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高考 National College Entrance Examination


高考 National College Entrance Examination

  • 高考,全称为普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(National College Entrance Examination),是中国学生进入大学的主要途径。这项考试通常在每年的6月举行,为期两天或三天,涵盖了语文、数学、外语等主要学科,以及根据学生所选科目组合的选考科目。高考成绩是决定学生能否进入理想大学及其专业的关键因素。高考被视为中国教育体系中的重要里程碑,每年有数百万学生参加,因此它在中国社会中具有极高的关注度。


    - Gaokao [ɡaʊˈkaʊ] - 高考 - College entrance examination - 大学入学考试 - National College Entrance Examination - 全国普通高等学校招生统一考试 - Examinee [ɪɡˈzæmɪniːn] - 考生 - Tertiary education - 高等教育 - Score [skɔːr] - 分数 - Admission - 录取 - Major [ˈmeɪdʒər] - 专业 - Study intensively - 密集学习 - Pressure [ˈprɛʃər] - 压力 - Preparation [ˌprɛpəˈreɪʃən] - 准备 - Standardized test - 标准化考试


    The Gaokao, China's national college entrance examination, is a pivotal moment in the lives of millions of students. It is a high-stakes test that determines not only their future academic path but also their career prospects and social status. The pressure to perform well in the Gaokao is immense, as it is seen as the gateway to a better life.   Students begin preparing for the Gaokao years in advance, often sacrificing their leisure time and holidays to study intensively. The curriculum is rigorous, covering a wide range of subjects, and the competition is fierce. The exam period is a time of intense focus and stress for both students and their families.   Despite the challenges, the Gaokao is a testament to the dedication and hard work of Chinese students. It reflects the value placed on education in Chinese culture and the belief that academic achievement can lead to a brighter future. The Gaokao is not just an examination; it is a rite of passage that marks the transition from adolescence to adulthood.   As China's education system evolves, there are discussions about reforming the Gaokao to reduce the pressure on students and to create a more balanced approach to education. However, the Gaokao remains a significant event that shapes the lives of countless young people in China.   高考,中国的全国大学入学考试,是数百万学生生活中的重要时刻。这是一场高风险的考试,不仅决定了他们未来的学术道路,还决定了他们的职业前景和社会地位。在高考中表现出色的压力是巨大的,因为它被视为通往更好生活的大门。   学生们提前数年开始为高考做准备,常常牺牲他们的休闲时间和假期来密集学习。课程内容严谨,涵盖广泛的学科,竞争激烈。考试期间,学生和他们的家庭都处于高度集中和压力之下。   尽管面临挑战,高考证明了中国学生的奉献和努力。它反映了中国文化中对教育的重视以及学术成就可以带来更光明未来的信仰。高考不仅仅是一场考试;它是标志着从青少年过渡到成年的重要仪式。   随着中国教育体系的发展,有关改革高考以减轻学生压力和创造更平衡的教育方法的讨论正在进行。然而,高考仍然是塑造中国无数年轻人生活的重要事件。
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