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1. **吉祥树(吊兰):** 吊兰被认为能够吸收负能量,并给人带来好运和积极的能量,是一种常见的室内植物选择。

2. **金钱树:** 金钱树被认为能够带来财富和好运,是风水上的常见选择。

3. **虎皮兰:** 虎皮兰也被认为是一种能够吸收负能量的植物,有助于改善室内气场。

4. **绿萝:** 绿萝是一种常见的室内植物,被认为能够带来好运和积极的能量。

5. **龙舌兰:** 龙舌兰被认为具有辟邪的作用,能够化解负能量,提升家居的气场。



The plant is being put in the sitting room is a kind common geomantic decorate a method, but which to choose to cultivate content to depend on the element such as the adornment style of your be fond of, sitting room and radial condition. Generally speaking, the following kinds of plants are in geomantic go up to be thought to be able to bring lucky:

1.** lucky tree (bracketplant) : ** bracketplant is thought to be able to draw negative energy, bring to the person lucky with active energy, it is a kind of common houseplant choice.

2.** money cultivates: ** money tree is thought to be able to bring fortune become reconciled to carry, it is wind aquatic common choice.

3.** Hu Pilan: ** Hu Pilan also is considered as a kind of plant that can draw negative energy, conduce to improvement indoor gas field.

4.** green trailing plants: ** green trailing plants is a kind of common houseplant, be thought to be able to be brought lucky with active energy.

5.** maguey: ** maguey is thought to have the effect of exorcise evil spirits, can dissolve negative energy, promote the gas field of household.

When selecting a plant, consider floral size, appearance and conserve difficulty even, the plant that ensures you choose can get used to the environment of the sitting room, and attend easily.
