1. 吊兰:吊兰是一种适合室内生长的植物,对光照和水分要求不高,容易养护。
2. 铁树:铁树是一种耐阴的植物,适合放在室内角落或光线较弱的地方生长。
3. 仙人掌:仙人掌是一种耐旱的植物,对光照要求较高,适合放在阳光充足的地方。
4. 台湾吊兰:台湾吊兰是一种观赏性很强的植物,适合放在室内通风良好的地方生长。
Kind in the home most the plant that flourishing carries is normally a few easily conserve and can grow indoors good plant, for example:
1.Bracketplant: Bracketplant is one kind suits indoor growth plant, not tall to illumination and moisture requirement, easy conserve.
2.Sago cycas: Sago cycas is one kind is able to bear or endure the plant of shade, suit to put indoors the place with corner or weaker light grows.
3.Cactus: Cactus is one kind is able to bear or endure the plant of drought, taller to illumination requirement, suit to be put in sunny place.
4.Taiwan bracketplant: Taiwan bracketplant is one kind views and admire the plant with very strong sex, suit to put indoors drafty place grows.
These plants are relatively easy conserve, and can indoors the thrive in the environment, conduce to the lease of life that adds household and vigor.