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Early childhood education (ECE): 学前教育


Early childhood education (ECE): 学前教育

  • 学前教育,也称为早期教育,是指对3至6岁儿童的教育。这个阶段的教育旨在为儿童提供一个全面发展的环境,包括社交、情感、身体和认知技能的培养。学前教育通常在幼儿园或早教中心进行,强调通过游戏和探索活动来学习,以促进儿童的好奇心和创造力。此外,学前教育还关注培养儿童的自我表达能力、社交技能和独立性。


    - Early childhood education (ECE): 学前教育 - Kindergarten: 幼儿园 - Early learning center: 早教中心 - Cognitive development: 认知发展 - Social skills: 社交技能 - Emotional development: 情感发展 - Play-based learning: 基于游戏的学习 - Child development: 儿童发展 - Curriculum: 课程 - Teacher-student ratio: 师生比例 - Parental involvement: 家长参与


    1. Early childhood education is crucial for laying a strong foundation for a child's future academic success.    学前教育对于为孩子未来的学术成功打下坚实基础至关重要。   2. Play is the natural way for young children to learn and explore the world around them.    游戏是幼儿学习和探索周围世界的自然方式。   3. A balanced curriculum that includes both structured activities and free play is essential for the holistic development of a child.    一个平衡的课程,包括结构化活动和自由游戏,对于孩子的全面发展至关重要。   4. Parental involvement in early education can greatly enhance a child's learning experience and outcomes.    家长参与学前教育可以极大地增强孩子的学习体验和成果。   5. Early childhood educators should be well-trained and qualified to provide the best possible learning environment for young children.    学前教育工作者应该受过良好的培训和具备资格,以为幼儿提供最佳的学习环境。   6. The importance of early childhood education cannot be overstated, as it shapes the cognitive, social, and emotional foundations of a child's life.    学前教育的重要性不容忽视,因为它塑造了儿童的认知、社交和情感基础。