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对腿部肌肉刺激不同。 负重半蹲只是深蹲的一半,所以对肌肉的刺激效果不如深蹲好。但半蹲的优点是能避免因为负重过大而受伤。在冲击大重量时,如果没有把握,可以先从半蹲开始,在有人保护的前提下,可以进行深蹲。















Had crouch greatly to had crouched partly or crouched completely?

The conditional factor that says in view of you can do step to crouch only best! If use dumbbell to do,crouch weight greatly insufficient, can drill only muscle endurance. Crouch greatly or crouch because of the person different partly, just which kind of is opposite oneself are more effective, more appropriate. But do crouch a movement greatly to want correct behavioral appearance to show injure knee very easily otherwise!

Crouch partly with crouch effect distinction greatly?

The way of discriminative great majority that crouch greatly and stays partly can differ somewhat. Most need hip and leg ministry are complete in staying a course greatly next crouching, crouch great majority partly more opposite than the extent that crouchs greatly at slanting small, normally hip attributes the position that is half sky, do not need as complete as leg ministry combination, in crouch greatly and staying a course partly, can rise good exercise and reduce weight the effect of thin body, to healthy have more auspicious place. Should avoid at ordinary times long the motion of bear.

Does barbell crouch greatly to crouch to be distinguished with what crouch partly completely?

         The carry momentum that crouchs greatly is very big, crouch to need a lot of muscle to undertake sending force partly. Crouch the training that is flesh of a kind of leg partly, it is a kind of beneficial body building.

       Crouching greatly is whole body topple completely, also be can very good help body undertakes sarcous drawing, best nevertheless still is the junior travel drawing that has proper activity. Crouch completely should want than the stimulation that crouchs partly more intense. To lower limbs training, what you crouch is deeper, your muscle spun.

Crouch greatly partly have the effect?

Crouch greatly and crouch to have certain effect to the body partly, but the effect differs somewhat.

When crouching greatly, ham can approach a level more, the inflectional point of view of hip joint and knee joint is older, can activation adequately coxa ministry, leg ministry and coxal muscle, to strengthening muscle force is mixed increase muscle quality more effective. When crouching partly, angle is lesser, those who emphasize is sarcous durable staying power, suit to be used at tall the training that repeats a time.

Accordingly, the option crouchs greatly or crouch partly should be decided according to training target of the individual, consider the demand of force, endurance and muscle quality integratedly.

Crouch greatly and crouch weight to differ partly how many?

The weight that crouch greatly and crouchs partly differs half left and right sides.

When training, have cent crouchs greatly and crouch partly, actually best still is the athletic way that chooses to suit his, the carry momentum that crouchs greatly is very big, crouch to need a lot of muscle to undertake sending force partly. Crouch the training that is flesh of a kind of leg partly, it is a kind of beneficial body building. And the fulcrum that crouchs greatly still is in plantar, be being told commonly is the movement on a kind of labor free, although also be to using leg muscle, but intention already saved strength.

Crouching greatly is whole body topple completely, also be can very good help body undertakes sarcous drawing, best nevertheless still is the junior travel drawing that has proper activity. It is to crouch completely above all should want than the stimulation that crouchs partly more intense. To lower limbs training, what you crouch is deeper, your muscle spun longer. Suffer force to feel stronger also with respect to bigger systole, but opposite for the weight that crouchs completely should is less than crouch partly a lot of.

Load which more exciting hip to crouch greatly and crouch partly?

To leg ministry muscle stimulation differs. Load crouching partly is the half that crouchs greatly only, so stimulative to sarcous effect is inferior to crouching greatly. But the advantage that crouchs partly is to because had loaded,can avoid big and get hurt. When pounding great weight, if not was sure, can first from crouch partly begin, below the premise that protects in somebody, can undertake couchant greatly.

How many kilograms of qualification does fitness crouch greatly?

Crouching weight greatly is self-prossessed 1.25 times ability is pass mark.

What point to here is to do 5 groups of above, every groups of 8 second above, and be complete crouch.

Introductory scholar can master very quickly commonly one times more self-prossessed weight, and the spends a week twice from put sb in a very important position experienced leg of 1.25 times trains, inside 3 months can master easily

Is experienced bounce to do had had crouched greatly or crouched partly?

I am physical ability coach, crouch greatly and crouch an exercise partly to bounce it is very important, crouch partly can crouching greater weight to erupt to training is very good exercise, crouch greatly can drill 2 flesh and quadriceps still have musculus glutaeus maximus at the same time, to enhancing ultimate power it is very good training, and can reinforce the stability of lower limbs, lower limbs stabilized ability better deliver energy, release force right incorrect. 55 scale can be pressed to connection crouchs partly and crouch greatly when training. Cooperate to get on all sorts of running to jump even of course exercise

Crouch greatly after all a bit deeper be still to had crouched partly very?

Crouching greatly is a kind of very effective body building, can exercise leg ministry and coxal power. A few people think to crouch greatly should crouch after all, but a few people think to crouch to also can bring very good result partly. In fact, the choice of deepness should depend on body characteristic of the individual and training purpose.

If your body flexibility is better, knee joint and waist do not have overmuch pressure, can choose relatively deep crouch appearance, can stimulate muscle better so.

But if your body flexibility is poorer,perhaps had sufferred an injury, the choice crouchs to also can exercise leg ministry power effectively partly. When choosing deepness, must notice breath and postural are correct, avoid to injure joint and muscle.

Is crouching greatly after all to had crouched to still had crouched completely partly?

If you crouch to was not done good partly, do not consider to crouch completely, crouching what crouch partly namely to strengthen edition attention to want a place completely is lumbar back must straight, cannot bow-backed, next crus cannot exceed tiptoe, the accurate method that says according to me is done can feel differred, what if you crouch partly,become aware namely next is very relaxed, undertake couchant to strengthen completely taking exercise to did not say so which good, it is more difficult to just crouch completely balance is bad to master, experience easy pitch personally, do bad look vulnerability, still wait to crouch to say adroitly again partly, of course, if you become aware can crouch completely, crouch = knee to spend horn to be able to crouch = to crouch the nadir that you can crouch completely into 90-80 partly, still should notice the body cannot pitch, concentrate power knee of calcaneal key key. . .

Cannot. . . . More than. . . . . Tiptoe. . . . .
