1. 《南京条约》(1842年):中国与英国签订的第一份不平等条约,结束了第一次鸦片战争,割让香港给英国。
2. 《天津条约》(1858年):中国与英、法、美等国签订的一系列条约之一,开放多个口岸、允许基督教传教士入境。
3. 《辛丑条约》(1895年):清朝与日本签订,结束了甲午战争,割让台湾给日本,赔款。
4. 《马关条约》(1895年):清朝与日本签订,割让朝鲜、台湾等地给日本,赔款。
5. 《巴黎条约》(1898年):西班牙与美国签订,结束了美西战争,西班牙割让了关岛、波多黎各、菲律宾等地给美国。
6. 《辛亥条约》(1915年):袁世凯政府与日本签订,确认日本对中国东北的租借权。
The unequal treaty is to show 19 centuries end comes at the beginning of 20 centuries, the imparity that the east state such as western big powers and China, Japan signs, exploit the treaty of property. A few famous unequal treaties include:
1." Nanjing treaty " (1842) : The first unequal treaty that China and England sign, ended first time the Opium War, alienation Hong Kong gives England.
2." Tianjin treaty " (1858) : China and flower, one of a series of pact that the country such as law, beauty signs, many opener port, allow Christian missionary to enter a country.
3." Xin Chou treaty " (1895) : Quiet day and Japan are signed, ended the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, alienation Taiwan gives Japan, reparations.
4." the horse involves pact " (1895) : Quiet day and Japan are signed, alienation and other places of Korea, Taiwan gives Japan, reparations.
5." Parisian treaty " (1898) : Spain and United States are signed, ended the United States on the west war, spain alienationed Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippine and other places gives the United States.
6." treaty of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches " (1915) : Yuan Shikai government and Japan are signed, confirm Japan's northeast to China rental right.
The signs the country such as pair of China dominion of these treaty and territorial integrity were caused damage badly, it is the discreditable sex incident on Chinese mordern history.