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1. 体育课程:篮球、足球、排球、游泳、田径等。

2. 美术课程:绘画、手工制作、陶艺等。

3. 音乐课程:唱歌、乐器演奏、音乐欣赏等。

4. 舞蹈课程:现代舞、民族舞、古典舞等。

5. 科技课程:编程、机器人、3D打印等。

6. 社交课程:礼仪、沟通、合作、领导力等。

7. 自然课程:环保、植物、动物、天文等。

8. 烹饪课程:烘焙、烹饪、营养等。

9. 语言课程:英语、汉语拼音、手语等。

10. 其他课程:阅读、写作、游戏、演讲、戏剧、旅游等。



1. 情景模拟:通过模拟真实生活情境,让学生参与其中,感受和体验不同心理状态,培养情感认知和情绪管理能力。

2. 群体讨论:组织学生进行小组或全班讨论,让学生自由表达自己的想法和观点,促进学生之间的交流和互动。

3. 角色扮演:让学生扮演不同角色,通过模拟和演练来理解和解决心理问题,提高解决问题和决策能力。

4. 互动游戏:利用游戏的方式培养学生的合作意识、团队精神和问题解决能力,增强学生的互动和参与性。

5. 案例分析:选取真实的案例,让学生分析和解决其中的心理问题,培养学生的分析和判断能力。

6. 视听材料:利用影片、音频等多媒体材料,让学生通过观看和听取来理解和感受不同的心理状态和情感体验。

7. 反思和总结:课程结束后,让学生对所学内容进行反思和总结,加深对知识的理解和应用。

8. 辅导和支持:在课程中提供个体辅导和支持,关注学生的心理健康问题,提供个性化的解决方案。





放一些跟课程相关的视频或者电影就好啦~ 虽然是副课,但还是希望学生能学到点东西的吧。



























One, the target of class of activity of mental health education?

The activity levies mental health to be education target. Make a student correct know his, the problem in making clear him disposition and the way that the calm is faced and can seek hard, form sound moral quality finally.

2, the characteristic of class of activity of mental health education?

Mental health teachs 3 kinds of character of the class: Omnibus, interactive sex, practical.

1, omnibus.

Mental health teachs the psychological concept that course differs integratedly and method, in order to provide comprehensive mental health knowledge. It involves the mental health issue of each respects, include mood management, answer pressure, human relation, self-respect and self-confidence to wait. Such omnibus make the value that the student can know mental health in the round, acquire a variety of skill that handle psychological issue.

2, interactive sex.

The participation that mental health teachs course to emphasize a student and interactive. Act through panel discussion, part, the activity such as case analysis, the student can be taken an active part in, share experience and point of view, increase the communication between each other and understanding. The characteristic of interactive sex can help a student understand psychological knowledge better, the reflection that fosters them ability and the ability that solve a problem.

3, practical.

Mental health teachs course to pay attention to will academic knowledge and union of real life photograph. The pupil can study the basic principle of mental health and idea not only, still can master a few practical psychology skill and method, in order to answer the psychological question that oneself encounter in the life. This kind practical make the student can learn place intellectual application to arrive in actual circumstances, promote mental health the standard, improve their life quality.

Mental health teachs curricular value:

1, those who be helpful for a student is healthy grow.

Mental health is taught to the student healthy grow crucial. The high school student is lying psychological function is rapid the period with mature development, begin mental health to teach can in time ground inflict teachs ground specific aim, suit the remedy to the case, make the student knows what is health and insalubrious psychology, maintain mental health to be able to promote a student healthy grow.

Mental health education can promote a student the formation of good moral character, form the moral character that accords with social requirement, improve study efficiency of the student and work efficiency thereby, stimulative health grows.

2, career of stimulative student school work is successful.

Mental health education is crucial to the success of student school work and career. Good psychological quality can face difficulty and obstacle leisurely, precipitant. Although had pressure to also can know ego,release on the road of life, ego step-down.

3, what does course of elementary school activity have?

Hello, course of elementary school activity includes but not be confined to the following kinds:

1.Gym Cheng: Basketball, football, volleyball, swim, track and field.

2.Art course: Painterly, handiwork is made, Tao Yi.

3.Musical courses: Sing, musical instrument is performed, musical appreciation.

4.Dancing course: Modern dance, folk dance, classical dancing.

5.Course of science and technology: Process designing, robot, 3D is printed etc.

6.Gregarious course: Formal, communicate, force of collaboration, leader.

7.Natural course: Environmental protection, plant, animal, astronomy.

8.Cooking course: Bake, cooking, nutrition.

9.Language courses: English, Chinese Phonetic Alphabet, sign language.

10.Other courses: Read, writing, game, speech, Thespian, travel.

4, what education strategy does course of mental health activity have?

Hello, the education strategy of course of mental health activity can be mixed according to curricular content the characteristic of student group is applied neatly, it is a few common education strategy below:

1.Scene imitate: Pass imitate real life circumstances, in letting a student participate in its, experience and experience different mentation, develop affection acknowledge and mood government ability.

2.Group discussion: Constituent student has a group or whole class discusses, make a student free express his idea and point of view, the communication between stimulative student and interactive.

3.The part acts: Let a student act different role, will understand and solve psychological problem through imitate and drilling, rise solve problem and decision-making ability.

4.Interactive game: Spirit of the cooperative consciousness of the way education student that uses game, group and problem solve ability, interact and participate in a gender what enhance a student.

5.Case analysis: Choose real case, let the student is analysed and solve among them psychology problem, develop the student's analysis and judgement ability.

6.Material of seeing and hearing: Use the multimedia data such as film, frequency, let the student understands through watch and listening to fetch and experience different mentation and affection experience.

7.Think over and sum up: After course ends, let a student undertake think over and be summinged up to what learning content, deepen the understanding to knowledge and application.

8.Coach and support: Offer in course individual coach and support, pay close attention to mental health problem of the student, offer personalized solution.

The choice of education strategy should decide according to the demand of particular case and student, the purpose is to raise mental health consciousness of the student, mood management and problem to solve ability.

5, does elementary school carry out mobile class integratedly to say the class stalks of grain?

Wither invite ~

OK of course. Like to attend class most before me anyway put the teacher of the film! (knowing present student is also such)

Put a few with the video related course or the movie is good although ~ is deputy class, but still hope the student can acquire those who order a thing.

A few questions can be raised before looking. Look to ask classmates to discuss, share experience. Problem advocate sum up again, finish class. Such very not perfect ~

The age also should consider when choosing video nevertheless paragraph with savvy. The individual feels " happy nice voice " , " travel notes of the annulus that find a dream " , " super- can marine corps " , " wild animal city " this kind film suits pupil, high grade of a bit also can consider " miraculous boy " , " the child is not stupid " ...

The hope is inscribed advocate can develop course smoothly, the teacher that becomes a student to like ~

P.S. Healthy class, integrated practice class also can consider to develop a few simple little activities actually (psychological little game, team game) , let students be moved, the parent also can be preferred.

6, what does class of activity of elementary school interest have?

General component is pupil interest class heart wisdom body the curricular project of 3 respects

Moral character is main the immanent accomplishment that is children, sketch is for instance painterly, canvas of traditional Chinese painting, piano lesson, dancing

Wisdom include chess brand commonly kind study, still have hand head fast calculate, writing promotion, font practices

Body includes campaign commonly kind, for instance basketball, volleyball, ping-pong, of the content such as natant course attend promotion

7, what does elementary school carry out mobile task integratedly to have?

Elementary school carries out mobile task integratedly to include scientific test, handiwork to make, social practice, athletic sports.

Scientific test can let a student kiss automatic hand to have observation, test, develop scientific dug ability; Make what can exercise a student start work by hand ability and creativity; Social practice can let a student understand a society, participate in social activity, foster social sense of responsibility; Athletic sports can increase the student's fitness and group collaboration capacity. Tasks of these integrated practice activity aim to foster thinking of practice ability of the student, innovation and integrated quality, stimulative student develops in the round.

8, does elementary school carry out mobile course integratedly to there is textbook?

Elementary school carries out mobile course integratedly is those who have textbook (also call teaching material) , ministry of Education organizes personnel technically to write, teach a press to publish by people, elementary school presses name showing be an official the requirement on textbook undertakes carrying out an activity integratedly,

9, does elementary school carry out mobile course integratedly to learn paragraph of cause?

Include to develop ability of spirit of the student's true viewpoint of value, humanitarian accomplishment, scientific quality, innovation and practice. Through carrying out an activity, can raise a student problem of own study, dug and the ability that solve a problem, enhance a student to experience the fun of study, stimulative student develops to grow with health in the round. Elementary school carries out mobile course integratedly is the main component that pupil develops in the round, be in again implement quality educational policy, carry vivid practice case, make the pupil can learn in the experience, develop innovation consciousness and dug drive, increase practice ability and the capacity that solve a problem, improve the student's quality in the round. The process is here medium, the student still can understand and experience social diversity, foster humanitarian accomplishment and true viewpoint of value. Accordingly, elementary school carries out mobile course integratedly is one of individual character of pupil understanding world, development, important ways that enhance self-confident heart.

10, is content of elementary school mental health brief?


Popularize mental health basic knowledge, establish mental health consciousness, the psychology with simple understanding adjusts method, understanding psychology is unusual phenomenon, and preliminary control common sense of psychological health care.


Intelligence trains, help a student build scientific knowledge to intellective essence namely, be aimed at intellective different composition, wait like attention, observation, memory and design different training activity to wait.


Study psychology is directive, help a student build scientific knowledge to learning mobile essence namely, education student forms motive of healthy and positive study attitude, study, train the study with student good nurturance to be used to, the study method that masters science.


Affection education, church student holds and express oneself mood feeling namely, the society is controlled effectively, adjust the inactive affection with reasonable him drain, experience and observe and the mood feeling that comprehend others, undertake the training of relevant skill.
