1. 椴树:椴树是一种适应性强、生长迅速的树种,适合种植在庭院周围。
2. 枫树:枫树是一种常见的庭院树木,生长旺盛且具有观赏价值。
3. 松树:松树是耐寒、耐旱的树种,适合在不同气候条件下种植。
4. 榉树:榉树是一种乔木,生长迅速,适合作为庭院周围的绿化树种。
The climate of different area and the growth that edaphic condition can affect tree circumstance, generally speaking, the following kinds of tree are all round court grow relatively exuberant:
1.Bass: Bass is a kind of adaptability strong, grow rapid tree is planted, suit to cultivate it is all round court.
2.Maple: Maple is a kind of common court tree, grow exuberant and have view and admire value.
3.Pine: Pine is cold-resistant, be able to bear or endure the tree of drought is planted, suit to be cultivated below different climate condition.
4.Ju tree: Ju tree is a kind of arbor, grow rapid, suit to serve as the afforest tree all round court to plant.
The climate that cultivates arboreous Shi Yinggen to occupy place and the tree that edaphic condition chooses to suit are planted, in order to ensure arboreous can health grows.