, have better dimension stability, the natural Mu Wen that withheld real wood floor and comfortable foot feel. Solid Mu Fu adds up to a floor to hold the beautiful sex of the stability that has aggrandizement floor board and real wood floor concurrently, and have environmental protection advantage. Nature solid Mu Fu adds up to a floor to belong to compound floor 10 old brands, be made in craft and produce quality

5, the actor defect that nature installs floor board of entrance floor real wood formerly?

The advantage that nature holds floor of entrance floor real wood formerly depends on his natural, environmental protection, comfortable, durable, beautiful wait for a characteristic, can be indoor the atmosphere that builds an a nature, warmth, also be helpful for human body health at the same time.

Defect depends on his cost is higher, need regular care and maintenance, be affected with damp be affected with damp, be out of shape wait for a problem to also need to take seriously, installation difficulty is greater, need chooses professional construction team to undertake installing. As a whole, real wood floor is a kind of high-grade, high grade flooring, suit those who be used at the place such as high-grade residence, villatic, hotel to decorate.

6, does Nature nature install entrance floor to act as agent formerly what brand?

Hello~Nature has been mixed at present 13 brands of 9 countries cooperate the international brand that ~ is marvellous marvellous Da entirely Oh, for example: Brand of Danish Junckers real wood, Swedish Pergo brand / brand of wallboard of FAUS of brand of cork of brand of aggrandizement of Kronotex of brand of real wood of three-layer of brand of real wood of three-layer of EKOWOOD of brand of real wood of three-layer of brand of floor of three-layer real wood, polish Baltic Wood, Malaysia, polish Barlinek, Germany, Portuguese Granorte, Spain, Switzerland.

7, what distinction does floor of nature of nature appropriate home have?

Nature appropriate home and nature floor are the floor of different brand, the distinction between them is as follows:

1.The brand is different: Nature appropriate home and nature floor are the floor of different brand, former it is the brand that comes from division of group of Swedish appropriate home to fall, latter is the floor brand that comes from China.

2.Material differs character: What nature appropriate home uses basically is the entrance deal, lumber such as oak, and nature floor is to choose the lumber such as wood of home's high grade deal, oak.

3.The style is different: The floor style of nature appropriate home is more contracted, contemporary, colour is more pure and fresh also. And nature floor criterion more archaize wood floors that are a tradition, solid Mu Fu adds up to a floor to wait, color is more rich also.

4.The price is different: As a result of brand, material of the respect such as qualitative, style different, the floor value of nature appropriate home is relative taller, and nature floor is opposite relatively close civilian.

The place on put together is narrated, the distinction of nature appropriate home and nature floor basically pledges in brand, material, the respect such as style and price. Consumer can undertake choosing according to his demand and budget.

8, what series does nature floor have?

Nature floor has many series, differentiate with the style. Chinese style style has the Tang Yun series, dazzle colour series, series that send dazzle; Europe type style has series of unconventionally graceful series, United States human relations, Norwegian forest series - Ou Shi is big board, Norwegian dense series - OAK element; Contracted style has surmount series, fashion series, diamond series to wait. In addition, nature floor still has Tang Yun series of series of wood of row of series, aristocratic honour strain, oak, Indonesian rosewood series, teak series, black walnut, twin series of wood of series of wood of series of Mu Dou of series of Xie Su wood, face cream, Qi, carry on one's shoulder, .

9, does nature wood floor have formaldehyde?

Nature wood floor cannot say to do not have formaldehyde completely, because be to be able to be joined in floor production a few stick those who receive a dose, this is the formaldehyde with can be released certain, but want formaldehyde not to exceed bid only, be being used to the bedroom was not affected.

10, does entrance aggrandizement floor have sound?

1, good processing was not done before the shop is stuck. Before the shop sticks aggrandizement floor, need undertakes us handling to acceding, if concrete basic level is rough,be rectified or the store that water content can affect keel too much is stuck. If basic level is rough whole, keel is tall, can affect the firm sex of keel; If water content is overmuch, meeting twist shakes keel, and after time became long, dry hind the strength grasping a hammer of keel also can become poor, become become loose.

2, the quality of keel also brings about aggrandizement floor to have sound, keel density is low or small metropolis affects cross section the strength that grasp a hammer, damp word can appear expand the problem of extruding.

3, the shop of carpentry master sticks craft whether the store that the standard also can affect aggrandizement floor sticks a circumstance, need looks for professional worker to undertake installing.
