1. 姜葱蘸料:
- 生姜末
- 葱花
- 少许醋
- 少许生抽
- 少许清水
- 少许糖(可选)
2. 清蒸大闸蟹蘸醋:
- 清水
- 醋
- 少许姜末
3. 蒜泥蘸料:
- 蒜蓉
- 少许生抽
- 少许醋
- 少许糖(可选)
- 少许香油(可选)
Of steamed crab dip in expecting can be simple recipe, in order to highlight the little taste of the crab. Here has a few common choices:
1.Jiang Cong dips in makings:
- ginger end
- chopped green onion
- a few vinegar
- a few is unripe smoke
- a few clear water
- a few candy (optional)
Mix above material agitate even, serve as steamed crab dip in makings.
2.Steamed crab dips in vinegar:
- clear water
- vinegar
- end of a few ginger
Mix above material agitate even, serve as steamed crab dip in makings.
3.Mashed garlic dips in makings:
- garlic Chengdu
- a few is unripe smoke
- a few vinegar
- a few candy (optional)
- a few balm (optional)
Mix above material agitate even, serve as steamed crab dip in makings.
No matter choose which kinds, dip in the mouthfeel that the action of makings is promotion crab and flavour, is not the raw ingredient that masks it.