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  • 食品安全是指食品在生产、加工、储存、运输和销售过程中,确保食品不受污染,不含有对人体有害的有毒物质,符合营养要求,不会对人体健康造成急性、亚急性或慢性危害。食品安全涉及多个方面,包括微生物污染、化学污染、物理污染,以及食品添加剂的使用等。为了保障食品安全,各国政府通常会制定严格的食品安全标准和监管措施,包括对食品生产者的许可、食品检测、市场监管和消费者教育等。


    - Food Safety: 食品安全 - Food Contamination: 食品污染 - Foodborne Illness: 食源性疾病 - Food Additives: 食品添加剂 - Pesticide Residues: 农药残留 - Pathogens: 病原体 - Food Spoilage: 食品变质 - Food Preservation: 食品保存 - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP): 危害分析和关键控制点 - Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP): 良好生产规范 - Food Inspection: 食品检查 - Food Labeling: 食品标签 - Food Recall: 食品召回 - Food Allergen: 食品过敏原 - Food Standards: 食品标准 - Food Regulatory Agency: 食品监管机构


    In recent years, food safety has become a critical issue that affects public health worldwide. With the increasing complexity of food production and distribution, ensuring the safety of food has never been more important. Food safety encompasses the prevention of food contamination, the control of foodborne illnesses, and the proper use of food additives.   近年来,食品安全已成为影响全球公共卫生的关键问题。随着食品生产和分销的日益复杂化,确保食品安全比以往任何时候都更为重要。食品安全包括预防食品污染、控制食源性疾病以及正确使用食品添加剂。   The primary goal of food safety is to protect consumers from the risks associated with consuming unsafe food. This involves a multi-faceted approach, including stringent regulations, regular inspections, and public awareness campaigns. Governments and regulatory bodies play a pivotal role in setting and enforcing food safety standards.   食品安全的主要目标是保护消费者免受食用不安全食品的风险。这涉及多方面的方法,包括严格的法规、定期检查和公众宣传运动。政府和监管机构在制定和执行食品安全标准方面发挥着关键作用。   To ensure food safety, it is essential to implement effective monitoring systems throughout the food supply chain. This includes the use of hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) to identify potential risks and implement measures to mitigate them. Additionally, good manufacturing practices (GMP) and proper food labeling are crucial to inform consumers about the contents and potential allergens in food products.   为确保食品安全,必须在食品供应链中实施有效的监测系统。这包括使用危害分析和关键控制点(HACCP)来识别潜在风险并实施缓解措施。此外,良好的生产规范(GMP)和正确的食品标签对于告知消费者食品产品的内容和潜在过敏原至关重要。   In conclusion, food safety is a collective responsibility that requires the cooperation of governments, businesses, and consumers. By working together, we can ensure a safer food supply and protect the health of millions of people around the world.   总之,食品安全是一项集体责任,需要政府、企业和消费者的合作。通过共同努力,我们可以确保更安全的食品安全,保护全球数百万人的健康。
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