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香水 Perfume


香水 Perfume

  • 香水是一种含有香料和酒精的液体,用于给身体或衣物增添香气。它通常分为前调、中调和基调,每种调性随着时间的推移逐渐显现,创造出独特的香气层次。香水的历史悠久,早在古埃及时期就已被使用,不仅用于个人卫生,还与宗教仪式和社会地位有关。现代香水种类繁多,从经典香水到现代设计师品牌,每种香水都有其独特的香调和包装设计,反映了使用者的个性和品味。  


    - Perfume: 香水 - Fragrance: 芳香 - Eau de Parfum (EdP): 浓香水 - Eau de Toilette (EdT): 淡香水 - Top Note: 前调 - Middle Note (Heart Note): 中调 - Base Note: 基调 - Scent: 香味 - Aroma: 芳香 - Olfactory: 嗅觉的 - Bottle Design: 瓶身设计 - Signature Scent: 标志性香水 - Niche Fragrance: 高端香水  


    1. She spritzes her signature scent before heading out for a special occasion.    (她在特殊场合出门前喷洒她的标志性香水。) 2. The top note of this perfume is a refreshing citrus, while the base note is a warm, sensual musk.    (这款香水的前调是清新的柑橘味,基调则是温暖、感性的麝香味。) 3. He prefers the subtle scent of eau de toilette over the stronger fragrance of eau de parfum.    (他喜欢淡香水的微妙香味,而不是浓香水的强烈香味。) 4. The packaging of this niche fragrance is as unique as its blend of exotic scents.    (这款高端香水的包装与其独特的异国香味一样独特。)  


    Perfume is more than just a luxury; it's an art form that captures the essence of a moment or a personality. The intricate balance of notes in a fragrance can evoke memories, emotions, and even tell a story. From the light, airy scents of spring to the rich, spicy aromas of winter, perfumes have the power to transform and uplift. The world of perfumery is vast, with each fragrance house offering its own unique creations. Whether you're drawn to the timeless elegance of classic perfumes or the bold innovation of modern scents, finding the perfect perfume is a journey of self-discovery and expression.   香水不仅仅是一种奢侈品;它是一种捕捉瞬间或个性精髓的艺术形式。香水中复杂的香调平衡可以唤起记忆、情感,甚至讲述一个故事。从春天轻盈的空气香味到冬天浓郁、辛辣的香气,香水有着转变和提升的力量。香水的世界是广阔的,每个香水品牌都提供着自己独特的创作。无论你是被经典香水的永恒优雅所吸引,还是现代香水的大胆创新,寻找完美的香水是一段自我发现和表达的旅程。