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  • 定居(Settlement)是指人们在某个地区建立长期的居住地的行为。这通常涉及到选择一个地理位置,建立住所,发展社区,以及进行经济和社会活动。定居可以是个人或家庭的决定,也可以是更大群体如部落、民族或国家的集体行动。定居的过程可能伴随着对土地的开发、资源的利用、基础设施的建设以及文化和社会结构的形成。


    1. Settlement - 定居 2. Colonization - 殖民 3. Habitation - 居住 4. Pioneer - 拓荒者 5. Homesteading - 开拓家园 6. Urbanization - 城市化 7. Community development - 社区发展 8. Infrastructure - 基础设施 9. Land development - 土地开发 10. Cultural assimilation - 文化同化 11. Permanent residence - 永久居所 12. Frontier settlement - 边疆定居 13. Resettlement - 重新安置 14. Urban settlement - 城市定居 15. Rural settlement - 农村定居


    1. The settlers chose the fertile land along the river for their new settlement.(定居者选择了沿河的肥沃土地作为他们的新定居点。) 2. The process of urbanization has led to the rapid growth of cities and the development of new settlements.(城市化进程导致了城市的快速增长和新定居点的发展。) 3. The government's resettlement program aims to provide housing and support for displaced families.(政府的重新安置计划旨在为流离失所的家庭提供住房和支持。) 4. The pioneers faced many challenges as they established their homesteads in the wilderness.(拓荒者在荒野中建立家园时面临了许多挑战。) 5. Cultural assimilation is an important aspect of the settlement process, as it helps new residents integrate into the local community.(文化同化是定居过程中的一个重要方面,它有助于新居民融入当地社区。)


    Settlement is a fundamental aspect of human history, marking the transition from nomadic lifestyles to the establishment of permanent communities. From the earliest hunter-gatherer societies to the modern urban metropolises, the act of settling down has shaped the way humans live, work, and interact with one another.   定居是人类历史的基本方面,标志着从游牧生活方式向建立永久社区的转变。从最早的狩猎采集社会到现代的都市,定居行为塑造了人类的生活方式、工作方式以及相互交流的方式。   Throughout history, settlers have faced numerous challenges, such as finding suitable land, securing resources, and adapting to new environments. The establishment of settlements often required overcoming obstacles such as harsh climates, disease, and conflicts with indigenous populations.   历史上,定居者面临了许多挑战,比如寻找合适的土地、确保资源以及适应新环境。建立定居点通常需要克服诸如恶劣气候、疾病和与原住民的冲突等障碍。   As settlements grew, they developed infrastructure, such as roads, schools, and healthcare facilities, which supported the needs of the growing population. The development of these communities also fostered cultural exchange and economic growth, leading to the rise of complex societies.   随着定居点的增长,它们发展了基础设施,如道路、学校和医疗设施,以支持日益增长的人口需求。这些社区的发展也促进了文化交流和经济增长,导致了复杂社会的兴起。   Today, the concept of settlement continues to evolve, with urbanization and globalization influencing where and how people choose to settle. The challenges of modern settlement include issues such as sustainable development, environmental conservation, and the integration of diverse populations.   今天,定居的概念仍在不断发展,城市化和全球化影响着人们选择定居的地点和方式。现代定居的挑战包括可持续发展、环境保护以及不同人群的融合等问题。
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