Buyer: 买房人
Seller: 卖房人
Real estate agent: 房地产经纪人
Realtor: 房地产经纪人(美国房地产协会会员)
Down payment: 首付款
Mortgage: 按揭
Loan: 贷款
Interest rate: 利率
Foreclosure: 止赎
Amortization: 分期偿还
Adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM): 可调利率按揭
Fixed-rate mortgage: 固定利率按揭
Principal: 本金
Equity: 产权
Closing costs: 结束成本(交易费用)
We are applying for a mortgage to purchase our first home.(我们正在申请按揭贷款购买我们的第一套房子。)
The bank has approved our mortgage application.(银行已经批准了我们的按揭申请。)
The interest rate on our mortgage is 4.5%.(我们的按揭利率是4.5%。)
We have to make a 20% down payment on the house.(我们必须支付20%的首付款。)
The monthly mortgage payment is more than we expected.(每月的按揭还款额比我们预期的要多。)
If we default on the mortgage, the bank can take our house.(如果我们违约,银行可以拿走我们的房子。)
The housing market has been volatile in recent years, with mortgage rates fluctuating and impacting the affordability of homeownership for many. Low-interest rates have made it easier for some to enter the market, but the risk of rising rates and economic uncertainty has left many potential buyers hesitant.