1. 西红柿:喜欢充足阳光的西红柿是阳台上的好选择,需要定期浇水和施肥。
2. 辣椒:辣椒也需要充足的阳光,可以在阳台上种植多种不同口味的辣椒。
3. 茄子:茄子也是适合阳台种植的蔬菜之一,需要保持土壤湿润和充足的阳光。
4. 青菜:像小白菜、菠菜等绿叶蔬菜也适合在阳台上种植,生长迅速,容易管理。
When growing the vegetable on the balcony, can choose a few suit sunny, drafty vegetable, for instance:
1.Tomato: The tomato that likes enough sunshine is the good choice on the balcony, need waters regularly and fertilize.
2.Chili: Chili also needs enough sun, the hot pepper of a variety of different taste can be planted on the balcony.
3.Aubergine: Aubergine also is one of vegetable that suit the balcony to cultivate, need maintains soil wet with enough sunshine.
4.Green vegetables: Also suit to be cultivated on the balcony like the greenery vegetable such as a variety of Chinese cabbage, spinach, grow rapid, the look is manageable.
These vegetable are cultivated on the balcony when, need attention waters in time, fertilization, what keep good is ventilated with illumination condition.