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One, conduction passport

Apply for travel going abroad for the first time or go abroad because of other private affairs, must apply for to deal with oneself passport above all. As travel of the individual going abroad, the most convenient it is to follow a group to go abroad, do sth for sb by travel agent passport going abroad. At present home already had not little big travel agent to because of,can be illicit the personnel that go abroad does sth for sb visa. If tourist already him hold passport, and it is so above of half an year, OK that period of efficacy is in sign up to travel agent directly. If period of efficacy is not worth half an year, must come in and go out to public security mechanism above all so condition after management department deals with delay formalities, hand over the passport again form a delegation travel agent signs up.

2, conduction visa

After the passport has done, can apply for visa. Form a delegation travel agent is after the concerned data such as the passport that receives a visitor, can replace tourist to be stationed in to concerned country China formalities of diplomatic mission conduction visa. During application visa, some is stationed in China embassy officer returns possible area to see he talk, so the tourist had better not give far door during this, lest delay meeting.

3, buy airline ticket

When general situation tourist is signing up already consign of airline ticket charge at forming a delegation travel agent, criterion by form a delegation travel agent unites collective to reserve airline ticket.

4, Id

Planning id card is must, if lose, must fill quickly do. Leave the country because of dealing with when formalities, frontier defence checks mechanism need and passport together along with all the others.

5, " international vaccinate certificate " (yellow book) preparation

The tourist is before travel going abroad, go according to place national law, want to hit relevant precautionary needle. The tourist can be held form a delegation the proof that travel agent opens gets yellow book to check-up of wholesome quarantine branch.

6, baggage preparation

The boot of travel going abroad or handbag had better not pass big, with firm and light, carry it is better for the principle to go to the lavatory. Avoid by all means installs valuable and contraband, should not put ready money inside baggage more. The dress with the climate condition corresponding preparation that country and area go to before wanting a foundation and change washed underwear. Shoe wants with the shoe that already crossed had better, new shoe grinds a foot easily to bubble. The sock can prepare a few pairs more, the cap can like preparation according to the habit. If like to swim, did not forget to take a swimsuit swim cap. Articles for daily use and protect skin to prevent basking in things is necessary. Especially tropical city is prevented it is good to bask in a tool to have certainly.

7, exchange foreign currency

Deal with buy foreign currency business to because of,can allow open to the country such as the Bank of China with the RMB illicit the site that buy foreign exchange is dealt with.

Because of,deal with illicit buy foreign exchange the certificate that must offer has: This person Id or booklet of registered residence (original and Xerox) ; Him passport and effective visa (original and Xerox) ; The organization visa list that via forming a delegation travel agent affix one's seal affirms is expressed (Xerox) ; Form a delegation travel agent opens buy payee (original) : ? Condition of? of thin Yu of discharge   ) travel list is expressed (Xerox) ; If entrust other to do sth for sb, still must show do sth for sb the person's Id (original and Xerox) .

Change foreign currency to must be dealt with before leave the country end. If different ground dweller is in,give condition to exchange foreign currency, must reach oneself by the airline ticket of 3 days of less than or train ticket the certificate such as valid passport, visa is in the open such as the Bank of China that gives condition because illicit buy foreign exchange to be dealt with of business about bank site.

According to provision of section of national exchange control, chinese citizen goes abroad because of private affairs (condition) , one portable 40000 yuan of RMBs and the equivalence foreign currency that are equivalent to 5000 dollars, exceed this limit, need those who issue the bank such as the Bank of China to carry foreign currency to leave the country proof.

8, the medicines and chemical reagents with proper preparation

The medicines and chemical reagents during travel going abroad plans because of the person other. If have blood pressure,should have had high with the tourist of heart disease commonly used medicine and emergency treatment medicine. Still have other if prevent carsick and airsick drug, achieve can stick, medicine of patulin, antipyretic, common stomach, acetanilide piece, the cathartic that prevent an abdomen

9, make good travel assurance

Safety first of travel going abroad, travel insurance is for precaution in case, what this stems from a tourist completely is freewill. Some forming a delegation travel agent already bought insurance to the tourist in League membership dues. In addition, airline ticket is sure to also do not forget, the tourist also had better buy on one.

上一篇:数码相机价格走势? 想要到中关村去卖数码相机,各位提些建议,谢谢?英文双语对照